'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Give me Antonutti all day over a second LB, especially when I look at how awful the LB board looks. We are in on zero impact guys there. We do not need to be taking two undersized reach types at LB in the same class.

Weve been skimping on LBs for years, it's why Jumper has been playing so much and why we've had to resort to 2 LB sets many times. I think it's a problem with evaluation to be honest. Thig is a great recruiter but his results on the field with the LB unit have been weak at best. Something needs to change at LB - either coaching or recruiting wise. Skimping on LBs for another year is going to backfire on us.
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Weve been skimping on LBs for years, it's why Jumper has been playing so much and why we've had to resort to 2 LB sets many times. I think it's a problem with evaluation to be honest. Thig is a great recruiter but his results on the field with the LB unit have been weak at best. Something needs to change at LB - either coaching or recruiting wise. Skimping on LBs for another year is going to backfire on us.

Maybe. But it seems a waste of class space to keep taking LBs if we are either evaluating or coaching them so poorly.
Weve been skimping on LBs for years, it's why Jumper has been playing so much and why we've had to resort to 2 LB sets many times. I think it's a problem with evaluation to be honest. Thig is a great recruiter but his results on the field with the LB unit have been weak at best. Something needs to change at LB - either coaching or recruiting wise. Skimping on LBs for another year is going to backfire on us.

I agree that it seems to be more of an evaluation problem rather than a skimping problem. We lost JRM, McDowell, Kirkland, and Sapp to injury last year. Any team will have issues when they lose their top 4 linebackers. Bryant and Bates didn't pan out and were misses. Berry is average. Hopefully, they evaluated better with the guys that are coming in this year.
Weve been skimping on LBs for years, it's why Jumper has been playing so much and why we've had to resort to 2 LB sets many times. I think it's a problem with evaluation to be honest. Thig is a great recruiter but his results on the field with the LB unit have been weak at best. Something needs to change at LB - either coaching or recruiting wise. Skimping on LBs for another year is going to backfire on us.
From what we know of who we're in on at LB, I'm just not that impressed with who we could land there. I'd rather go heavy on a position that we have good options at than just go on a need basis to fill out numbers. Lb recruiting has been underwhelming though.
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I agree that it seems to be more of an evaluation problem rather than a skimping problem. We lost JRM, McDowell, Kirkland, and Sapp to injury last year. Any team will have issues when they lose their top 4 linebackers. Bryant and Bates didn't pan out and were misses. Berry is average. Hopefully, they evaluated better with the guys that are coming in this year.

I really don't see that evaluations with Bates and Berry were the problem--our evaluations were the same as many other schools. I hope both of these guys have great years coming up but if they don't, it wasn't an evaluation issue. For whatever reason, injuries, schemes, etc they don't all pan out.
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Let's see how Reid, Ignont, and Page turn out. I think our LBs will be a lot better this year if we stick to a true 4-3.
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From what we know of who we're in on at LB, I'm just not that impressed with who we could land there. I'd rather go heavy on a position that we have good options at than just go on a need basis to fill out numbers. Lb recruiting has been underwhelming though.

Jibunor/A. Johnson both look like a studs. Jibunor interest seems real, A. Johnson was offered at the beginning of June so weve got some catch-up work to do there.

McGrone is probably the best pure LB we have on the board - we're in his top 6. Slim chance we land him though.

Mathew Flint visited for OCD - I think he may be lower down the board but might still be a take, then theres guy like Dingle, C. Jones and J. Jones who have had interest in us for a while - they may be back up plans as well.

There is also Caleb Kelly who named us his leader after OCD. He said we were recruited him as a DE, but at 6'3" 205 lbs he's definitely a tweener.
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Per Hubbs

The likelihood is Tanner Antonutti is going to end up in this class. We don't believe the Vols will let him head to LSU as Butch Jones is a big fan of the long tight end and future offensive tackle.
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I'm wondering if we may try to blueshirt Ollie Lane, in order to open up another spot for a OL in this class.

