This is pathetic and sad. Shame on the government and state laws for sentencing someone to death because of recreational marijuana use.
I'm just guessing that medical guidelines involving transplants have less to do with the morality and more to do with the medical implication of smoking. Its not just marijuana that will get you rejected, it's also tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.
A transplanted organ is a precious resource. People die every day waiting for an organ that never materializes. A hospital won't transplant a liver to an alcoholic who has no plans to change. It's a waste of something that could save the life of another person. The rules say if you have intoxicants in your system they won't do it.
Imagine your kid needed a double lung transplant and they died because a kid who gave himself pneumonia smoking weed got them instead.
Your apathy is the problem with America. "The drug war is taking another person's life/freedom, and destroying the constitution, but my life isn't at risk yet so why should I care".
Yea, I'm the problem. I'd be willing to bet my life has been far more at risk than yours will ever be. But I digress...
Please tell me how the "drug war" took his life?
He died from complications from the surgery that he still eventually got! You can never prove whether he would have lived or died had he got the surgery earlier
A surgery he would've had months prior and was denied because of "an illicit drug". It's in the statement form the hospital.
Can you prove 100% he would've lived? No. Would his chances have been greater? Yes
Where does it say he got pneumonia from smoking pot? It does not. This young man was otherwise healthy and was extremely young. Should've been near the top of the donor list.
The hospital even said it was because he tested positive for an "illicit drug". Meaning "we only allowed him to die because marijuana is illegal".
Ultimately the hospital and those on the selection committee have the final say. If you needed a new liver and they said no more alcohol and they tested you pre op and you'd had alchohol they'd reject you. It has nothing to do with the legality of the drug. Again at the end of the day there are people literally dying for organ transplants so they are incredibly rigid about who qualifies. If lungs grew on trees by all means set him up if he can pay for it.
You don't believe those guidelines are in any way based on the legality of marijuana?
Let's not be dishonest