2016 Election Thread Part Deux

You'll vote for her so fast, the person next to you in their booth will still be reading the first few names for Congress when *you're done.

*denotes the word that should replace "your" in this situation.

I plan on writing in a candidate and not voting for either.
Who, who should I believe? The 99% of the scientific community that isn't paid by Big Oil to fudge its research, or a guy who types and reads only in pictures?

Tough decision, this.

You wouldn't know the truth if it ***** slapped your ass, speaking of false data you were probably all in on those skewed statistics discovered in that batch of emails. 40 years ago we were going into an ice age, when that didn't work it became global warming, when that term didn't pan out it became Climate Change..GTFO with that BS
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I hate Hillary. I just hate Trump 20x more.

I would rather take my chances with a hot head such as Trump instead of a woman like Hillary that's a criminal who couldn't admit the truth about her illegal actions even if her life depended on it. Don't forget letting four Americans die in foreign countries. She's wanting to put America first? BS. You make the decision but voting for an selfish criminal is about as low as you can get.

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Why? Why is Hillary better than Trump?

Let's see where do I begin.

1)He would set American foreign policy back all the way to a pre WWII World. He talks about abandoning NATO and leaving Eastern Europe to their own demise. He's talks about abandoning the the foreign policy that has kept the world out of a major conflict for since 1949. For some reason that plays into who Trump is as a person he has the desire to please dictators. He said that, as president, he would “look at recognizing Russian rule there, adding memorably, “the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were.” and then denied Russian military involvement in Ukraine, stating not once but twice that Vladimir Putin, “He’s not going into Ukraine.” overlooking the the known fact that since 2014 the Russians have occupied Crimea and the southern part of Ukraine. John Schindler said it best.
Donald Trump’s foreign policy vision, with its desire to please dictators until they hopefully behave, seems to be more comfortable with the norms of the ancients than with those of the current century. This is why Crimea matters. Trump’s concept of international relations will only encourage more aggression against the weak while quite possibly unleashing major war and geopolitical hell with it.
He is ignorant, stupid, lacks the ability nor has to the attributes to understand simple foreign policy (Knowing the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah or knowing the difference between the Kurds and the Iranian Quds Force) nor does he have what it takes to understand complex foreign policy issues (The situation in the South China Sea, Russian Aggression in Ukraine, Defeating ISIS, preventing the spread of Russian and Iranian influence in the Middle East, preventing Afghanistan from falling to the Taliban again.)

2) The basis of Trump campaign is a lie which makes him no different than Hillary Clinton. Trump is literally promising people who have felt America has left them behind, its culture has changed and feel the economy has changed that he can turn the clock back to the 1980s the years of the Reagan Revolution. Well that's not going to happen. Trump can't bring back industrial and factory jobs that were demolished year ago. Trump is promising economic impossibilities knowing that most of his supporters are too uneducated to understand that. Trump is every bit as liberal as Hillary and has never had a conservative bone is his body. He's a New York Liberal. Always has been and always will yet he has been able to convince some Republicans that he is a born again Christian Conservative Republican. He is nothing more than a chameleon that turns his colors when it suits him. Within one year Trump has solidified what Democrats, Liberals and Progressives have said about conservatives and Republican for years. That the Party and the Conservative movement is full of old whites who are afraid of change and hate people who are different than them. By posing as a conservative he has set back the cause of conservatism all the back to Barry Goldwater while at the same time alienating Hispanics in the same way that Goldwater alienated African Americans. Conservatives, the Republican party and country can survive four, or even eight, years of Hillary Clinton. But we will not survive Trump. That man will pave the way for 30 to 40 years of Liberal dominance that will change this country forever. In an election cycle where Republicans needed a candidate that could make the case of conservatism directly to Hispanics, women, and other minorities and tell them how it makes their lives better Trump can't do that because he never has been a conservative and he has spent his entire life as a person who has looked down on the average American from his ivory tower in Manhattan.
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He swore to uphold existing law, the rest will fall into place.

No he didn't. He said he was going to deport the illegals. Didn't say jack **** about upholding the existing law.

"On his first day as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump went on NBC and reiterated his plan to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in this country if he becomes president. ."
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No he didn't. He said he was going to deport the illegals. Didn't say jack **** about upholding the existing law.

"On his first day as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump went on NBC and reiterated his plan to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in this country if he becomes president. ."

Good, he did say he would enforce existing laws Clyde, numerous times. This in turn will lead to the exit of the illegals, you appear to have a selective memory, must be why the border patrol endorses Trump. 🙄
Good, he did say he would enforce existing laws Clyde, numerous times. This in turn will lead to the exit of the illegals, you appear to have a selective memory, must be why the border patrol endorses Trump. 🙄

He can start with tho ones at the DNC
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Good, he did say he would enforce existing laws Clyde, numerous times. This in turn will lead to the exit of the illegals, you appear to have a selective memory, must be why the border patrol endorses Trump. 🙄

He said he was going to deport them. His words. Not enforce existing laws. Find them and deport them. Now that reality had set in he's going back on what got him the nomination..... Yet again. He's nothing more than a snake oil salesmen who sold you his gossip as his word.
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He said he was going to deport them. His words. Not enforce existing laws. Find them and deport them. Now that reality had set in he's going back on what got him the nomination..... Yet again. He's nothing more than a snake oil salesmen who sold you his gossip as his word.

Donald Trump doesn't even know what the existing laws are. And after having whipped up his immediate base's tribalism, he's now become a halfway rational candidate over the last week. While he hasn't been beating the tribal war drums as much lately, his diehard supporters should nonetheless take heart that, if he keeps this "halfway rational Don" approach up, he will ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton, as I have predicted. Then he can go back to the tribalism they all love so much.
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He said he was going to deport them. His words. Not enforce existing laws. Find them and deport them. Now that reality had set in he's going back on what got him the nomination..... Yet again. He's nothing more than a snake oil salesmen who sold you his gossip as his word.
Eat a snickers dude, he's gonna win and that's that. Once we go back to enforcement of existing immigration law and secure our southern border we'll be on the right path, only you and the rest of the hysteria driven crowds actually believe he's going door to door...😂😂😂
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Donald Trump doesn't even know what the existing laws are. And after having whipped up his immediate base's tribalism, he's now become a halfway rational candidate over the last week. While he hasn't been beating the tribal war drums as much lately, his diehard supporters should nonetheless take heart that, if he keeps this "halfway rational Don" approach up, he will ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton, as I have predicted. Then he can go back to the tribalism they all love so much.

And that scares the shlt outta you..
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No he didn't. He said he was going to deport the illegals. Didn't say jack **** about upholding the existing law.

"On his first day as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump went on NBC and reiterated his plan to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in this country if he becomes president. ."

Let's be honest. Trump has held every conceivable position on almost any issue you can imagine.

It's not surprising that he now supports amnesty. He always did IMO.
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Let's be honest. Trump has held every conceivable position on almost any issue you can imagine.

It's not surprising that he now supports amnesty. He always did IMO.

Where else is he going to find the cheap labor to help him pay off his numerous debts?

Give the man credit though, he definitely knows his base. His base certainly doesn't know him, but that is precisely the point of the ruse.
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Eat a snickers dude, he's gonna win and that's that. Once we go back to enforcement of existing immigration law and secure our southern border we'll be on the right path, only you and the rest of the hysteria driven crowds actually believe he's going door to door...😂😂😂

I highly doubt he wins. He hurts himself now more than he helps when he speaks.
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