'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Well you are the President of the VN Frequent Vacationers Club. You got all kinds of discounts and frequent flyer miles to use.

Retiree’s would kill for my points. :lol:
Ron, take that down before Bruin quotes and narcs.
My decision making in my life is irrelevant to Tanner and the standard doesn't revolve around my decision making. Terrible argument

Doesn’t revolve around his either...so good point! :thumbsup:
If this was alantae Taylor would y'all be saying kick him out? Don't care if he's a kid or a grown man. He does not owe any of us an apology for singing a song. This is such a minor thing to be upset about. I hope he comes in and becomes a great player and has a great career.
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Doesn’t revolve around his either...so good point! :thumbsup:

Your argument is atrocious.

You are validating an action based on hoping I made similar decisions.

Sorry to bust your bubble but i havent done anything of the sort. If I had, I'd expect to have consequences. You're diminished accountability holds zero merit.
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Kid doesn’t deserve to lose his scholly for this...period

But I feel pretty certain he’s going to get his ass kicked pretty bad when he does get to campus...if there’s any upperclassmen leadership at all on this team they will make a point to make his first few days of practice a living hell
Kid doesn’t deserve to lose his scholly for this...period

But I feel pretty certain he’s going to get his ass kicked pretty bad when he does get to campus...if there’s any upperclassmen leadership at all on this team they will make a point to make his first few days of practice a living hell

He better start working out.:)
You think he should be booted for singing a song and having a video posted without his knowledge? Maybe he lost a bet or was playing truth or dare. He is a high school kid you know.
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You think he should be booted for singing a song and having a video posted without his knowledge? Maybe he lost a bet or was playing truth or dare. He is a high school kid you know.

Yep. I was thinking about that as well. A lost bet.
I suggest you wait until we finish overreacting. VN thing. :matrix:

Not overreacting at all. Pruitt should set a tone early and let them know CBJ isn't around anymore. If you want to publicly say "f Tennessee", then you need to play somewhere else.
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Kid doesn’t deserve to lose his scholly for this...period

But I feel pretty certain he’s going to get his ass kicked pretty bad when he does get to campus...if there’s any upperclassmen leadership at all on this team they will make a point to make his first few days of practice a living hell

Why shouldn't he be dismissed
In the end, do I agree with him singing the song, and it being okay? No. Do I approve of it? No. It reeks of this kid not being a leader, IMO. And Tennessee needs, and should want leaders.

I just have a feeling that this is one of those situations that is going to work itself out. See Drae Bowles. See Joc Bruce. TA either wilts like a daisy in spring practice under the pressure, ridicule, and possible punishment, or he owns it and emerges stronger and better for it. Perhaps even learning the consequences of not being a leader when he should have, and developing those skills to be one in the future as a result.

Pruitt doesn't need to kick him off the team. He just needs to allow him to go thru hell this spring and see how he emerges. Tennessee will be fine either way.
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Your argument is atrocious.

You are validating an action based on hoping I made similar decisions.

Sorry to bust your bubble but i havent done anything of the sort. If I had, I'd expect to have consequences. You're diminished accountability holds zero merit.

You’re that one perfect guy! Read about you but thought you were a myth! That’s ok. The guy right next to you in the stoning line ****** up enough for the both of you...and some stragglers. Kid learned don’t do anything ever again because mouth breathers got them some internetz. :)
Calls for Pulling scholly is just emotional overreacting. It's pretty simple. Get him on campus let the team handle him internally and make him work twice as hard to earn back respect
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Not overreacting at all. Pruitt should set a tone early and let them know CBJ isn't around anymore. If you want to publicly say "f Tennessee", then you need to play somewhere else.

And he can relate because he sung it WITH VITRIOL many a time. Specially since his two seasons as a Bama player coincided with the first two seasons of our longest winning streak against them.
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Calls for Pulling scholly is just emotional overreacting. It's pretty simple. Get him on campus let the team handle him internally and make him work twice as hard to earn back respect

But when do we stone his puppy in front of him?
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The punishment wouldn’t fit the crime IMO...this is something that should (and I believe will) be handled internally

University offers you a free education. You publicly say f that university. University removes scholarship. Sounds very fitting to me
And he can relate because he sung it WITH VITRIOL many a time. Specially since his two seasons as a Bama player coincided with the first two seasons of our longest winning streak against them.

I have no problem with that. If you're with a program, be all in or get out. Pruitt was all in with the teams he was with at that time, now he's all in here. Sounds like Tanner isn't all in. Dismiss him.

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