'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray

There's no sugar coating it, without Ray this is not a good class. Even with Ray, it was an average class. I think there's some underrated talent with great potential no doubt, but this is not the kind of recruiting that's going to lead to championships and there's no questioning that.
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There's no sugar coating it, without Ray this is not a good class. Even with Ray, it was an average class. I think there's some underrated talent with great potential no doubt, but this is not the kind of recruiting that's going to lead to championships and there's no questioning that.
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Certainly not getting this guy is bad. But what's worse is having to listen to all the gloom and doomers who have been just chomping at the bit, waiting for their chance to ponce.
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And providing lots of luxury cars and cash as has been shown clearly this week. Ainge even discussed it on his show

We do that too although this year we must have decided to be frugal. It has been said before, but under Fulmer... let's just say we weren't shopping at the dollar store. Kiffin too for that matter.
We do that too although this year we must have decided to be frugal. It has been said before, but under Fulmer... let's just say we weren't shopping at the dollar store. Kiffin too for that matter.

Fulmer isn't here anymore. I'm talking about 7 straight years of number 1 recruiting classes. If we were doing that now, Knoxville media would report it. Not so at Bama.

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