2016 Election Thread Part Deux

50 years, my friend. Give it 50.

Honestly, I don't understand why climate change doesn't alarm you rightists. One of its biggest implications, besides no longer making oil companies butt rich, is that the Middle East is essentially uninhabitable and that Middle Easterners will be moving anywhere else (but mostly to Europe).

This should scare the crap out of you.

It's called weather dude, you're the one freaking out. There isn't a shred of credible evidence that proves your bs theory, it's all based on pseudo science and ****ing projections that are bogus..😂😂😂
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Actually the Republican have blocked over 500 bills offered up by the Obama administration. 23 of them have been major. Also there was no budget passed this year because the Republicans and Dems could not compromise so they had to pass another continuing resolution. You should really stop reading Brietbart so much. Congressional Republicans can't pick a hill to die on all the time.

Examples of the 23 major bill rejected by a Republicans.

American Jobs Act
Cap and Trade.
Buffett Rule.
Card Check
Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act
Prolonging Bush Tax Cuts
Paycheck Fairness Act
The “Public Option.”
Immigration Reform
Gun Control

That list looks like a bucket of s*** to me. Cap and Trade...Dream Act...Paycheck Fairness Act....American Jobs Act......Gun Control...these are piles of repugnant hot garbage.

Thankfully the little spineless wussy GOP congress stood up for at least a few things.
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50 years, my friend. Give it 50.

Honestly, I don't understand why climate change doesn't alarm you rightists. One of its biggest implications, besides no longer making oil companies butt rich, is that the Middle East is essentially uninhabitable and that Middle Easterners will be moving anywhere else (but mostly to Europe).

This should scare the crap out of you.

There was an ice age it got warmer..... Long before the internal combustion engine.....
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50 years, my friend. Give it 50.

Honestly, I don't understand why climate change doesn't alarm you rightists. One of its biggest implications, besides no longer making oil companies butt rich, is that the Middle East is essentially uninhabitable and that Middle Easterners will be moving anywhere else (but mostly to Europe).

This should scare the crap out of you.

Desalinization plants.....
Could This Giant Desalination Plant Solve Water Shortages?
A lawyer suing the dnc on behalf of Bernie Sanders, alleging the the fix was in,For Hillary all along was found dead in a bathroom August 2nd of this year.

Shall we add another one to the list?
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So let me get this straight...

Paul Manifort resigns because of Ukrainian connections and is being vilified by the press.

Yet there is a pretty clear line between Hillary and the pay for play by allowing a Russian company to purchase a company that deals exclusively in uranium and the press is silent?

Have I got that right?

He resigned because he help to orchestrate the Euromaiden response, the invasion of Ukriane and the FBI was starting to dig into it.
A lawyer suing the dnc on behalf of Bernie Sanders, alleging the the fix was in,For Hillary all along was found dead in a bathroom August 2nd of this year.

Shall we add another one to the list?
I'm not so sure that you can fit all of that first sentence into just one. LOL!
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It's called weather dude, you're the one freaking out. There isn't a shred of credible evidence that proves your bs theory, it's all based on pseudo science and ****ing projections that are bogus..😂😂😂

Who, who should I believe? The 99% of the scientific community that isn't paid by Big Oil to fudge its research, or a guy who types and reads only in pictures?

Tough decision, this.
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Don't poke fun. Alcohol was involved.
That reminds me of a funny cartoon that I saw in Playboy maybe 40 or more years ago. There were 2 cowboys and a bartender in the cartoon, and the first caption said "why you old yellow bellied, sidewindin', hornswogglin' son of a .....", and the words were in a little cloud above a whiskey bottle in the cowboy's hand, instead of above his head.

The second cowboy says "why I oughta....." The bartender stepped in and said "don't pay him no mind Slim. That's just that liquor talkin'.
I stayed in Dubai for 4 months. Looked like it was exploding with cranes from all the construction projects. Don't see how it's gonna be uninhabitable.
Hopefully the entire lying region's economy collapses and they return to the dark ages from whence they came.
F the UAE. They are not our friends.

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