'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Serious question.. CAN the school/AD declare his LOI null and void over this?

I, for one, do not think they should, but from what little I've read there's just a handful of reasons for doing this and I don't think offending a segment of the fanbase qualifies.
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Seriously neither Cade or Tanner has commented since this video?

Maybe Kevin stepped in? I'll bet he could still discipline Cade. It's one thing to choose another school. I doubt Kevin appreciated the video of his son singing that song. Probably handling it within the family. Like our team will with Tanner.
Serious question.. CAN the school/AD declare his LOI null and void over this?

I, for one, do not think they should, but from what little I've read there's just a handful of reasons for doing this and I don't think offending a segment of the fanbase qualifies.

Offending delicate faries is a definitely a legally fireable offense in today's society.
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Serious question.. CAN the school/AD declare his LOI null and void over this?

I, for one, do not think they should, but from what little I've read there's just a handful of reasons for doing this and I don't think offending a segment of the fanbase qualifies.

I seriously doubt it. He may have to sit through some social media class but they won't revoke his LOI over something this silly.
Maybe Kevin stepped in? I'll bet he could still discipline Cade. It's one thing to choose another school. I doubt Kevin appreciated the video of his son singing that song. Probably handling it within the family. Like our team will with Tanner.

Handling it with only the people involved? What is that? It should be handled on the courthouse steps in from of an audience of fans! Maybe even give all the fans signs to hold up that say "crucify him!"
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This thread...you guys cannot truly believe a kids future should be impacted because of this video...can you? Khalil was questioned on twitter for wearing USC gear supporting his brother. Fans are bat @&@& crazy. Let these young men live their lives. It was a dumb thing to do and have it on video, but not anything to get crazy about.
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Serious question.. CAN the school/AD declare his LOI null and void over this?

I, for one, do not think they should, but from what little I've read there's just a handful of reasons for doing this and I don't think offending a segment of the fanbase qualifies.

Most marginal prospects are in state, high character, high effort guys that need to keep their nose clean, get good grades and by year 3-4 provide depth. Tanner would be best served to keep a low profile. The school will honor his scholarship for at least a year. He’ll be dealt with internally and he better work his butt off to stay on scholly.
This thread...you guys cannot truly believe a kids future should be impacted because of this video...can you? Khalil was questioned on twitter for wearing USC gear supporting his brother. Fans are bat @&@& crazy. Let these young men live their lives. It was a dumb thing to do and have it on video, but not anything to get crazy about.

Don't you tell us what we can and can't get crazy about. Our crazy will not be contained by your logic. Get out of here!
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Perhaps you should go tell Tanner what you think. You and the rest of this gutless lynch mob have no idea of the context of this event. Get a life and GTFU.

No context? What are you his mother?

The only context I need is a Tennessee incoming signee happily singing “f*** Tennessee” on a video. How about you provide the context, any context, where that’s a good thing and “isn’t as it seems”. Go ahead, we’re all waiting.

And F you with your “gutless Lynch mob” comment. I care about the program, my Alma Mater, and the kids that are 100% committed to giving everything they have to making our broken program a winner again. I couldn’t care less about 1 punk kid who has no respect for the program and his future teammates, just like I couldn’t care less about our former fraud of a head coach who just ran the program into the ditch. It’s about the program, which is much, much bigger than one player or one coach.

And for some odd reason, I just have a difficult time believing some 18 year old young man merrily singing “f*** Tennessee” on a social media platform is a great addition to the program....especially when he’s a marginal, developmental project who will never likely see a meaningful snap at Tennessee.
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No context? What are you his mother?

The only context I need is a Tennessee incoming signee happily singing “f*** Tennessee” on a video. How about you provide the context, any context, where that’s a good thing and “isn’t as it seems”. Go ahead, we’re all waiting.

And F you with your “gutless Lynch mob” comment. I care about the program, my Alma Mater, and the kids that are 100% committed to giving everything they have to making our broken program a winner again. I couldn’t care less about 1 punk kid who has no respect for the program and his future teammates, just like I couldn’t care less about our former fraud of a head coach who just ran the program into the ditch. It’s about the program, which is much, much bigger than one player or one coach.

And for some odd reason, I just have a difficult time believing some 18 year old young man merrily singing “f*** Tennessee” on a social media platform is a great addition to the program....especially when he’s a marginal, developmental project who will never likely see a meaningful snap at Tennessee.

Insert rustled jimmies photo
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Insert rustled jimmies photo

You’re good with incoming recruits singing “F Tennessee”, I’m not. I don’t particularly care for from players on rival teams, I’m certainly not good with from guys saying they want on the roster. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
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How bout this?

Fook Georgia
And Clemson U
And Alabama too

That’s more like it. The fact that so many on here are good with our own (potentially) players saying it is unreal...and perhaps explains all the undying love so many had for Butch Jones as he ran the program into the ground. He once said it too.
Maybe Kevin stepped in? I'll bet he could still discipline Cade. It's one thing to choose another school. I doubt Kevin appreciated the video of his son singing that song. Probably handling it within the family. Like our team will with Tanner.

Tanner’s family bleeds orange. Bet this came up. What the team does should pale in comparison.
That’s more like it. The fact that so many on here are good with our own (potentially) players saying it is unreal...and perhaps explains all the undying love so many had for Butch Jones as he ran the program into the ground. He once said it too.

You’re overreacting. :)
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Handling it with only the people involved? What is that? It should be handled on the courthouse steps in from of an audience of fans! Maybe even give all the fans signs to hold up that say "crucify him!"

And OutofmyVolcanmind in the role he was created to play...Pontius Pilate. :)
No context? What are you his mother?

The only context I need is a Tennessee incoming signee happily singing “f*** Tennessee” on a video. How about you provide the context, any context, where that’s a good thing and “isn’t as it seems”. Go ahead, we’re all waiting.

And F you with your “gutless Lynch mob” comment. I care about the program, my Alma Mater, and the kids that are 100% committed to giving everything they have to making our broken program a winner again. I couldn’t care less about 1 punk kid who has no respect for the program and his future teammates, just like I couldn’t care less about our former fraud of a head coach who just ran the program into the ditch. It’s about the program, which is much, much bigger than one player or one coach.

And for some odd reason, I just have a difficult time believing some 18 year old young man merrily singing “f*** Tennessee” on a social media platform is a great addition to the program....especially when he’s a marginal, developmental project who will never likely see a meaningful snap at Tennessee.

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Assuming the UTAD feel that this is an issue, don't you think they will guide and advise Tanner on how to handle it. If we don't hear anything, it is probably because nobody really thinks it is an issue worth acknowledging.

Or it was handled internally. Won't know either way.

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