2 LA Officers Ambushed

Portland and Kenosha were burning and you're blaming a few possible Trump supporters for their actions?

How about the left stop coddling the criminals, vandals, looters, etc and call for them to be arrested and prosecuted? How about disavowing them and their support? Nah, let's blame a 17yo who acted in self defense against at least one armed felon who tried to kill him

Calling out some criminal coward who ambushed police should get universal support. Seems you would prefer to play politics which is stunning

LG LGing. You shouldn't be stunned when dogs bark and their flatulence smells of spoiled dog food.
I keep hearing that BLM wants to move out to the suburbs and really scare whitey. I'm just speculating here, but if these limp wristed, weak armed momma's boys and girls move just slightly outside a major metropolitan area they are going to get their asses kicked big time.

Is it true that the California/Oregon wildfires that are destroying the suburbs are arson...? If so...
This just shows that no one should work Law Enforcement under democrat leadership anywhere in this country.

Let those vermin wallow in their own filth.
One of the first things Hitler did was defund the police so they wouldn't quell voter-suppressing riots of his brown shirts. Maybe it works better to defund police and make people afraid to serve as police?
Is he suggesting that AR-15’s and other “assault weapons” are weapons of war?

That’s the new scary words for them . I actually believe the first time I heard the term was from Mayor Pete on one of his campaign speeches .
Is he suggesting that AR-15’s and other “assault weapons” are weapons of war?
Police departments sometimes purchase surplus military equipment. Maybe dementia-Joe is talking about those in "our communities".
Police departments sometimes purchase surplus military equipment. Maybe dementia-Joe is talking about those in "our communities".

Joe and the left are after semi autos , the AR platform is just an easy target because it looks “scary “.
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Wrong. All of you people who condone what the officer did to George Floyd are making that type of decision.

What are you taking about “you people”? I don’t recall ever condoning what happened to Floyd.

And even if a person was not bothered by what happened to Floyd, that does not mean they are ok with it because he was black.

Why don’t you find a poster who actually said they condone what happened to Floyd because he was a black man and get on your soapbox there? Name some names.
They can be, especially in civilian encounters, which is what Trump is fomenting.
Aren't you really just upset that the kid in Wisconsin was able to successfully protect his life from some rabid democrats so you want to level the playing field?
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There's that right-wing spin. Let's turn any attention away from police reform by claiming that all protestors are "rioters/looters" when only a very small percentage of protests have been violent.
And only a very very very very very small percentage of police have killed innocent people as well (or even criminals too for that matter)

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