2016 Election Thread Part Deux



I'd give her an 8.5 except that I hate that shade of Orange.
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Prof, i don't believe you ever replied to my post a few days ago. If you did, i missed it.

Q- Who is your ideal candidate?

Yes, I must have missed it. My apologies.

That's a question that warrants an essay. But I'll try to make it as simple as possible. To be clear, there was and is no candidate in this election who is my "ideal candidate," although I was a Kasich supporter from the start. Even with Kasich, much of my support was derived from a "well, checks and balances won't let him do that" place.

I guess I'll just give a bullet list to shorten and simplify:

1. Fiscal policy: low corporate tax rates with no loopholes; progressive income tax (I firmly believe "everyone pays according to his means" is a healthy credo for any democratic society, socialist connotations aside); expand retirement age for social security and related benefits; a congressional panel on social spending to determine entitlement waste (what is working and what is not? for the sake of transparency); lower federal spending

2. Jobs policy: see fiscal policy; 20-30 year policy for Big Oil, Coal, and other fossil fuel industries to shift to alternative energies (so US can be a leader in energy cost efficiency and export of such technologies); congressional panel on effects of automation in the jobs sector; federal tax incentives (and possibly subsidies) to those businesses that find a way to hire people rather than computers

3. Defense/foreign policy: strong national defense and military investment; an "active America" but no losing "wars of choice" like Iraq; no nation building; strong NATO emphasis but not upon expansion; War on Terror shift of emphasis from bombings and ground combat to intelligence (which is really the only way it can be combated without further complications)

4. Education policy: advocate for end of municipal-funded education that creates vast disparities in quality of education; instead; across the board equal state and federal funding (obviously, powers would be limited here); bare federal standards (no more No Child or teaching for the test); emphasis on creativity and tech educations

5. Climate policy: climate change absolutely does exist, poses a major threat to our national security (via human migration and opening of previously ice-locked areas), and we should be preparing for it. Russia already is, so why shouldn't we?

6. Social values: secular but with acknowledgement of the value religion plays in this country (basically, just not saying "God bless America" every time you end a speech, but other than that, I don't really care); pro gay marriage; while I support an emphasis on traditional gender roles - it's always best when a man decides to be a man, an actual one - there is no legitimate reason in a democracy why one should not pursue the gender of his or her interest; a complete ignoring of the current transgender bathroom/locker room issue, because there are no winners involved (let the states sort that mess out for themselves); emphasize personal responsibility while also acknowledging previous injustices (emphasis should always be on how far we've progressed though)

Okay, that was far from short, but such is the nature of your question. And this still leaves out a lot.

If you can find a "conservative liberal" or a "liberal conservative," either of which I probably am, then please let me know. But I haven't been able to locate one yet.
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5. Climate policy: climate change absolutely does exist, poses a major threat to our national security (via human migration and opening of previously ice-locked areas), and we should be preparing for it. Russia already is, so why shouldn't we?

I don't follow GW or CC but I guess i need to read up on this.
The Republican presidential nominee, with running mate Mike Pence at his side, stopped at the home of Jimmy and Olive Gordan in Denham Springs, where the couple was still sweeping out floodwaters from their home. A ruined couch, chair and bedroom furniture were piled on their lawn, and Jimmy Gordan told Trump he spent his 79th birthday on the roof of his house.

Trump tours La. flood damage, draws cheers as he says region will rebuild | Fox News
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The Republican presidential nominee, with running mate Mike Pence at his side, stopped at the home of Jimmy and Olive Gordan in Denham Springs, where the couple was still sweeping out floodwaters from their home. A ruined couch, chair and bedroom furniture were piled on their lawn, and Jimmy Gordan told Trump he spent his 79th birthday on the roof of his house.

Trump tours La. flood damage, draws cheers as he says region will rebuild | Fox News

The notion of Trump, or the GOP, giving a rats' azz about people like this is just laughable.
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The notion of Trump, or the GOP, giving a rats' azz about people like this is just laughable.

Doesn't matter. There's a reason they say... 80% of life is showing up.

They did, and other people haven't. Trump wins the battle of optics for today.
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Trump is in Louisiana visiting the flood victims.

Crooked Hillary is taking her Nap.

Obama is in Martha's Vineyard playing Golf, and trying to get his Buckwild daughter under control.
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I don't follow GW or CC but I guess i need to read up on this.

Russia has been militarizing and investing in the Arctic for several years now. Putin, while a staunch conservative (even reactionary) is under no impression that man once walked with dinosaurs. Even if he did, which he didn't, Putin doesn't give a ****. He's a reactionary conservative, but not your typical dumb American one. He was a former FSB director. That means he's actually smart.

Plus, many scholars suggest that, by mid-century, many parts of the Middle East will be uninhabitable.

If you think you have a refugee crisis now, you just wait.

As I've said before, thank god (or nothing, or whatever anyone prefers) that we are separated from that part of the world by a wide, wide ocean.

While we will suffer, that ocean will save us.

Provided Yellowstone doesn't blow.

Yeah, I'm just a bucket of good news, aren't I?
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Russia has been militarizing and investing in the Arctic for several years now. Putin, while a staunch conservative (even reactionary) is under no impression that man once walked with dinosaurs. Even if he did, which he didn't, Putin doesn't give a ****. He's a reactionary conservative, but not your typical dumb American one. He was a former FSB director. That means he's actually smart.

Plus, many scholars suggest that, by mid-century, many parts of the Middle East will be uninhabitable.

If you think you have a refugee crisis now, you just wait.

As I've said before, thank god (or nothing, or whatever anyone prefers) that we are separated from that part of the world by a wide, wide ocean.

While we will suffer, that ocean will save us.

Provided Yellowstone doesn't blow.

Yeah, I'm just a bucket of good news, aren't I?

WTF does this mean?
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WTF does this mean?

They're gonna be hot. Hot and dry. Dubai uninhabitable.

Think California water crisis, but on drugs. Just a matter of how long oil companies want to keep subsidizing them. Once that's done, they're done.
They're gonna be hot. Hot and dry. Dubai uninhabitable.

Think California water crisis, but on drugs. Just a matter of how long oil companies want to keep subsidizing them. Once that's done, they're done.

I stayed in Dubai for 4 months. Looked like it was exploding with cranes from all the construction projects. Don't see how it's gonna be uninhabitable.
I stayed in Dubai for 4 months. Looked like it was exploding with cranes from all the construction projects. Don't see how it's gonna be uninhabitable.

50 years, my friend. Give it 50.

Honestly, I don't understand why climate change doesn't alarm you rightists. One of its biggest implications, besides no longer making oil companies butt rich, is that the Middle East is essentially uninhabitable and that Middle Easterners will be moving anywhere else (but mostly to Europe).

This should scare the crap out of you.
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