2 LA Officers Ambushed

Who’s saying she’s got a brain? To instigate a riot on public tv in front of a national audience? That’s sounds like she pretty stupid to me. Go listen to her speech, then come back.
She had a brain. Please link where she called for citizens to ambush cops and we'll denounce it together
Its true, however.

Trump relishes conflict and antagonism. The more there is, the better for him.
it might benefit him in a small degree but to claim he's happy about it is pure trash

Same with the left. They die without class warfare. The effort to divide is so obvious yet you rubes continue to fall for it
Have any of our resident libs come in and expressed their disgust at one of their own trying to execute two cops and them more of their own trying to prevent them from getting medical care and cheering their demise?


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You are better than deflecting onto another subject . If I was Septic or Mick I’d have you on full blast for whataboutism. That being said ..if I was those two , I’d be making a Drs appointment to see about that nasty rash they both conspicuously have that won’t go away and does it have anything to do with the Elephantiasis on my balz.
I wasn’t trying to deflect. I agree the Dems have been pandering to the black community for years.
One of their own?

Don't go all Justin on this. Strive for better
Sort of ironic don't you think? One moron white supremacist in Charlottesville and all conservatives are white supremacist. Despite the fact that every conservative poster condemned the action. Now an obvious person that would never vote for Trump and would 100% vote for Biden attempts to execute a couple of cops and it's total silence. Surely you can see the double standard.

Also, where is Kamela and Joe? You know if some cops had of shot a black dude they'd be all SJW regardless of whether the shooting was justifiable or not.
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I wasn’t trying to deflect. I agree the Dems have been pandering to the black community for years.

I wasn’t trying to use it as a gotcha I was being honest when I said it didn’t make sense to me that a voter bloc could be that dependable on so little actual progress . It’s one of the things I can’t figure out in our society . The other part about Mick and Septic was just out of concern for their personal well being 😊
It disgusts me and I hope the shooter is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, just like I hope Breonna Taylor and George Floyd's killers are and the shooter of Jacob Blake. And this guy is no more one of our own than Dennis Hastert or some other Republican POS is one of you.
So you hope George floyd kills himself again? The guy OD'd on fentanyl. Jacob Blake resisted arrest, broke away from cops and reach under his seat and was found with a knife, after his x called 911 for him assaulting her, so he bears the responsibility for his death. Also had a warrant for raping a minor. The more that surfaces on Breonna Taylor shows she is culpable for her situation as well. Glad to see you standing up for the scourge of society
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None of those are remotely related to cops being ambushed and shot point blank.
Yes they are. Breonna Taylor and George Floyd were murdered. Just because Floyd is black and had a criminal record does not make his death any more justifiable.
Go back and listen to harris’ acceptance speech. She was telling people to riot and continue to riot after the election if Trump win. So yes the bit$$ is cheering because 2 cops got ambushed
If you really think Kamala Harris is "cheering" two cops being shot in her home state where she was ATTORNEY GENERAL then you have no credibility whatsoever. I don't even think most of the biggest Trump lovers on here believe that. That is just downright absurd.
If you really think Kamala Harris is "cheering" two cops being shot in her home state where she was ATTORNEY GENERAL then you have no credibility whatsoever. I don't even think most of the biggest Trump lovers on here believe that. That is just downright absurd.

Man, the Democrats sure have you totally brainwashed into believing their lies and hate. You eat that sh!t up w/a big ole table spoon. You're what we call a big big ole boot-licker for those insane clowns.
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Ambushing and shooting 2 cops is not a protest. She's not cheering for this. No one with a brain is

This is criminal activity. There are many criminals that are celebrating this. There’s a lot of anti-police propaganda going around these days, maybe this will have crossed the line enough that some unity can come from these horrific events.
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This is criminal activity. There are many criminals that are celebrating this. There’s a lot of anti-police propaganda going around these days, maybe this will have crossed the line enough that some unity can come from these horrific events.
Anti-police propaganda or protesting for police reform is not illegal; shooting 2 cops or anyone else like this is. You people love to blur these lines and try to paint all protestors as violent when an overwhelming majority are not.
Anti-police propaganda or protesting for police reform is not illegal; shooting 2 cops or anyone else like this is. You people love to blur these lines and try to paint all protestors as violent when an overwhelming majority are not.

I don’t think any protesters are violent.

I believe it to be in poor taste to protest at the hospital where these two Police Officers are being treated. These 2 people might be parents, have a sibling, a spouse, or their own parents might be there waiting to see if they live or die.

Once a person turns violent like this they become the criminal. Protesters are exercising their rights as a free American. All this criminal activity is being perpetrated by criminals.
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Protesters could be heard shouting at one officer who appeared to point some sort of weapon at the protesters.

"That's why you're dying one by one, you stupid f---s," a man can be heard saying. "Y'all gonna die one by one. This ain't gonna stop."

"You're next with the f------ hot pocket," a man shouted.

"I want to deliver a message to the family of the [inaudible]: I hope they f------ die," a man yelled.
I don’t think any protesters are violent.

I believe it to be in poor taste to protest at the hospital where these two Police Officers are being treated. These 2 people might be parents, have a sibling, a spouse, or their own parents might be there waiting to see if they live or die.

Once a person turns violent like this they become the criminal. Protesters are exercising their rights as a free American. All this criminal activity is being perpetrated by criminals.
George Floyd was a parent too and Breonna Taylor had a family too. Don't forget that.

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