2016 Election Thread Part Deux

I appreciate your dedication to the cause but fact is 90% of people won't GAF even if true. Hell Hillary arraigned uranium sales for personal gain and by her nomination you can see how many people give a ****.

Yea your right. At this point it doesn't even matter.


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He's kind of right, though. All she needs is PA, CO, VA, and NH and she clinches it. Polls have her up by 10 in those states. That's a hard gap to close.

If I had created it I would not have had "lean Dem" "lean Rep" or "toss ups" That is the electoral map as of today.
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Has the long-awaited pivot finally arrived?

Trump sounds completely different tonight, even admitting his own fault in regard to certain things he has said. He's visiting Baton Rouge with Pence while Obama vacations in Martha's Vineyard. Obama was proven today to have lied about the hostage payment, which is another avenue of attack.

I think Conway might be the best thing to happen to Trump yet. If she can help keep him on message and not spouting random nonsense this could be one hell of a turnaround.

He will tweet something profoundly stupid in the next 48 hours
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Trump just now: I will never put a donor or a lobbyist above the American people.

Crowd chants LOCK HER UP!

Why don't you quote him when he says he intends to increase the national debt because the interest rates are so low? Or when he says the constitution isn't relevant?
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Why don't you quote him when he says he intends to increase the national debt because the interest rates are so low? Or when he says the constitution isn't relevant?

As I've said before, they only care about the 2nd, and Trump is at least a 2nd guy, that is, until he's elected.
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Has the long-awaited pivot finally arrived?

Trump sounds completely different tonight, even admitting his own fault in regard to certain things he has said. He's visiting Baton Rouge with Pence while Obama vacations in Martha's Vineyard. Obama was proven today to have lied about the hostage payment, which is another avenue of attack.

I think Conway might be the best thing to happen to Trump yet. If she can help keep him on message and not spouting random nonsense this could be one hell of a turnaround.

I watched the speech and can't believe how many times I thought to myself it was a really good speech.

Somebody finally started giving him some good material.

His "I'll be your voice" theme along with the ongoing outsider, anti-PC, America first, can't trust Hillary stuff could be quite potent.

If this keeps up the gap will definitely close.
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As I've said before, they only care about the 2nd, and Trump is at least a 2nd guy, that is, until he's elected.
The 2nd is kind of important.

1) Mao Tze Tung Nov.6, 1938....."All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns, no guns can ever be used to command the party."

China instituted gun control in 1935, and between 1948-1952, rounded up and executed an estimated 20 million unarmed dissidents.

2) Josef Stalin: "If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves."

Russia instituted gun control beginning in 1929. Between 1929 and 1953, an estimated 20 million unarmed defenseless dissidents were rounded up and exterminated.

3) Nazi Germany instituted gun control in 1938, and rounded up and executed an estimated 13 million unarmed people.

4) Idi Amin instituted gun control in Uganda in 1970. Between 1971 and 1979, an estimated 300,000 unarmed, defenseless Christians were rounded up and exterminated.

5) Pol Pot killed an estimated one million defenseless people in Cambodia.
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I watched the speech and can't believe how many times I thought to myself it was a really good speech.

Somebody finally started giving him some good material.

His "I'll be your voice" theme along with the ongoing outsider, anti-PC, America first, can't trust Hillary stuff could be quite potent.

If this keeps up the gap will definitely close.

You are absolutely correct.

However, with the revelation today that Trump has a Holocaust denier and anti-Semite on staff (and that's just the one willing to actually go on record with his nonsense) and with his recent hiring of AltRight loon, Bannon, I imagine there's still plenty more lunacy to follow.

Stay tuned.
The 2nd is kind of important.

1) Mao Tze Tung Nov.6, 1938....."All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns, no guns can ever be used to command the party."

China instituted gun control in 1935, and between 1948-1952, rounded up and executed an estimated 20 million unarmed dissidents.

2) Josef Stalin: "If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves."

Russia instituted gun control beginning in 1929. Between 1929 and 1953, an estimated 20 million unarmed defenseless dissidents were rounded up and exterminated.

3) Nazi Germany instituted gun control in 1938, and rounded up and executed an estimated 13 million unarmed people.

4) Idi Amin instituted gun control in Uganda in 1970. Between 1971 and 1979, an estimated 300,000 unarmed, defenseless Christians were rounded up and exterminated.

5) Pol Pot killed an estimated one million defenseless people in Cambodia.

Oh, make no mistake. I'm not disagreeing that your love of the 2nd is without merit. I just realize it's the only one that many of you truly care about. That's the only thing that can possibly explain your willingness to vote for a candidate who has made the most anti-Constitutional statements of any major nominee in our history.
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Oh, make no mistake. I'm not disagreeing that your love of the 2nd is without merit. I just realize it's the only one that many of you truly care about. That's the only thing that can possibly explain your willingness to vote for a candidate who has made the most anti-Constitutional statements of any major nominee in our history.

W/O the the 2nd, the others fail to exist.
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