2015 NBA Pre-Draft Thread

1. Towns
2. Okafor
3. Russell
4. Mudiay
5. Cauley-Stein

I could see Russell at 2 honestly
Okafor is a much better player than towns, I could see Russell going at the third pick.

Lulz, please.

Saying he's much better than him when their percentage numbers are the same and Towns is better on D is beyond silly.
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Is Porzingis one that will play right away, or play more in Europe first?
Is Porzingis one that will play right away, or play more in Europe first?

He's coming over immediately, I think. Everyone thought he was coming over last year but he didn't.

7'1" with the best shot in the draft. He's going to be incredible.
He's coming over immediately, I think. Everyone thought he was coming over last year but he didn't.

7'1" with the best shot in the draft. He's going to be incredible.

Sheesh. I had seen his name a lot recently, but didn't realize he was that hyped.
WCS being a top 5 pic is a stretch as well, if you want a player with no offense that will translate to the nba, that's up to you.
What I'm seeing is Towns shot 56.6% for the season and Okafor at 66.4%

Towns a whole lot better from the stripe.

Okafor played more minutes per game.
WCS being a top 5 pic is a stretch as well, if you want a player with no offense that will translate to the nba, that's up to you.

I think WCS can find some offensive success off of pick n rolls in the NBA. JMO.
What I'm seeing is Towns shot 56.6% for the season and Okafor at 66.4%

Towns a whole lot better from the stripe.

Okafor played more minutes per game.

That's okafor's biggest weakness is his ft% but it's no different from dj,big, or d12
Sheesh. I had seen his name a lot recently, but didn't realize he was that hyped.

Darko Milicic....Andrea Bargnani....Nikoloz Tskitishvili

All top 5 picks, all busts. I have a hard time with Euro players, as I think they tend to be over-hyped (I'd even throw in Rubio).
Darko Milicic....Andrea Bargnani....Nikoloz Tskitishvili

All top 5 picks, all busts. I have a hard time with Euro players, as I think they tend to be over-hyped (I'd even throw in Rubio).

Yep.. jump-shooting euro bigs seem to be hit-or-miss.

Jumper in that video is borderline automatic, so I get the appeal. Hard not to drool (dribble?) a little. Different setting, tho.
Big difference is that DJ and Dwight... play defense.

Okafor is actually a way better defender than givin credit for. He averaged more steals than towns and was a big part in frank the tank not getting on fire during the championship.
Okafor is actually a way better defender than givin credit for. He averaged more steals than towns and was a big part in frank the tank not getting on fire during the championship.

Towns averaged 2.4 BPG
Okafor averaged 1.4

Towns 0.5 SPG
Okafor 0.8

In the games I watched, Okafor basically runs for cover when rim protection is requested.

But, you are correct... he averaged more steals...

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