2 LA Officers Ambushed

When the cops says “ don’t pull it out! don’t pull it out ! “ here’s an idea .. How about DONT TOUCH THE F’In FIREARM. You got anymore of people acting stupid and getting shot ?
Video shows death of black US motorist
I have to assume that these people were either really stupid or couldn't hear. There is no other explanation.
I have to assume that these people were either really stupid or couldn't hear. There is no other explanation.

It’s not that hard , hands on the wheel and say officer would you remove it for me , it’s on my right side or in the small of my back . I will not move my hands until you tell me to. Issue avoided .
I said earlier y'all would do anything to justify the murder of a black man and here we are. I feel sad for the ones doing it, they've got so much hate in their heart it's unbelievable.
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One is for shooting, and one is for fun?

You know a few days ago I read the military has said OK to a little PT for disciplinary stuff. Before we got all PC, "Drop and give me ..." was just a way of life during training - most infractions were imaginary anyway.
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I said earlier y'all would do anything to justify the murder of a black man and here we are. I feel sad for the ones doing it, they've got so much hate in their heart it's unbelievable.

If by anything you mean rational , reasonable , and logical facts based on video and articles instead of emotional outrage .. Yes guilty . I’ll also say if these people had used the same same thought process theres a 99% chance they would be alive today . If you know cops have the ability to cause you harm and are reactionary ( they most certainly will react to you and your actions ) it’s your responsibility not to do stupid things . Again it’s not a hard solution .
So is getting choked for almost 9 minutes. You know that's on video right, so not even your dumbazz can claim that this one's the evil liberal media's fault, which is your go to for everything you disagree with since giving a logical and thoughtful response would be way too much to ask of you.
I agree. I thought the officer should have gotten off of him and given him the Heimlich maneuver so maybe he wouldn't have chocked on that bag of fentanyl.
I didn't click on that, but since they do more than their share of crime, well.............
His stats aren't showing whether the killed-by-cops were armed. "Everything" to do with color of skin would account for that.

His stats showed that "every" other race has also been killed-by-cops. Doesn't seem like killed-by-cop has "everything" to do with the color of skin.

I'm genuinely beginning to wonder if there is an IQ problem involved, or if TD is just a troll.
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Yep. We are all keeping score on how many black folks are murdered in cold blood by the man.
Do y’all do the same for drive-by shootings, gang killings, or other senseless black on black murders? I guess those Lives must not mean sh// to y’all. Good innocent black people get killed every day and you don’t hear anything. But when a criminal or thug dies y’all want to riot and loot. Just because a “white “ man shot the black criminal . That proves just how RACIST the black community is. The blacks want to be treated equally? Horsesh##. They just hate everything white and feel that whites owe them something.
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Do y’all do the same for drive-by shootings, gang killings, or other senseless black on black murders? I guess those Lives must not mean sh// to y’all. Good innocent black people get killed every day and you don’t hear anything. But when a criminal or thug dies y’all want to riot and loot. Just because a “white “ man shot the black criminal . That proves just how RACIST the black community is. The blacks want to be treated equally? Horsesh##. They just hate everything white and feel that whites owe them something.
You do know my post was sarcasm, right?
Didn't say that, but there are a lot of people on here actually condoning and even applauding what the officer did to George Floyd, which is disgusting. Every yahoo out there who voted for Trump feels emboldened.
No one did that. No one. You're living on a fantasy island, and not the good one with the POC midget yelling about planes.

See this image? While Colts Coach Frank Reich was taking a knee, a 6-year old little boy is crying his eyes out that his mom may die any minute after being ambushed and shot in the head... Is this what "SOCIAL JUSTICE" looks like to the Indianapolis Colts and the NFL
The color of your skin has everything to do with the cops deciding to murder you.

Actually, probably has far more to do with the culture young black males grow up in than cops arbitrarily "deciding to murder you" based on the color of one's skin.

As has been alluded to, black males are involved with crime far out of proportion to their ratio of the population. Looking at the study provided by yourself from the LA Times, it is striking that a BIG FREAKING CLUE as to why more young blacks die at the hands of law enforcement juoffices is at the top of the page!!! Young black males are ALMOST 28 TIME MORE LIKELY TO DIE AS A RESULT OF ASSAULT* than from police action. I would submit that fixing that top line problem, which will save far more lives, will also result in a significant reduction in the number seven cause of death. In other words, make better decisions.

Look at it in this cynical manner: a 10% reduction in the death rate by assault almost completely negates the police hunting down black males to kill as claimed by saving over NINE lives per year, while that same reduction in the death rate by police only saves one every three years or so.

* the overwhelming majority of these are by fellow young black males. If I recall, 90%+.
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See this image? While Colts Coach Frank Reich was taking a knee, a 6-year old little boy is crying his eyes out that his mom may die any minute after being ambushed and shot in the head... Is this what "SOCIAL JUSTICE" looks like to the Indianapolis Colts and the NFL
What does his taking a knee have to do with cops being ambushed? Have they found the person responsible and know their motives?

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