2016 Election Thread Part Deux

What can I tell you -- when faced with overwhelming evidence from a half a dozen polls or so that the Trump double down strategy is simply not working, your response is to cite a widely discredited polling service. A polling service proven to have an institutional bias, and proven repeatedly to be wrong.

When it is pointed out to the right wing that their numbers are dwindling, that the demographic wave is overwhelming them, and that they cannot go on with the strategies of the last 30 years and expect to win, they just stomp their feet and whine that the system is rigged.

That it cannot possibly be the case that the GOP is now in a position where it must fundamentally reorganize its message and its direction, if it wants to survive.

If you want to go on believing that its all a conspiracy, have at it. It will just get worse.

Right now, folks like you =


Why, exactly, are our numbers dwindling?


"lol better get used to the program bigots, America will be Brazil 2.0 in 30 years might as well change your party platform to socialism lite. LOL bigots. Shoulda had more kids."
Actually this is the first election since 1984 that the Republican Presidential candidate winning the majority of educated white voter demographic. Clinton has an 8 point lead among white voters with a college degree.

Pretty big piece of evidence that our institutions of higher learning are failing us.
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70-80% of college degrees handed out today are (worthless) liberal arts degrees.

People in the hard/natural sciences lean libertarian or are apolitical. I work in IT and most of my coworkers have never voted.
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Hypothetical scenarios that have literally never happened before does not = a viable candidate. The point is dumb.

No it's not.

Per Carlos' infallible data, Clinton is by far the choice of college educated people next would be Bernie. Both are terrible and a vote for either is a demonstration of ignorance yet the majority of the college educated Dem voters chose them over the only respectable candidate to run as a Dem.

I guess it boils down to we will have the college educated to thank for the disaster that Hillary will bring and the uneducated whites for not putting a decent opponent against her. But since they are uneducated they have an excuse.

That about sum it up?
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70-80% of college degrees handed out today are (worthless) liberal arts degrees.

People in the hard/natural sciences lean libertarian or are apolitical. I work in IT and most of my coworkers have never voted.

Actually it's around 60% percent since STEM has been stressed with millennials. And that number is that high because 38% of people who start out as STEM majors don't graduate with a STEM degree.
No it's not.

Per Carlos' infallible data, Clinton is by far the choice of college educated people next would be Bernie. Both are terrible and a vote for either is a demonstration of ignorance yet the majority of the college educated Dem voters chose them over the only respectable candidate to run as a Dem.

I guess it boils down to we will have the college educated to thank for the disaster that Hillary will bring and the uneducated whites for not putting a decent opponent against her. But since they are uneducated they have an excuse.

That about sum it up?

College educated voters favored Kasich, Rubio and Bush. Cruz and Trump were the only candidate s who were in the negative with them during the primary.
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Actually this is the first election since 1984 that the Republican Presidential candidate winning the majority of educated white voter demographic. Clinton has an 8 point lead among white voters with a college degree.

Sure she does.. if you believe those polls.😂
College educated voters favored Kasich, Rubio and Bush. Cruz and Trump were the only candidate s who were in the negative with them during the primary.

Tennessee is a nice little example of this. Williamson County (just south of Nashville) is the wealthiest and most-educated county in the state. The county leans heavily Republican to the point that very few Democrats even run for local office. During the GOP primary, Williamson was the only county in TN that Trump didn't win.
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So every single polling organization is sacrificing their credibility in order to "sway" voters into doing... something.

Yes. The major networks are doing their best to sway voters.

I don't doubt there are varying numbers at the polls. But it's way too early to count this election as being over. Hell, Hillary has to live long enough to make it there. She's falling apart.
Yes. The major networks are doing their best to sway voters.

I don't doubt there are varying numbers at the polls. But it's way too early to count this election as being over. Hell, Hillary has to live long enough to make it there. She's falling apart.
We volunteer you to finish her off by having sex with her.
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Yes. The major networks are doing their best to sway voters.

I don't doubt there are varying numbers at the polls. But it's way too early to count this election as being over. Hell, Hillary has to live long enough to make it there. She's falling apart.

I ain't convinced of that. Most of what has been reported has been debunked it appears. Inquiring minds want to know the truth.

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