CCM lost my respect at the end of this season. I don't buy the whole depleted roster talk, he came in at an upswing, not a downswing like Pearl. Regardless, if he was that great of a coach/recruiter it really should not have mattered because one recruiting class is all it takes in college basketball. I would have continued to support his mediocrity in hopes of this being a breakout season since we do have the best returning lineup in probably 5 years. However, his victim attitude, how he handeled us being "snubbed", and the fact the team gave up in SEC tourney play and the ensuing NIT tournament tells me we have not found our coach. He doesn't have a winning attitude, probably a big reason he has never had a tourney appearance as a head coach. I hope he does well next year and I eat crow, I just don't see it realistically happening.
This debate again. Pearl came in on a "downswing" because Buzz was a bad coach. Pearl inherited great guard play that had experience. Martin did not. It is like a broken record. One recruiting class can matter, but it is not the very first one. Basketball recruiting starts earlier than any other sport, and he had two months to fill a roster. This year, you will see how good or bad he is because he has had time to develop relationships.
That said, it is time for Martin to have a good year and get to the dance. He needs to fix the PG problem.