2 LA Officers Ambushed

Have any of our resident libs come in and expressed their disgust at one of their own trying to execute two cops and them more of their own trying to prevent them from getting medical care and cheering their demise?

This is Joe & Kamala's fault. The Democrats approve. They encourage this type of behavior to continue.
They say if you vote for them this behavior will stop and that covid-19 will just disappear after the election.
Hahaha!! You constantly bitch and moan on here that Dems blame Trump for everything and then you blame Biden and Harris for this. The hypocrisy on here is unreal. Do you really think Biden and Harris condone this type of thing? Remember, the knock on Harris was that she was too hard on criminals when she was the atty general of CA and Biden had a son in the military who was also an atty general of a state, so they have a lot more connections to the military and law enforcement than the Orange Man, but don't let facts get in the way of a good story.
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Justin struggles with the idea that you can both be a Republican and think Trump is a clown.

I don’t know I’ve seen , read and heard a lot of folks struggle with the idea that if you are black you can’t like or vote for Trump .. including Joe Biden . Now to me this is an illogical conclusion when I can go back through history from present day back and actually see what the Democratic Party has done for black folks . ( not what they promised to do , what they have done )
Have any of our resident libs come in and expressed their disgust at one of their own trying to execute two cops and them more of their own trying to prevent them from getting medical care and cheering their demise?
One of their own?

Don't go all Justin on this. Strive for better
I don’t know I’ve seen , read and heard a lot of folks struggle with the idea that if you are black you can’t like or vote for Trump .. including Joe Biden . Now to me this is an illogical conclusion when I can go back through history from present day back and actually see what the Democratic Party has done for black folks . ( not what they promised to do , what they have done )
Stupid comment by Biden. It’s also stupid every time Trump supporters find a black person who is for Trump and pretends like this is a sign of black people backing him in mass. I will eat my hat if he gets more then 10% of the black vote.
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Have any of our resident libs come in and expressed their disgust at one of their own trying to execute two cops and them more of their own trying to prevent them from getting medical care and cheering their demise?

It disgusts me and I hope the shooter is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, just like I hope Breonna Taylor and George Floyd's killers are and the shooter of Jacob Blake. And this guy is no more one of our own than Dennis Hastert or some other Republican POS is one of you.
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Stupid comment by Biden. It’s also stupid every time Trump supporters find a black person who is for Trump and pretends like this is a sign of black people backing him in mass. I will eat my hat if he gets more then 10% of the black vote.

Noted .. and will require pics of said hat eating if it happens , condiments it’s optional . I did post more than just what Joe said though , actually a lot more about the Party of donkeys and their empty promises to blacks .
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Noted .. and will require pics of said hat eating if it happens , condiments it’s optional . I did post more than just what Joe said though , actually a lot more about the Party of donkeys and their empty promises to blacks .
Both parties are full of empty promises. GOP has lied for years about caring about the deficit. They don’t.
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Stupid comment by Biden. It’s also stupid every time Trump supporters find a black person who is for Trump and pretends like this is a sign of black people backing him in mass. I will eat my hat if he gets more then 10% of the black vote.
How big of a hat do you have? I’d like to see that.
Both parties are full of empty promises. GOP has lied for years about caring about the deficit. They don’t.
Once you've heard politicians clamouring for over 50 years about how they are going to balance the budget and they don't do a damn thing but increase the debt, you kind of figure out that they're not and there is no need to.
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Both parties are full of empty promises. GOP has lied for years about caring about the deficit. They don’t.

You are better than deflecting onto another subject . If I was Septic or Mick I’d have you on full blast for whataboutism. That being said ..if I was those two , I’d be making a Drs appointment to see about that nasty rash they both conspicuously have that won’t go away and does it have anything to do with the Elephantiasis on my balz.
It disgusts me and I hope the shooter is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, just like I hope Breonna Taylor and George Floyd's killers are and the shooter of Jacob Blake. And this guy is no more one of our own than Dennis Hastert or some other Republican POS is one of you.

None of those are remotely related to cops being ambushed and shot point blank.
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Hahaha!! You constantly bitch and moan on here that Dems blame Trump for everything and then you blame Biden and Harris for this. The hypocrisy on here is unreal. Do you really think Biden and Harris condone this type of thing? Remember, the knock on Harris was that she was too hard on criminals when she was the atty general of CA and Biden had a son in the military who was also an atty general of a state, so they have a lot more connections to the military and law enforcement than the Orange Man, but don't let facts get in the way of a good story.
Go back and listen to harris’ acceptance speech. She was telling people to riot and continue to riot after the election if Trump win. So yes the bit$$ is cheering because 2 cops got ambushed
Go back and listen to harris’ acceptance speech. She was telling people to riot and continue to riot after the election if Trump win. So yes the bit$$ is cheering because 2 cops got ambushed
Ambushing and shooting 2 cops is not a protest. She's not cheering for this. No one with a brain is
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Ok so to extent that the Feds/Trump are responsible for these riots and looting.

First and foremost it’s the local gov responsibility to keep the peace. Period. If they fail then it goes to the state, but that doesn’t erase the local failure. If the state fails and calls in the Feds then they’ve both failed and now it’s on the Feds. Then if the Feds fail they get the blame. But now all three levels of government have failed.

State and local do not get the option of blaming the Feds for failure and causation until they give them the opportunity to assist and the Feds do not respond. That’s the way it’s setup. But local government has failed if any other assistance is required. Plain and simple.
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Ambushing and shooting 2 cops is not a protest. She's not cheering for this. No one with a brain is
Who’s saying she’s got a brain? To instigate a riot on public tv in front of a national audience? That’s sounds like she pretty stupid to me. Go listen to her speech, then come back.
Who’s saying she’s got a brain? To instigate a riot on public tv in front of a national audience? That’s sounds like she pretty stupid to me. Go listen to her speech, then come back.

Outside of the extremists, only one person is happy about this. Because it benefits him.

Sadly, he is President.
Outside of the extremists, only one person is happy about this. Because it benefits him.

Sadly, he is President.
Oh it does benefit him. Because it’s a clear failure of state and local democratic leadership that they can’t keep the peace in their cities.

And him calling that out doesn’t mean he’s glad that it’s happening. But it does benefit him and will continue to do so until it ceases.

Nobody with half a brain is looking at these cities vacating their responsibility to keep the peace and support their local law enforcement while blaming the Feds and buying it. And the more you libs try to deflect to the Feds as being responsible while not owing the local leadership failures the more it helps Trump.

So... carry on!

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