'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Apparently it does. If he said it in anger I guess you'd be okay with it. Seems backwards to me but if that's how you feel about it then cool.

We can see from the video his comments weren't made in anger.

He's joking around with a UGA signee about "F Tennessee". He was not overcome with emotion. He thought it was funny.
We can see from the video his comments weren't made in anger.

He's joking around with a UGA signee about "F Tennessee". He was not overcome with emotion. He thought it was funny.

I know. Didn't you say you were okay with jj saying it because he was mad or was that someone else? That's what I was talking about. Saying it in anger would seem worse to me than jokingly.
I've been better. Just found out my son has a significant ear drum perforation due to a doctor that yanked out his tube without consulting with me first on a follow up visit for a fungal infection. It's been a month since the dr. did that and over 60% is still missing. Alot of stuff going through my head about long term ramifications and lawyering up. He may need a skin graph which is an intense operation for a two year old.

Breaks my heart and has kept me up at night. He's a sweet boy, full of energy, laughter and joy. We will have it figured out I'm sure. The Lord always guides us and it usually works out. God usually puts weight on the shoulders that can handle it but I think I have enough to bear at the moment adding in the support of the in law. lol.

Eff that doctor! 😤
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I know. Didn't you say you were okay with jj saying it because he was mad or was that someone else? That's what I was talking about. Saying it in anger would seem worse to me than jokingly.

Don't agree.

He was flippant about it. Alongside a UGA signee that had very publicly shot the double birds at Tennessee.

He wasn't overcome with emotion, acting on impulse. He knew exactly what he was doing, while he was doing it. And he thought it was funny.
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You were coming from a place of anger, much like JJ. I've said the same before when angry with the program.

What Tanner did was different.

I'm just not getting yer point. Why is joking worse than actually meaning it in an angry way. From my perspective coming from a place of anger is way worse.
I'm just not getting yer point. Why is joking worse than actually meaning it in an angry way. From my perspective coming from a place of anger is way worse.

Again, I don't agree.

Say he was mad, and said F Tennessee:

Hypothetical - Tanner is a below avg prospect. New staff tells him he can't sign early. He gets mad, gets liquored up. Spouts off about F Tennessee and all those MF'ers... I'll prove em wrong.

He's overcome by the situation (like JJ), feeding off emotion (like JJ), driven by impulse (like JJ).

I'd personally be much quicker to forgive that.
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Don't agree.

He was flippant about it. Alongside a UGA signee that had very publicly shot the double birds at Tennessee.

He wasn't overcome with emotion, acting on impulse. He knew exactly what he was doing, while he was doing it. And he thought it was funny.

Well I don't agree. Haha.

So you think this is some premeditated nefarious plan to bash his team? Seems like he's having fun with his buddy to me. You really think these players stop being friends cause they go to rival schools? What if this video was tanner and some other friend that is not cade? Would you still be as mad? Is cade the real reason it's so bad?
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Well I don't agree. Haha.

So you think this is some premeditated nefarious plan to bash his team? Seems like he's having fun with his buddy to me. You really think these players stop being friends cause they go to rival schools? What if this video was tanner and some other friend that is not cade? Would you still be as mad? Is cade the real reason it's so bad?

Has nothing to do with Cade. Cade only further damages the optics.
Again, I don't agree.

Say he was mad, and said F Tennessee:

Hypothetical - Tanner is a below avg prospect. New staff tells him he can't sign early. He gets mad, gets liquored up. Spouts off about F Tennessee and all those MF'ers... I'll prove em wrong.

He's overcome by the situation (like JJ), feeding off emotion (like JJ), driven by impulse (like JJ).

I'd personally be much quicker to forgive that.

That's all understandable. I don't really have a problem with what jj said. More the fact that he quit on his teammates. But I do not think joking about it is worse than really meaning it. Jokes are jokes to me.
Has nothing to do with Cade. Cade only further damages the optics.

But you bring up cade, and also tanners perceived lack of starting talent. Seems like those 2 factors influence yer perception of this situation. You don't seem to have a problem with anyone else who has either said or probably said it, jj, Pruitt, many posters on this board. Only tanner and cade. That's fine. I'm just trying to understand yer logic.
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But you bring up cade, and also tanners perceived lack of starting talent. Seems like those 2 factors influence yer perception of this situation. You don't seem to have a problem with anyone else who has either said or probably said it, jj, Pruitt, many posters on this board. Only tanner and cade. That's fine. I'm just trying to understand yer logic.
Listen, and I believe there is a lot of fans that feel this way, after years of crap we have witnessed,we want kids that have one goal and that is to compete for championships. Its hard to imagine that a borderline recruit that makes a video with a rival and somewhat controversial figure both saying what they said,puts comfort in fans thinking we are going to turn the corner. Imo, this is a slap in the face to fans,VFL's like Inky Johnson,etc. People make mistakes but this is just inexcusable Imo. Go ahead and flame away but some things are off limits and I believe he crossed it.
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That's all understandable. I don't really have a problem with what jj said. More the fact that he quit on his teammates. But I do not think joking about it is worse than really meaning it. Jokes are jokes to me.

