'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

He just might. If he makes it thru the sh!t he will definitely take for this maybe he'll be a better man and player from it..

If our squad is that meatheaded, they need to be chucked...yes, even Bain.
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If our squad is that meatheaded, they need to be chucked...yes, even Bain.

Whatever.. I've been in enough locker rooms to know occasionally issue arise that are 'handled', in house, by players/team leaders. It is what it is and is not necessarily a bad thing or "meatheaded" behavior.
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Are YOU serious?

I hate to break it to you, but Tee/Price/Henry/etc weren’t singing “F Tennessee” before they put on the orange.

Kick him off the team.

Far as you know. Might have sung or said worse. Weren’t exactly shy violets.
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If this were not an instage guy would you be feeling the same way? I really cannot understand how you think this is just kids being kids. That excuse isweak and lame in this situation.

I agree! When did 17 to 18 year old men and women become "kids"? Part of becoming an adult is understanding there are consequences for bad decisions and behavior. I don't know what will or should happen to Tanner, CJP and the team will ultimately decide. Our country has 18 to 22 year old young men and women serving in incredibly difficult situation all over the world where lives are on the line. Give the just "kids" theme a rest.
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Whatever.. I've been in enough locker rooms to know occasionally issue arise that are 'handled', in house, by players/team leaders. It is what it is and is not necessarily a bad thing or "meatheaded" behavior.

I was envisioning a scene out of Full Metal Jacket. That would reduce the Drae Bowles allegation to the level of a phone prank to ESPN, the Tennessean and other entities with only good thoughts for us. :) One saving grace that we’re skipping, is that our new HC is a long time HIGH SCHOOL coach who’s handled many real problems AND has sung that particular tune (and particular BAR) for longer than Tanner’s been alive. :wink2:
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Taking issue with someone saying "F Tennessee" is meatheaded to you?

Depends on what “taking issue” entails. Some razzing some talking to some “get with the program”? Cool. They try to Ooltewah him and “meatheaded” would be a generous term. :)
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I agree! When did 17 to 18 year old men and women become "kids"? Part of becoming an adult is understanding there are consequences for bad decisions and behavior. I don't know what will or should happen to Tanner, CJP and the team will ultimately decide. Our country has 18 to 22 year old young men and women serving in incredibly difficult situation all over the world where lives are on the line. Give the just "kids" theme a rest.

Can’t vote but can be destroyed for being recorded singing a song? :eek:k:
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One reason the world is going down the crapper...everybody wanting to make harsh reactionary definitive statements with a tiny morsel of info and no context whatsoever. It's ridiculous. Y'all are embarrassing. That is all.
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If indeed the video is from Tanner, here’s my suggestion.
Since Coach Pruitt is unavailable now, Tanners Dad should call Fulmer.
Tell Fulmer that his son is really sorry and embarrassed.
Ask Fulmer if Tanner should just ignore it for now and address with Pruitt later.
Or, ask if Tanner should issue an apology on social media.
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If indeed the video is from Tanner, here’s my suggestion.
Since Coach Pruitt is unavailable now, Tanners Dad should call Fulmer.
Tell Fulmer that his son is really sorry and embarrassed.
Ask Fulmer if Tanner should just ignore it for now and address with Pruitt later.
Or, ask if Tanner should issue an apology on social media.

Maybe Pruitt could join him and reminisce about when he sang the song...over and over...through the years? :question:
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Some of you guys must be truly miserable in life. No wonder I see so much high blood pressure.

Of you had ever been in a locker room then you should know and yes, the players will police and the coaches will not give as much rope before they process him. He will have to perform well and show even more dedication to be a starter in the SEC. Everyone has to perform or get over recruited and processed but his time table might not be as long as it would be. He can change that but I wouldn’t want him on my team.
Of you had ever been in a locker room then you should know and yes, the players will police and the coaches will not give as much rope before they process him. He will have to perform well and show even more dedication to be a starter in the SEC. Everyone has to perform or get over recruited and processed but his time table might not be as long as it would be. He can change that but I wouldn’t want him on my team.

I can see Pruitt kicking him off the team for singing a song he thought he had creative rights to. :)
Depends on what “taking issue” entails. Some razzing some talking to some “get with the program”? Cool. They try to Ooltewah him and “meatheaded” would be a generous term. :)

Ooltewah raped a kid up his azz and you compare to a punch. Also, the guys if they do it are also just KIDS. But those Ooltewah kids were filthy animals just to be clear on how I feel about that situation.
Ooltewah raped a kid up his azz and you compare to a punch. Also, the guys if they do it are also just KIDS. But those Ooltewah kids were filthy animals just to be clear on how I feel about that situation.

I picked an extreme example for a reason. THAT is what you would never use “kids being kids” in reference to. What if they had just SUNG to him?
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Can’t vote but can be destroyed for being recorded singing a song? :eek:k:

Suggest you re-read the post. I am not advocating "destroying" Tanner. CJP and the "team" will determine if he renains at TN. My beef was with the term "kids" to excuse mistakes. Tanner is a young man, if he feels he made a mistake, own it and move on.
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Suggest you re-read the post. I am not advocating "destroying" Tanner. CJP and the "team" will determine if he renains at TN. My beef was with the term "kids" to excuse mistakes. Tanner is a young man, if he feels he made a mistake, own it and move on.

I take back the use of the word “kid” and replace it with “people who haven’t had enough life experience to realize the ramifications of seemingly trivial actions such as these”.
If this was done only with he and Cade in the truck it’s a non issue. But when you allow it to be recorded and it gets out to people who only see the 5, 10 or 15 second clip with no context or background it allows for opinions and conclusions to be formed that are often undesirable. Perhaps if he was a person with more life experience he would have thought it through and made better choices.
Suggest you re-read the post. I am not advocating "destroying" Tanner. CJP and the "team" will determine if he renains at TN. My beef was with the term "kids" to excuse mistakes. Tanner is a young man, if he feels he made a mistake, own it and move on.

I suggest you wait until we finish overreacting. VN thing. :matrix:
All the talk about booting Tanner is stupid. He has a signed LOI that says he will be on scholarship and playing football at UTK. He will be here for at least the spring. There is no way that UT could boot him for singing a song. Two weeks ago there was booming and celebration for this kid. Now one of his so called friends hooked him up by posting a video and some are ready to crucify him. Did he post the video or somebody else? Did he respond or comment on the video in any way? Maybe he is ignoring it because it isn't worth the effort because it is a non-issue. Maybe we should follow suit.

I can't believe I'm on the verge of ignoring a signed players thread.
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Most adults realize he's 17-18 years old and it doesn't phase them. He's a kid. I'm sure you never said or did anything dumb.

My decision making in my life is irrelevant to Tanner and the standard doesn't revolve around my decision making. Terrible argument

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