2016 Election Thread Part Deux

Today, Trump and his national security advisor, failed retired general and Russian State TV employee, Michael Flynn, are set to receive their intelligence briefings for the first time.


His only failure was in getting through that thick ass head of our supreme leader. Another general run out of town by this lawless administration!
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His only failure was in getting through that thick ass head of our supreme leader. Another general run out of town by this lawless administration!

Obama has no great relationship with our military and intelligence seniority, but, from most accounts, Flynn was just in way over his head.

That he would soil himself senseless by taking money from Putin's personal propaganda machine, an entity that attacks us daily as Russia's "main adversary," does not reflect well upon his character either. If he has a personal vendetta against Obama, he needs to settle that through some other means, instead of behaving like someone suspended between outright treason and outright childishness.

You'd never see a retired Russian intelligence general doing something akin to this. They're men. They're 40!
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The middle East was far from stable. But let's be serious here. Our current administration did nothing but make it worse. We continue to make the same moronic mistakes thinking we can and should interfere with other nations that don't give two ****s about us. When we should stop, bounce out, and let them destroy themselves. We instead go in and create something worse.

I have no problem with criticism of the choices they made to try to deal with the internal problems of these countries. And in fact in principle I am in agreement that with Trump that we should have a major shift away from involving ourselves in such matters down the line. We ought to get out of that business.

But, to suggest that the region was on the right track, or manageable, AT ANY POINT in the last 20 years, and more like 60, is irrational.
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But, to suggest that the region was on the right track, or manageable, AT ANY POINT in the last 20 years, and more like 60, is irrational.

with governments in tact it is manageable, when you aid in toppling governments it becomes extremely unmanageable
255 Days. That is how long it has been since Hillary Rotten Clinton held a press conference.

What in the name of Jefferson Davis is she afraid of?

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It's seems that a lot of you have forgotten about the "Arab Spring". Without the Arab Spring there is no war in Libya, there is no revolution in Egypt, and no civill war in Syria or Yeman.
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the same folks who lambasted Bush for Iraq (and rightfully so because we shouldn't be nation building) now can't find it within themselves to lay a single ounce of fault with the current administration for decisions that have undoubtedly made the Middle East even worse

That's because a blue tie is in office right now. And that's all they see.
It's seems that a lot of you have forgotten about the "Arab Spring". Without the Arab Spring there is no war in Libya, there is no revolution in Egypt, and no civill war in Syria or Yeman.

No, that's not been forgotten. What many want to forget and forgive is the poor choices made by this administration DURING the Arab spring. Dumb name for a radical islamic revolution btw.
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No, that's not been forgotten. What many want to forget and forgive is the poor choices made by this administration DURING the Arab spring. Dumb name for a radical islamic revolution btw.

Actually it wasn't a radical Islamic Revolution. It was a revolution of poor Arabs who were tired of seeing dictators ride around in Mercedes-Benz while the local police beat the hell out of them for selling fruit out of carts and taking their money. It had more to do with economics than it did radical Islam. Radical Islamist just took advantage of the chaos after.
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Bringing in these right wing media people from Breitbart is symptomatic of Trump's horrible decision-making. He loved poking at those issues about race and bigotry in the primary, because he got plenty of support from the base for that, and it was successful. He was being lauded for his ability to connect with the lowest common denominator amongst the GOP base -- racial resentments.

But in the general, he is getting killed for those same tactics, and he cannot understand how this has turned against him. He is being criticized, which he cannot stand. And so he is restoring to yet another echo chamber around him, telling him how great he is, and how right he is.

These yahoos he has hired are not going to help him. They are just going to cause him to dig himself into a deeper hole with anyone other than the GOP racial divide base. Yuge mistake, imo.
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Actually it wasn't a radical Islamic Revolution. It was a revolution of poor Arabs who were tired of seeing dictators ride around in Mercedes-Benz while the local police beat the hell out of them for selling fruit out of carts and taking their money. It had more to do with economics than it did radical Islam. Radical Islamist just took advantage of the chaos after we took their side.

For clarity.
Not surprising. Serbia has centuries-old connections to Slavic Russians, and a deep connection to Russia now. As Russia wants Trump to win so that the Russians can take over Ukraine and push NATO around, this is to be expected.
Do you think Joe expected it?
Not surprising. Serbia has centuries-old connections to Slavic Russians, and a deep connection to Russia now. As Russia wants Trump to win so that the Russians can take over Ukraine and push NATO around, this is to be expected.

LMFAO, are you effing serious? No, the Serbs hate the Clintons because Bill backed the Muslims. Has nothing to do about taking over Ukraine.
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