2020 Presidential Race

Why is African-American and Hispanic unemployment numbers so low? And why are wages for many of lower-skilled workers of all ethnicities rising at such a rapid pace?

One of the questions that occurred to me with the accelerated growth of wages for “low income” workers or workers at the bottom of the economic scale was how much of that was due to increasing minimum wages in various states and localities across the country. I decided to go with the analysis of the Upshot from the New York Times. I figured that would give me the gloomiest answer. It turns out based on their analysis that it’s possible that a minor contributor to rising wages at the bottom could be from increasing minimum wages but they admit they can’t quantify how many workers may have lost their jobs because of rising minimum wages so their analysis is limited only to low income workers who were able to hold onto their jobs.

Wages for low income workers across the nation have been increasing at a rate of 3.6% - 4.1% and the Upshot says 0.4% of that is potentially attributable to rising minimum wages. They say the biggest driver of rising wages is the tight labor market something that the President and the Federal Reserve Chairman see as having a significant ways to go. The idea is to keep the expansion going for as long as possible, keep the labor market tight, draw more workers back into the labor force from the sideline, all the while avoiding overheating the economy.

Employers increasing wages for low skilled workers is one of the things leading to more people coming into the labor force. Employers competing against each other to hold on to their lower-skilled workers is what is leading to rising wages.

The belief is that the capacity of our economy with our existing potential labor pool is still much greater than where we’re at today. Although the Upshot didn’t say this, I think this is one of the results of Trump’s “America First” agenda. I think he’s right to tout the benefits flowing to those at the lower end of the economic scale, something I think would almost certainly end if Bloomberg (or the Democrats) got open border policies enacted, thereby flooding the lower end of the labor market with millions of new warm bodies. It would strip all almost all bargaining power from those workers at the lower end of the ladder, with much of that adverse impact being felt by the Hispanic and African-American communities. jmo.

I think it could be legitimately argued that open borders is a targeted economic attack on those workers, American citizens from many minority communities all across our nation. Open borders is racist not for who we keep out but who we harm when we open those borders. jmo.
Issue: Student loan forgiveness

I was thinking, you know, when government gets involved in something that puts a bunch of money on the table people do all kinds of things to grab as big a portion of those dollars as possible. Why does the cost of college education like healthcare continue to skyrocket? The simple reason, I’d argue, is because there’s a lot of, in effect, “government money” on the table looking for a home.

I don’t want to pay for everyone else’s this and that any more than is absolutely necessary so this is my proposal. Offer some combination of tax deductions and/or tax credits to employers/businesses who will pay off some portion or all of the student loans of new-hires. This not only helps students out but it will attract students to those industries and businesses which need certain training and skill sets. I don’t think you can give full tax credits and I don’t think tax deductions alone is that attractive. I think you have to find a balance to incentivize employers/businesses. If a kid wants her prospective employer to help with her student loans she better study in a field that has high demand. jmo.

It should be up to the employer. For example, if an engineering firm was looking for a newly graduated mechanical engineer, they might agree to pay the student loans over a period of 5 years or something. For some schools they may only pay 25% of the loans, for others maybe 50%, but for a good engineering school, say like Georgia Tech (actually years ago I heard from managers at TVA that Tennessee Tech was one of the best engineering schools in the country), they might pay 100% of the loans in order to recruit that kid. The cost to the employer should be something but I wouldn’t be opposed to subsidizing that to a limited extent in the form of a tax incentive. I think this approach would give private industry a say in what schools and diplomas were worth something as opposed to us having to pay for whatever bizarre field of study some kid might want to explore. jmo.

The downside of this is a lot of the gender studies majors and art majors and the like will probably end up working for the government.
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How tiny will Trumps penis be when Bloomberg reminds him over and over again how much more of a successful business person he is over trump? Oh the rage will flow.
Does that mean it'll grow immensely after the election, and Trump reminds him he's still president and Bloomin' never will be?

That's the last I'll make reference to anyone else's penis. You knock yourself out, though.
Not bothered at all. Trumps a giant scum bag. Bloomberg is too. I like big gulps and guns. So Mikey isn’t a candidate I would vote for. At the same time, you are falling into the trap that many do, just because I point something out doesn’t mean I think they are right.
What did you point out? You made hypotheticals about a man's supposed reaction to something, and the size that man's organ. It was weird when you did it, only made weirder by the fact that you think there was anything there of substance to "point" to--kind of like claiming to be pointing out the dragon sitting on your sofa.
Did you happen to read the article linked above about the former-Democrat attending a Trump rally?

I do find it quite ironic that a "liberal" continues to attack the idea that well-educated, reasonable, America-loving citizens across the US decided to vote for a President based upon his alignment with their political ideals rather than the color of his skin or personality traits.
This is super funny because Virginia is over-run with people from West Virginia who moved here so they could actually have a decent job for the first time in their godforsaken lives. If they want to go back, nobody is going to cry, but trust me they don't want to go back.

In fact there are two West Virginia families on my street I'd help move. They can take their cars that don't run and their inexplicable giant wood pile (they don't have a stove or foreplace) with them.
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Did you happen to read the article linked above about the former-Democrat attending a Trump rally?

I do find it quite ironic that a "liberal" continues to attack the idea that well-educated, reasonable, America-loving citizens across the US decided to vote for a President based upon his alignment with their political ideals rather than the color of his skin or personality traits.
There were many in the primary with the same political ideals. Trump was chosen for reasons beyond his "political ideals".
She been quite, hasn't she
The word going around is that Hillary already has her campaign machinery up and going and that the DNC upper ups will call her in on Super Tuesday. The Super Delegates would give her the nomination over Bernie Sanders which will result in bloody riots in Milwaukee in July.
So, Luther would expect the hard-working citizens who value Capitalism, individual liberties, national security, protection of unborn children, a strong international trade position, and preservation of their Constitutional right to protect themselves from tyranny to vote for the Democratic candidate, just because they don't necessarily love the behavior/personality of Trump, or the fact that he gets a spray tan?

And WE are the illogical ones???
But enough obviously did. I sympathize with the never Trumpers who were forced with the Hillary or Trump choice.
Just wait until the Dems prop a Socialist up there. The results will force them to either completely rethink their approach or fracture into two distinct parties.
The word going around is that Hillary already has her campaign machinery up and going and that the DNC upper ups will call her in on Super Tuesday. The Super Delegates would give her the nomination over Bernie Sanders which will result in bloody riots in Milwaukee in July.
This is tinfoil hat stuff. Do I think Hillary still dreams of becoming POTUS? Sure. But I don’t see her lifting a finger. If it’s presented on a silver platter she might slink back into her best pantsuit but it ain’t gonna happen.
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