...wherever he winds up, he’s almost certain he’ll be playing on the offensive line. Knowing that, he’s had to make a few changes. “Bigger breakfasts, bigger protein shakes before I go to bed and when I wake up,” said Antonutti, who is No. 11 on this year’s Tennessean Dandy Dozen. “Really I’m eating every three hours.” As a result, he’s piled on 15 pounds since last season, but the 6-foot-5, 265-pound senior hasn’t gone full O-lineman just yet.

“I think (Antonutti) will probably be a combination of tight end and tackle on offense for us,” Ensworth coach Ricky Bowers said. “Defensively, he’ll be like a rush end or defensive tackle, and he’ll probably punt for us. He’s like a great utility player. He can play almost anywhere and can do almost anything.”

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...wherever he winds up, he’s almost certain he’ll be playing on the offensive line. Knowing that, he’s had to make a few changes. “Bigger breakfasts, bigger protein shakes before I go to bed and when I wake up,” said Antonutti, who is No. 11 on this year’s Tennessean Dandy Dozen. “Really I’m eating every three hours.” As a result, he’s piled on 15 pounds since last season, but the 6-foot-5, 265-pound senior hasn’t gone full O-lineman just yet.

“I think (Antonutti) will probably be a combination of tight end and tackle on offense for us,” Ensworth coach Ricky Bowers said. “Defensively, he’ll be like a rush end or defensive tackle, and he’ll probably punt for us. He’s like a great utility player. He can play almost anywhere and can do almost anything.”


Oh man how cool would that be? To have our RT trot out there to boom punts :)
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When...and link please?

This year's rule changes. The exact wording of the rules hasn't been released, but they hinted that greyshirting and blueshirting may be out the window.


"Also bundled in the proposal is the limitation of annual scholarships to 25. This is a move to do away with oversigning and to reduce the practice of grayshirting, a tactic by which schools delay the enrollment of a prospect until the following January so his signing would technically count as part of the next class.

The legislation limits to 25 the number of prospects whose aid is initially offered in the fall term of an academic year. Before, rules limited to 25 the number of prospects allowed to sign from Dec. 1 through May 31. This portion of the changes will affect newcomers in the 2018 signing class."
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This year's rule changes. The exact wording of the rules haven't been released, but they hinted that greyshirting and blueshirting may be out the window.


"Also bundled in the proposal is the limitation of annual scholarships to 25. This is a move to do away with oversigning and to reduce the practice of grayshirting, a tactic by which schools delay the enrollment of a prospect until the following January so his signing would technically count as part of the next class.

The legislation limits to 25 the number of prospects whose aid is initially offered in the fall term of an academic year. Before, rules limited to 25 the number of prospects allowed to sign from Dec. 1 through May 31. This portion of the changes will affect newcomers in the 2018 signing class."

Saban grayshirted a top prospect from this class. If this is official,I'm shocked he didn't throw some muscle.
Saban grayshirted a top prospect from this class. If this is official,I'm shocked he didn't throw some muscle.

The rule passed. But like I said, don't know the official wording, so there still could be loopholes. It wouldn't affect anyone recruited (BS or GS) from 2017 class.
The rule passed. But like I said, don't know the official wording, so there still could be loopholes. It wouldn't affect anyone recruited (BS or GS) from 2017 class.

Not sure that language affects blueshirting. Seems targeted towards grayshirting. But then again, blueshirting always has seemed like a dirty little secret...no one talks about it. :dunno:
Not sure that language affects blueshirting. Seems targeted towards grayshirting. But then again, blueshirting always has seemed like a dirty little secret...no one talks about it. :dunno:

If 25 is the limit on new fall scholarship players, then you could no longer have 26 with 1 counting forward. Seems more geared toward BS than GS to me. GS is more asking someone to delay joining your team. You don't have a spot for them this year but will next.


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