'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

The bottom line is, the spot's gone and the kid's going to be part of this class. Lucky for him, he's not an EE so he won't join the team until summer. I'm sure he'll receive a few pointers on what to do-- and not do-- until then.

1. No singing with anyone with an abnormally large noggin.

2. Curb stomp Old Charlie Brown for being a pal and posting that crap.

3. Gain some weight, Kick butt .
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You don't think grappling takes much athletic ability? Flopping around on the mat like a fish while getting humiliated doesn't...... being a good wrestler does.

Nah... grappling doesn’t take much athletic ability at all. A lot of the best grapplers I have ever seen would never be described as good athletes as far as athletic ability goes!
Yes, I’m sure we all have. I said much worse actually.

However, the point you’re refraining to recognize is that consumers are suppose to give their opinions. How would the market know what appeals to consumers without consumer reviews, critiques, etc? It will always be that way.

Consumers, (us fans) have no binding contracts, commitments, or dues to be paid to the University of Tennessee. We can say whatever the F we want with no consequences regarding the school itself. That’s how we got rid of Greg Schiano, forget already? We’re the ones filling the seats during game day, and those who aren’t are helping the ratings on TV which turns into revenue.

Tanner, however, has not only a verbal but more importantly a physical binding agreement TO GIVE HIS ALL for the University while also representing himself as a Tennessee Volunteer.

A privilege isn’t a right, and although I’ve never played, I can bet your candy a**es playing football for the University of Tennessee Knoxville would be recognized as a PRIVILEGE by any true Volunteer.

To anyone who ever says F Tennessee....

VOLS, B****

Hope you didn't pull anything reaching for that narrative. I thought it was a well written yelp review. I appreciate yer right to consume these young men beating each other up and yer right to voice an opinion about their singing ability. But the point of the post you quoted, I believe, was intended to show how hypocritical that opinion may sound. Thanks for the economy lesson though. Real informative.
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Nah... grappling doesn’t take much athletic ability at all. A lot of the best grapplers I have ever seen would never be described as good athletes as far as athletic ability goes!

Haha what a statement...what constitutes athletic? Most high level wrestlers are very, very athletic.
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He doesn’t have to do anything but since it went out on social media, it would be a wise thing to do from a PR perspective. Get some help on how to word and address it.

Assuming the UTAD feel that this is an issue, don't you think they will guide and advise Tanner on how to handle it. If we don't hear anything, it is probably because nobody really thinks it is an issue worth acknowledging.
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You ever say anything you later regretted? You ever say anything that got overheard or taken out of context? You ever have something you said get blown way out of proportion?

No? Well then please proceed to the stone bin and select your stone for the stoning of Tanner.

We all have, and likely Antonutti has here as well.

But he should still suffer the consequences of saying “F U” to the team/coaches/former players/fans and state university he just signed with.

JP should cut him loose imo...it’s the only way he can set the right tone and attitude with the team coming in as it’s new head coach. Some things are just to egregious to come back from, and this is one of them imo.

The locker room and other 84 scholarship players who are vital to building the right culture are much more important here than one kid who’s a project at best for this class. Cut him loose and let’s move on with a clean slate.
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We all have, and likely Antonutti has here as well.

But he should still suffer the consequences of saying “F U” to the team/coaches/former players/fans and state university he just signed with.

JP should cut him loose imo...it’s the only way he can set the right tone and attitude with the team coming in as it’s new head coach. Some things are just to egregious to come back from, and this is one of them imo.

The locker room and other 84 scholarship players who are vital to building the right culture are much more important here than one kid who’s a project at best for this class. Cut him loose and let’s move on with a clean slate.

Totally disagree with you. :hi:
Hope you didn't pull anything reaching for that narrative. I thought it was a well written yelp review. I appreciate yer right to consume these young men beating each other up and yer right to voice an opinion about their singing ability. But the point of the post you quoted, I believe, was intended to show how hypocritical that opinion may sound. Thanks for the economy lesson though. Real informative.

That there is funny........
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Totally disagree with you. :hi:

No worries.

Perhaps JP should make it a priority/include it in the recruiting profile to go after 3 star marginal players who are projects going forward....especially if they’re documented to have said “F Tennessee” on video so that at least half the team will want to fight him as soon as he steps on campus. That’ll really set/help build the program culture that he’s likely looking for.
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No worries.

Perhaps JP should make it a priority/include it in the recruiting profile to go after 3 star marginal players who are projects going forward....especially if they’re documented to have said “F Tennessee” on video so that at least half the team will want to fight him as soon as he steps on campus. That’ll really set/help build the program culture that he’s likely looking for.

Had plenty of legit offers and a 6’7 frame. Innocent mistake that’ll be a good teaching situation for the team. Pruitt spent many a season molding younger and dumber into better. Team will razz him and then get to work playing football. :hi:
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Something happened with Cade that pissed some players off and I think Hubbs mentioned it and said Cade was immature. If true and some of those players are still around, just allnthe hanging out with Cade and doing stupid stuff is going to affect Tanner. All involved are young kids and you can’t have a divided locker room. CJP is goimg to be cultivating his culture. It will be handled and if it is better to cut him loose he will. Yes, he is signed so you can’t sign someone else to replace him but you can give his scholarship to a deserving walk on who has earned it to get to 85. I don’t think it will come to that but CJP will handle it the way he wants to but he is not leaving what he is getting ready for Monday night to do it. This is not being ignored because it is not a big deal Glitch. It will be done at the proper time.
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Something happened with Cade that pissed some players off and I think Hubbs mentioned it and said Cade was immature. If true and some of those players are still around, just allnthe hanging out with Cade and doing stupid stuff is going to affect Tanner. All involved are young kids and you can’t have a divided locker room. CJP is goimg to be cultivating his culture. It will be handled and if it is better to cut him loose he will. Yes, he is signed so you can’t sign someone else to replace him but you can give his scholarship to a deserving walk on who has earned it to get to 85. I don’t think it will come to that but CJP will handle it the way he wants to but he is not leaving what he is getting ready for Monday night to do it. This is not being ignored because it is not a big deal Glitch. It will be done at the proper time.

