'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Imo we don't need kids that don't respect the opportunity they have just been given. That's just keeping the status quo of the last few years. You think Inky would approve of this? This man has lost use of an arm and all he talks about is how grateful he is and what a honor it was to wear the orange. This is why I think it was a punk move and I wouldn't care if they did part ways. That is up to the powers that be but I will never be a fan I don't care if he's the next Anthony Munoz.Jmo

Do you think inky would want him cut? I bet inky would not be that unforgiving. He seems like someone who would use it as an opportunity to learn. Maybe though. Forgiveness is considered evil is I believe what they say.
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Do you think inky would want him cut? I bet inky would not be that unforgiving. He seems like someone who would use it as an opportunity to learn. Maybe though. Forgiveness is considered evil is I believe what they say.

You have your opinion, I respect that. I have mine. GBO
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By reading this thread. Good one though. Original. Just didn't agree with some opinions on this and voiced my opinion. Reasonable discourse ensued by both sides and here we are. With nothing accomplished. Haha. Wish I was connected to him though. Tickets would be nice.

Tickets? Good luck lol....
By reading this thread. Good one though. Original. Just didn't agree with some opinions on this and voiced my opinion. Reasonable discourse ensued by both sides and here we are. With nothing accomplished. Haha. Wish I was connected to him though. Tickets would be nice.

Or better yet you could go duck hunting with him and Cade and make the next viral video a trio.
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What in the ever living hell is going on in here. I leave for a couple of weeks and this is the kind of sh** show I come back to!

I wasn't more than a couple of months ago I stood in the middle of a room full of donors, and our former AD, and said Fu** Tennessee and every one of you stupid fu**ers who can't understand what a fu**fest the AD has turned into.

I've loved Tennessee and Tennessee Football as long as I can remember and I said Fu** Tennessee.

Hell, I probably say it at least once a week, in front of friends and family...and other donors...with a crowd of 102,455 sitting in the stands, during football season. At least for the last several years.

You got a problem with it? :finger3:

That comes from being passionate about the Tennessee..not openly mocking it...big difference
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Soo...seeing as this dude openly mocks the Vols along with his butt buddy Cade, none of you defenders of the saintly innocent Tanner have an inkling of worry that this turd will spill game day plans to his duck blind partner?
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Soo...seeing as this dude openly mocks the Vols along with his butt buddy Cade, none of you defenders of the saintly innocent Tanner have an inkling of worry that this turd will spill game day plans to his duck blind partner?

Nope. Sounds like you are though. Must be stressful to come up with these horrific hypothetical scenarios though. Seems to me cade would be just as likely to spill game day plans to tanner in yer conspiracy theory. Cade was a Tennessee fan going to a place he may not start and has already shown less commitment to his favorite team than tanner. Maybe if he doesn't get what he wants at Georgia he will give tanner the Georgia game plan. I mean if we're playing with assumptions and hypotheticals then this is just as likely.
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Nope. Sounds like you are though. Must be stressful to come up with these horrific hypothetical scenarios though. Seems to me cade would be just as likely to spill game day plans to tanner in yer conspiracy theory. Cade was a Tennessee fan going to a place he may not start and has already shown less commitment to his favorite team than tanner. Maybe if he doesn't get what he wants at Georgia he will give tanner the Georgia game plan. I mean if we're playing with assumptions and hypotheticals then this is just as likely.
I will never understand defenders of this horsecrap like you.
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So how exactly are you connected to the Antonutti family?

I'm really disappointed in myself for missing the opportunity for a joke when I originally responded to this. I should've said I'm his uncle and he told me to tell you specifically, f you. Hahaha. Dang it.
I will never understand defenders of this horsecrap like you.

That's fine. Life goes on. This has started to get boring anyway. The only new things being said are hypotheticals and conspiracy theories. Everything else is just repeating either I'm mad or I'm not mad and here's why. Twas fun. Have a good one.
Same thing happened to my son around 4 years of age...only the perforation occurred when the tube didn't come out in time. He had the skin graph done on his ear drum. The incision was behind the ear, so the scar is not really noticeable. Everything turned out well. It's a trying experience, to say the least. Have faith.

Thank you for the encouraging words. I hope I am simply over reacting. How long did recovery take? Did you stay in a hospital overnight post surgery? Did he get all hearing back or was there some loss?

Sorry for all the questions lol. I prefer to get experiences of the ones on the patient side.
Soo...seeing as this dude openly mocks the Vols along with his butt buddy Cade, none of you defenders of the saintly innocent Tanner have an inkling of worry that this turd will spill game day plans to his duck blind partner?

Good Lord McGill, take step back, a deep breath and read your own post. You're way to emotional over this. Maybe you should let this go..
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Just for argument, what if Tanner had said f*** coach Pruitt or f*** TN fans or f*** VolNation along with his buddy Cade. Would it still be a non issue? Just curious.
Soo...seeing as this dude openly mocks the Vols along with his butt buddy Cade, none of you defenders of the saintly innocent Tanner have an inkling of worry that this turd will spill game day plans to his duck blind partner?

Come out of your parents basement and take breath of fresh air..
Good. We're still chugging along nicely in here. Excellent.

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Can we get back on topic in here; firing F bombs at people?

People throw F bombs every day. If you are going to get all wounded knee about it, maybe you should either grow a sense of humor or go live on a remote island somewhere.

They are 17 year olds. If you aren't their Daddy, coach principal, or some other significant part of their lives? All your whining does is encourage it.

Sound like getting off topic is the way to go.
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