You said you were over it and going away from this thread awhile back and never did. You are close to this kid and so close it is making you upset. Understandably so because you obviously care about the kids you train. You are getting upset about him not getting a UT offer. Again, you are close and a UT fan so I get it. However, getting upset with us posters ( not talking about the character thing) but other posters isn't going to be helpful at all because of this one fact which you know. Not only are we morans BUT, we can't give the kid a UT offer. No reason for Freak to delete the thread but maybe just be done with it for yourself. You are not the kid's parents but like most of those close to a possible recruit, eventually, you just get pissed off at some point because someone will say something upsetting. But do whatever you want. I would just give updates about what is going with him and drop the UT thing because no one here including you can do anything to get the staff to offer.