I don’t know what they would be “divided” over. They’ll 100% “what the hell were you thinking?” this. I think we’re projecting our 70’s, 80’s and 90’s “did you hear what Tanner said?” mentalities onto kids who’ve grown up with social media and know the bear traps you can set for yourself. This’ll be handled in-team with little drama and then they’ll do FOOTBALL. :)
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You are all liars if you claim you didn't say one of the following at some point last season: **** this team, **** this guy, **** that player, or **** football in general.

I did not say any of those, nothing close to it. And no, I'm not a liar. I dare say most fans didn't. Being frustrated is completely different from level you're taking it. Some people just can't accept the fact that we're not all the same and not everybody else acts like they do.
I don’t know what they would be “divided” over. They’ll 100% “what the hell were you thinking?” this. I think we’re projecting our 70’s, 80’s and 90’s “did you hear what Tanner said?” mentalities onto kids who’ve grown up with social media and know the bear traps you can set for yourself. This’ll be handled in-team with little drama and then they’ll do FOOTBALL. :)

I was addressing Glitch. Things started falling apart with Cade after a visit as far as some player rumblings. Just tying that in. Would serve Tanner well to find a different hunting buddy. His bud hung him out to try. More of Cade’s immaturity. I hope that girl who was a soddy cheerleader whose dad posted on here has ditched Cade. Wouldn’t want my daughter near him.
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Something happened with Cade that pissed some players off and I think Hubbs mentioned it and said Cade was immature. If true and some of those players are still around, just allnthe hanging out with Cade and doing stupid stuff is going to affect Tanner. All involved are young kids and you can’t have a divided locker room. CJP is goimg to be cultivating his culture. It will be handled and if it is better to cut him loose he will. Yes, he is signed so you can’t sign someone else to replace him but you can give his scholarship to a deserving walk on who has earned it to get to 85. I don’t think it will come to that but CJP will handle it the way he wants to but he is not leaving what he is getting ready for Monday night to do it. This is not being ignored because it is not a big deal Glitch. It will be done at the proper time.

Well said JV..... this whole thing has been blown WAY out of proportion.... it amazes me how delicate some adult males are these days. It's a miracle we don't see more of this kind of thing when you consider the ages of the kids combined with social media.
I did not say any of those, nothing close to it. And no, I'm not a liar. I dare say most fans didn't. Being frustrated is completely different from level you're taking it. Some people just can't accept the fact that we're not all the same and not everybody else acts like they do.

It's a shame we don't all live in a Buddhist monestary like you Grasshopper
I was addressing Glitch. Things started falling apart with Cade after a visit as far as some player rumblings. Just tying that in. Would serve Tanner well to find a different hunting buddy. His bud hung him out to try. More of Cade’s immaturity. I hope that girl who was a soddy cheerleader whose dad posted on here has ditched Cade. Wouldn’t want my daughter near him.

I hope this is a lesson learned for Tanner and while lessons often require pain to learn, I hope this doesn't hurt beyond repair. Cade needs to learn some lessons too and I hope the players teach them to him over the next four years.
He doesn't have to say I am sorry to you or me. Only his teammates. That is private. We don't get to see or know about that.

You're right about that...... and you know it will be done if he actually said it. He'll get some hazing from the upperclassmen and perhaps made an example of by the coaches and it will all work out if he wants it to
Nah... grappling doesn’t take much athletic ability at all. A lot of the best grapplers I have ever seen would never be described as good athletes as far as athletic ability goes!

Then I suggest you get on the mat with an average wrestler.... not even a good one..... and experience him pummeling you for a minute or so.

I guess you think boxers aren't good athletes either... or cyclists....or distance runners...what other sports have competitors that have little athletic ability?
No worries.

Perhaps JP should make it a priority/include it in the recruiting profile to go after 3 star marginal players who are projects going forward....especially if they’re documented to have said “F Tennessee” on video so that at least half the team will want to fight him as soon as he steps on campus. That’ll really set/help build the program culture that he’s likely looking for.

Perhaps you should go tell Tanner what you think. You and the rest of this gutless lynch mob have no idea of the context of this event. Get a life and GTFU.
I don't think the kid needs to be kicked off the team etc..But I wouldn't be mad if he ran goat trails until he puked his lungs up.If the kid had any previous crap then Yes I could understand wanting him gone,but it seems kid was out being stupid with cade and made a HUGE mistake..No it's not acceptable but kicking him off the team is a bit excessive...in the end I expect Pruitt to have a talk with him and do what is best for the team! jmo
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It would be absolutely stupid to dismiss a recently signed player over this. And it would confirm to the rest of the NCAA and to every recruit in every high-school in America that this program is run by idiots. I am grateful that no one on this message board has any say about discipline or personnel decisions.
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