2016 Election Thread Part Deux

W/O the the 2nd, the others fail to exist.

But you're voting for a guy who thinks a third or so of them should either not exist or should be changed to suit his arbitrary opinions. Again, his words, not mine.

There's some sort of cognitive disconnect here.

Yes, the 2nd Amendment is incredibly important; perhaps the most important. But it appears to me that Trump understands his immediate voting base and where its essential values are perhaps better than any other politician (yes, he's a politician now) before him.
He supports none of them. Doesn't even find the constitution relevant

When was the last time we had a president that hasnt raised the debt? Or really thought the constitution was relevant? I mean to hear you talk we have had these great leaders before Trump that should be held in such high regard. This countrys leadership has been nothing but a sewer since time immemorial.
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When was the last time we had a president that hasnt raised the debt? Or really thought the constitution was relevant? I mean to hear you talk we have had these great leaders before Trump that should be held in such high regard. This countrys leadership has been nothing but a sewer since time immemorial.

I'll give Trump credit: he's at least already telling us what he aims on doing to our freedoms of speech and the press, if granted the opportunity. He at least has that much integrity left in him.
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I'll give Trump credit: he's at least already telling us what he aims on doing to our freedoms of speech and the press, if granted the opportunity. He at least has that much integrity left in him.

Yeah he is definitely telling us that we will have to sacrifice some freedoms for the sake of security right? So please elaborate on what he supposedly is going to do to the first amendment?
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Oh, make no mistake. I'm not disagreeing that your love of the 2nd is without merit. I just realize it's the only one that many of you truly care about. That's the only thing that can possibly explain your willingness to vote for a candidate who has made the most anti-Constitutional statements of any major nominee in our history.

Without the second none of the others can be assured.
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I'll give Trump credit: he's at least already telling us what he aims on doing to our freedoms of speech and the press, if granted the opportunity. He at least has that much integrity left in him.

Just for you 😘


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Yeah he is definitely telling us that we will have to sacrifice some freedoms for the sake of security right? So please elaborate on what he supposedly is going to do to the first amendment?

He probably won't be able to do anything to the First, just as neither Hillary nor any Supreme Court judge she nominates will be able to repeal the Second.

But he has said that the press should not be able to say "false things," which is essentially him claiming he should be able to subjectively determine what is fact from fiction in our press. He's also said he would like to change our libel laws, which, if nothing else, is just further proof he's a complete wussy.
He probably won't be able to do anything to the First, just as neither Hillary nor any Supreme Court judge she nominates will be able to repeal the Second.

But he has said that the press should not be able to say "false things," which is essentially him claiming he should be able to subjectively determine what is fact from fiction in our press. He's also said he would like to change our libel laws, which, if nothing else, is just further proof he's a complete wussy.

God man your posts are hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time. So Trump gives his opinion that the press shouldnt be able to say false things and you equate that to him essentially controlling the media. That would be effectively negating the first amendment. Which you said he couldnt do anything against. So which is it?
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I was thinking last night about the deadlock between the Presidency and Congress. I don't think it will be like that with HRC. She has a history of compromise, and in the end I think she will piss off a lot of her base by trying to work with the Reps in Congress. This is yet another quality that leads me to believe she is the better option. I don't see Cheeto compromising on much of anything, ever.
He probably won't be able to do anything to the First, just as neither Hillary nor any Supreme Court judge she nominates will be able to repeal the Second.

They won't be able to repeal the Second Amendment.

However, they surely can vote on huge restrictions on said Amendment that make it largely ineffective. Think what would happen with the Heller or McDonald cases if they were tried with a liberal court.
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I was thinking last night about the deadlock between the Presidency and Congress. I don't think it will be like that with HRC. She has a history of compromise, and in the end I think she will piss off a lot of her base by trying to work with the Reps in Congress. This is yet another quality that leads me to believe she is the better option. I don't see Cheeto compromising on much of anything, ever.

I think you are mistaken.

I see HRC as continuing on and surpassing Obama's obstinance. She will see her election as not only a mandate for her but for her family legacy and political philosophy. When she doesn't get her way, watch out.

