2 LA Officers Ambushed

Riots. Trump’s fault.
Looting. Trump’s fault.
Arson. Trump’s fault.
Violence. Trump’s fault.
COVID. Trump’s fault.

You haven’t taken a breath since election night 2016.
The same deep breaths that George Floyd wasn't allowed to take.
Fentanyl is a helluva drug
So is getting choked for almost 9 minutes. You know that's on video right, so not even your dumbazz can claim that this one's the evil liberal media's fault, which is your go to for everything you disagree with since giving a logical and thoughtful response would be way too much to ask of you.
George Floyd’s death is Trump’s fault too?

Wow 😳
Didn't say that, but there are a lot of people on here actually condoning and even applauding what the officer did to George Floyd, which is disgusting. Every yahoo out there who voted for Trump feels emboldened.
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Let's hope the person who did this gets brought to justice. . . In front of a judge unlike too many others.
Didn't say that, but there are a lot of people on here actually condoning and even applauding what the officer did to George Floyd, which is disgusting. Every yahoo out there who voted for Trump feels emboldened.
Not sure what any of what you posted has to do with Trump.

What qualifies as a yahoo? A Trump voter?

Huge leap to generalize that all Trump voters condone or applaud the death of anyone.

Are you seriously saying this about all Trump voters?
Didn't say that, but there are a lot of people on here actually condoning and even applauding what the officer did to George Floyd, which is disgusting. Every yahoo out there who voted for Trump feels emboldened.
What has every Trump voter been wishing they could do?
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You know Trump is currently the President while all this is happening, right?

Wait, I forgot that I'm talking to the guy who just suggested making the US a one-party country by kicking out elected officials based on their affiliation.
So is getting choked for almost 9 minutes. You know that's on video right, so not even your dumbazz can claim that this one's the evil liberal media's fault, which is your go to for everything you disagree with since giving a logical and thoughtful response would be way too much to ask of you.
Ma’am, before you start crying and peeing and mess up your crocheting ..... take a look at this.
"That is a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances."
“If he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD.”
Deaths have been certified with levels of 3 .... his was 11

Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:
1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;
Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL

6. Cotinine positive
7. Caffeine positive
B. Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, or acetone
C. Urine drug screen: presumptive positive for cannabinoids, amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite
D. Urine drug screen confirmation: morphine (free) 86 ng/mL

This is from the autopsy report.... the dude was tripping balls

NECK: Layer by layer dissection of the anterior strap muscles of the neck discloses no areas of contusion or hemorrhage within the musculature. The thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone are intact. The larynx is lined by intact mucosa. The thyroid is symmetric and red-brown, without cystic or nodular change. The tongue is free of bite marks, hemorrhage, or other injuries.
The cervical spinal column is palpably stable and free of hemorrhage.

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