We don't agree

But you bring up cade, and also tanners perceived lack of starting talent. Seems like those 2 factors influence yer perception of this situation. You don't seem to have a problem with anyone else who has either said or probably said it, jj, Pruitt, many posters on this board. Only tanner and cade. That's fine. I'm just trying to understand yer logic.

Pruitt was born and bred Alabama. It was EXPECTED of him.

JJ and posters (including myself) said it out of anger.

Tanner was born and bred Tennessee and thought it was funny.
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I've been better. Just found out my son has a significant ear drum perforation due to a doctor that yanked out his tube without consulting with me first on a follow up visit for a fungal infection. It's been a month since the dr. did that and over 60% is still missing. Alot of stuff going through my head about long term ramifications and lawyering up. He may need a skin graph which is an intense operation for a two year old.

Breaks my heart and has kept me up at night. He's a sweet boy, full of energy, laughter and joy. We will have it figured out I'm sure. The Lord always guides us and it usually works out. God usually puts weight on the shoulders that can handle it but I think I have enough to bear at the moment adding in the support of the in law. lol.

That sucks man. Hopefully your little one can come out of it without any long term symptoms. You guys will be in my thoughts.
Listen, and I believe there is a lot of fans that feel this way, after years of crap we have witnessed,we want kids that have one goal and that is to compete for championships. Its hard to imagine that a borderline recruit that makes a video with a rival and somewhat controversial figure both saying what they said,puts comfort in fans thinking we are going to turn the corner. Imo, this is a slap in the face to fans,VFL's like Inky Johnson,etc. People make mistakes but this is just inexcusable Imo. Go ahead and flame away but some things are off limits and I believe he crossed it.

I don't think I've flamed anybody. You have yer opinion. I have mine. Let the debate, as they say. Just trying to understand why it's a big deal. I get being angry that we've sucked lately. I don't get taking it out on a kid that wasn't a part of us sucking, may end up helping us turn the corner, and by all accounts is also a huge fan that is likely mad we've been sucking too. And the only known thing he's done that could even remotely be considered questionable is sing a song that he didn’t write that says something most of us have said as well. Just seems like a weird thing to be mad about.
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I don't think I've flamed anybody. You have yer opinion. I have mine. Let the debate, as they say. Just trying to understand why it's a big deal. I get being angry that we've sucked lately. I don't get taking it out on a kid that wasn't a part of us sucking, may end up helping us turn the corner, and by all accounts is also a huge fan that is likely mad we've been sucking too. And the only known thing he's done that could even remotely be considered questionable is sing a song that he didn’t write that says something most of us have said as well. Just seems like a weird thing to be mad about.

So how exactly are you connected to the Antonutti family?
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Pruitt was born and bred Alabama. It was EXPECTED of him.

JJ and posters (including myself) said it out of anger.

Tanner was born and bred Tennessee and thought it was funny.

I was born and bred in tennessee and think this debate is pretty funny. I hope you get the apology you seek. This was fun. I think all but 3 or 4 of us have abandoned this thread. Haha.
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I don't think I've flamed anybody. You have yer opinion. I have mine. Let the debate, as they say. Just trying to understand why it's a big deal. I get being angry that we've sucked lately. I don't get taking it out on a kid that wasn't a part of us sucking, may end up helping us turn the corner, and by all accounts is also a huge fan that is likely mad we've been sucking too. And the only known thing he's done that could even remotely be considered questionable is sing a song that he didn’t write that says something most of us have said as well. Just seems like a weird thing to be mad about.

Imo we don't need kids that don't respect the opportunity they have just been given. That's just keeping the status quo of the last few years. You think Inky would approve of this? This man has lost use of an arm and all he talks about is how grateful he is and what a honor it was to wear the orange. This is why I think it was a punk move and I wouldn't care if they did part ways. That is up to the powers that be but I will never be a fan I don't care if he's the next Anthony Munoz.Jmo
So how exactly are you connected to the Antonutti family?

By reading this thread. Good one though. Original. Just didn't agree with some opinions on this and voiced my opinion. Reasonable discourse ensued by both sides and here we are. With nothing accomplished. Haha. Wish I was connected to him though. Tickets would be nice.
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I've been better. Just found out my son has a significant ear drum perforation due to a doctor that yanked out his tube without consulting with me first on a follow up visit for a fungal infection. It's been a month since the dr. did that and over 60% is still missing. Alot of stuff going through my head about long term ramifications and lawyering up. He may need a skin graph which is an intense operation for a two year old.

Breaks my heart and has kept me up at night. He's a sweet boy, full of energy, laughter and joy. We will have it figured out I'm sure. The Lord always guides us and it usually works out. God usually puts weight on the shoulders that can handle it but I think I have enough to bear at the moment adding in the support of the in law. lol.

Same thing happened to my son around 4 years of age...only the perforation occurred when the tube didn't come out in time. He had the skin graph done on his ear drum. The incision was behind the ear, so the scar is not really noticeable. Everything turned out well. It's a trying experience, to say the least. Have faith.

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