'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Don't agree.

He was flippant about it. Alongside a UGA signee that had very publicly shot the double birds at Tennessee.

He wasn't overcome with emotion, acting on impulse. He knew exactly what he was doing, while he was doing it. And he thought it was funny.

Chuckle......you’re one twisted boy....smh..
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Good. We're still chugging along nicely in here. Excellent.


It's really just about sustaining it at this point :)
A fan of the program has less value than someone singing UT hate songs? Alrighty then.

Yes, since the fan won't be suiting up on Saturdays. Tanner is young and stupid, but he's still a UT signee. If it's a big deal to Pruitt, he'll handle it in whatever way he deems fit. At this point though, Tanner is still an undeveloped talent that may be coached up to become a true player for the Vols. Hell, his own stupidity in this situation may just fuel his fire to prove himself. The anger at being spurned by Cade is being redirected at a more convenient target. Screw that. How many times have we wanted players to get a second chance? Hell, we've argued for third and fourth chances for some guys. Stop throwing stones at the kid and give him a shot to redeem himself.

Curiously, I wonder, as a lifelong Bammer, how many times do you think Pruitt has said "F TN" over the years? Should we not have hired him because of that?
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Just for argument, what if Tanner had said f*** coach Pruitt or f*** TN fans or f*** VolNation along with his buddy Cade. Would it still be a non issue? Just curious.

Naming an individual makes it personal.....

Everyone knows the young man shouldn't have said it..... but to crucify him over it is silly..... call him a dumbass and let the issue take care of itself
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Seriously, y'all need to drop the lynch mob mentality. Put down the pitchforks and douse the torches. This **** is getting blown out of proportion. He's what? Seventeen? And he screwed up. Who the hell didn't screw up as a teenager? Get over the butt hurt and move on.
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Seriously, y'all need to drop the lynch mob mentality. Put down the pitchforks and douse the torches. This **** is getting blown out of proportion. He's what? Seventeen? And he screwed up. Who the hell didn't screw up as a teenager? Get over the butt hurt and move on.

Mistakes at 17? I just cannot think of any. :)
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Dayum. Seems like this thread is winding down and I'm gonna miss it. I haven't had this much fun since I got my training wheels removed, and that was a long time ago. Rest in peace. :)
Dayum. Seems like this thread is winding down and I'm gonna miss it. I haven't had this much fun since I got my training wheels removed, and that was a long time ago. Rest in peace. :)

All we need is someone to gaslight this thing, and the lowly rated barely recruited ingrates thread can continue.......

If only we had someone that could push everyone's red buttons........
Who knows and who cares, let’s drop the BS and quit acting like this kid committed the unforgivable crime! He signed to represent the vols this season, no chance he is “released” without major backlash! We’ve supported players who have done or been rumored to do much worse, everyone get off your high horse!

I've always been told blasphemy was unforgivable. 🤔
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