Remember her reaction when Hillarycare was put down? She was only a first lady then.
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I was thinking last night about the deadlock between the Presidency and Congress. I don't think it will be like that with HRC. She has a history of compromise, and in the end I think she will piss off a lot of her base by trying to work with the Reps in Congress. This is yet another quality that leads me to believe she is the better option. I don't see Cheeto compromising on much of anything, ever.

What deadlock? Those ass kissers have rubber stamped Obama's entire agenda including funding for the failing healthcare and a trillion dollar budget. Hillary is not going to be the next prez..
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I think you are mistaken.

I see HRC as continuing on and surpassing Obama's obstinance. She will see her election as not only a mandate for her but for her family legacy and political philosophy. When she doesn't get her way, watch out.

Remember her reaction when Hillarycare was put down? She was only a first lady then.

That's a possibility. My reasoning came from her ability to just change her mind suddenly on pretty big issues. Plus, she had a pretty good record in Congress working with Republicans. I don't think they (Republican congressmen) hate her as much as they let on.
That's a possibility. My reasoning came from her ability to just change her mind suddenly on pretty big issues. Plus, she had a pretty good record in Congress working with Republicans. I don't think they (Republican congressmen) hate her as much as they let on.

And there's a reason that the congress approval ratings are at an all time low.
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What deadlock? Those ass kissers have rubber stamped Obama's entire agenda including funding for the failing healthcare and a trillion dollar budget. Hillary is not going to be the next prez..

Actually the Republican have blocked over 500 bills offered up by the Obama administration. 23 of them have been major. Also there was no budget passed this year because the Republicans and Dems could not compromise so they had to pass another continuing resolution. You should really stop reading Brietbart so much. Congressional Republicans can't pick a hill to die on all the time.

Examples of the 23 major bill rejected by a Republicans.

American Jobs Act
Cap and Trade.
Buffett Rule.
Card Check
Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act
Prolonging Bush Tax Cuts
Paycheck Fairness Act
The “Public Option.”
Immigration Reform
Gun Control
Actually the Republican have blocked over 500 bills offered up by the Obama administration. 23 of them have been major. Also there was no budget passed this year because the Republicans and Dems could not compromise so they had to pass another continuing resolution. You should really stop reading Brietbart so much. Congressional Republicans can't pick a hill to die on all the time.

Examples of the 23 major bill rejected by a Republicans.

American Jobs Act
Cap and Trade.
Buffett Rule.
Card Check
Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act
Prolonging Bush Tax Cuts
Paycheck Fairness Act
The “Public Option.”
Immigration Reform
Gun Control

Ive always thought the names of the bills were interesting compared to what is actually in them.
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Actually the Republican have blocked over 500 bills offered up by the Obama administration. 23 of them have been major. Also there was no budget passed this year because the Republicans and Dems could not compromise so they had to pass another continuing resolution. You should really stop reading Brietbart so much. Congressional Republicans can't pick a hill to die on all the time.

Examples of the 23 major bill rejected by a Republicans.

American Jobs Act
Cap and Trade.
Buffett Rule.
Card Check
Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act
Prolonging Bush Tax Cuts
Paycheck Fairness Act
The “Public Option.”
Immigration Reform
Gun Control

Ever heard of earmarks?
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Ive always thought the names of the bills were interesting compared to what is actually in them.

The Affordable Care Act and the Patriot Act are two of the biggest, steamiest turds ever squeezed out of Washington.

Both of those sound like something people would want. Right? Just don't ask questions. K?
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That's a possibility. My reasoning came from her ability to just change her mind suddenly on pretty big issues. Plus, she had a pretty good record in Congress working with Republicans. I don't think they (Republican congressmen) hate her as much as they let on.

What big issues?
What big issues?

Must be talking about the 3 bills she sponsored that were actually passed. They were major groundbreaking pieces of legislation I tell you.

1. Kate Mullany National Historic Site Act
2. A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at
2951 New York Highway 43 in Averill Park, New York, as the
"Major George Quamo Post Office Building".
3. A bill to designate a portion of United States Route 20A,
located in Orchard Park, New York, as the
"Timothy J. Russert Highway"

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