2020 Presidential Race

They are only going to vote for the winner of the 270 and only for the winner of the popular vote?

What a total cop out. Makes them completely worthless as a electoral state.

Why hold an opinion if you are just going to the winner?
No... The compact only goes into force if they get enough states to decide the election (in other words, at least 270 combined electoral votes). So right now, all the states electoral votes are awarded as normal. If enough states join the compact, the national popular vote decides the election (of course, there would be court challenges).
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Because their votes still count toward their states EV. Virginia is telling people they may as well stay home and we’ll allocate them based on what the other 49 states do.
No they aren’t. Their citizens’ votes would count the same as every other American citizen.
No... The compact only goes into force if they get enough states to decide the election (in other words, at least 270 combined electoral votes). So right now, all the states electoral votes are awarded as normal. If enough states join the compact, the national popular vote decides the election (of course, there would be court challenges).
So what should a candidate do? Run their campaign to win the most electoral votes which is what elects the president? Or run their campaign to win a popular vote?

Because I'd bet you'd run very different campaigns for each.

This is similar to saying if one football team has more yards than the winning team, we should just give them the win. The game is played for points, but if they change how it's judged after the fact you can't say the outcome would have been the same.

They've created some bogus scenario where a set of rules for both sides determine the winner, but you might alter that depending on if you don't like the outcome.
So what should a candidate do? Run their campaign to win the most electoral votes which is what elects the president? Or run their campaign to win a popular vote?

Because I'd bet you'd run very different campaigns for each.

This is similar to saying if one football team has more yards than the winning team, we should just give them the win. The game is played for points, but if they change how it's judged after the fact you can't say the outcome would have been the same.

They've created some bogus scenario where a set of rules for both sides determine the winner, but you might alter that depending on if you don't like the outcome.

The idiots have elevated participation trophies all the way to Presidential Elections. Who'd a thunk it?
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No... The compact only goes into force if they get enough states to decide the election (in other words, at least 270 combined electoral votes). So right now, all the states electoral votes are awarded as normal. If enough states join the compact, the national popular vote decides the election (of course, there would be court challenges).
Ironic. It's a bastardization of a system allowing the states to choose president, instead of the people, to let the states choose the president.

Will be real interesting to see what happens with the electors in those states. They would still cast their own votes. This is just another excuse to not do what they already dont have to do.

Makes sense when you corrupt a system, it just leads to further corruption.
It won’t make that step stool go away or make him president. Poor little feller.
And it won’t make Trump a better business man then him.
Side note: odd how many trump fans celebrated him funding his own campaign to the tune of $70 million dollars but ripping this guy. Should he be sorry he has more money?
And it won’t make Trump a better business man then him.
Side note: odd how many trump fans celebrated him funding his own campaign to the tune of $70 million dollars but ripping this guy. Should he be sorry he has more money?

You say it like Trump is broke. It’s like comparing Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.
You say it like Trump is broke. It’s like comparing Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.
I am well aware of Trumps success. He just can’t take the high ground on that issue with Bloomberg. You and I both know that eats his ass up. If they end up going head to head we both know Bloomberg will wait until trump mocks him. Then Mike will shove his net worth right up trumps ass. Trump will explode.

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