2 LA Officers Ambushed

So you hope George floyd kills himself again? The guy OD'd on fentanyl. Jacob Blake resisted arrest, broke away from cops and reach under his seat and was found with a knife, after his x called 911 for him assaulting her, so he bears the responsibility for his death. Also had a warrant for raping a minor. The more that surfaces on Breonna Taylor shows she is culpable for her situation as well. Glad to see you standing up for the scourge of society

He is yet another one on here that failed the connect the dots puzzles in kindergarten. Complete failure of relevance.
Lol. Suicide by cop isn’t murder.
The cop choked him for almost 9 minutes azzhole while he was pinned to the ground. How is that suicide by cop? Are you actually condoning what that cop did? Please say you are as you will only confirm my suspicions about a lot of you.
The cop choked him for almost 9 minutes azzhole while he was pinned to the ground. How is that suicide by cop? Are you actually condoning what that cop did? Please say you are as you will only confirm my suspicions about a lot of you.

Who knows maybe the criminal drug addict had already overdosed. I feel no remorse for the pos meeting his demise. It may have been excessive force using the restraint he was trained to do and a jury will decide.
The cop choked him for almost 9 minutes azzhole while he was pinned to the ground. How is that suicide by cop? Are you actually condoning what that cop did? Please say you are as you will only confirm my suspicions about a lot of you.

I suppose you were there all this time standing on the sidewalk watching all of this unfold as it happened? Johnny on the spot you are. You'd make a great lying lawyer at the time of trial for sure.
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Who knows maybe the criminal drug addict had already overdosed. I feel no remorse for the pos meeting his demise. It may have been excessive force using the restraint he was trained to do and a jury will decide.
Choking the life out of a restrained person for 9 minutes "may have been excessive force". Lol. I bet if Floyd were white your opinion would be different.
Choking the life out of a restrained person for 9 minutes "may have been excessive force". Lol. I bet if Floyd were white your opinion would be different.
If Floyd was white, I would still give zero f***s. Of course, if he was white, we wouldn't have heard about it. It would have been a one day local issue.
Choking the life out of a restrained person for 9 minutes "may have been excessive force". Lol. I bet if Floyd were white your opinion would be different.

Idiot race baiter you are.....All you ever see in this world is a black person or a white person. You just never see a person standing there in space? You always have to bring a person's race into the conversation. You must have gone to the school of racism & hate promoted by Al Sharpton who taught the idiots like you.
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Choking the life out of a restrained person for 9 minutes "may have been excessive force". Lol. I bet if Floyd were white your opinion would be different.

Most people don’t have a race based decision tree that dictate how they feel about a given situation.

It sounds like you might, though, given your assumptions about others people’s thought patterns.
It disgusts me and I hope the shooter is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, just like I hope Breonna Taylor and George Floyd's killers are and the shooter of Jacob Blake. And this guy is no more one of our own than Dennis Hastert or some other Republican POS is one of you.

So you want to prosecute Breonna's boyfriend, a drug, and stupid decisions for murder?
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Follow what Napoleon did in the Paris riots. I bet grapeshot would still be effective.

The Army developed a round for the M-79 grenade launcher that ejected shotgun like rounds for close in work. I'd think a 40 mm shotgun might be the thing if you can't use a cannon. Chain shot would surely be a real crowd pleaser to complement grapeshot if you had a cannon.
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Ok so to extent that the Feds/Trump are responsible for these riots and looting.

First and foremost it’s the local gov responsibility to keep the peace. Period. If they fail then it goes to the state, but that doesn’t erase the local failure. If the state fails and calls in the Feds then they’ve both failed and now it’s on the Feds. Then if the Feds fail they get the blame. But now all three levels of government have failed.

State and local do not get the option of blaming the Feds for failure and causation until they give them the opportunity to assist and the Feds do not respond. That’s the way it’s setup. But local government has failed if any other assistance is required. Plain and simple.

Only if when the Feds step in, the state and local governments don't get to set rules of engagement for enforcement and prosecution - likely their ROE are why they failed in the first place.
You clearly didn’t pick up on the sarcasm in my post. But, the Ferguson riots weren’t laid at the feet of Obama because, like Trump, Obama always blamed someone else. The difference is a willing news media that covered Obama’s ass.

Funny part is that Obama was a community organizer - code word for agitator for a cause - and Trump certainly isn't that. Obama and particularly Mooch before he got a better job were very much the kind of people to back/organize racist projects like BLM.
Most people don’t have a race based decision tree that dictate how they feel about a given situation.

It sounds like you might, though, given your assumptions about others people’s thought patterns.
Wrong. All of you people who condone what the officer did to George Floyd are making that type of decision.

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