2020 Presidential Race

I am well aware of Trumps success. He just can’t take the high ground on that issue with Bloomberg. You and I both know that eats his ass up. If they end up going head to head we both know Bloomberg will wait until trump mocks him. Then Mike will shove his net worth right up trumps ass. Trump will explode.

Hard to say. They said he would go off script at the SOTU but instead he nailed it and the dims looked like complete idiots the way they carried on.
I am well aware of Trumps success. He just can’t take the high ground on that issue with Bloomberg. You and I both know that eats his ass up. If they end up going head to head we both know Bloomberg will wait until trump mocks him. Then Mike will shove his net worth right up trumps ass. Trump will explode.

You sound really bothered. And I mean in a really pathetic way. Trump has you so butthurt you’re using multiple posts bragging about Bloomberg being more wealthy. Weird flex man.
You sound really bothered. And I mean in a really pathetic way. Trump has you so butthurt you’re using multiple posts bragging about Bloomberg being more wealthy. Weird flex man.
Not bothered at all. Trumps a giant scum bag. Bloomberg is too. I like big gulps and guns. So Mikey isn’t a candidate I would vote for. At the same time, you are falling into the trap that many do, just because I point something out doesn’t mean I think they are right.
Not bothered at all. Trumps a giant scum bag. Bloomberg is too. I like big gulps and guns. So Mikey isn’t a candidate I would vote for. At the same time, you are falling into the trap that many do, just because I point something out doesn’t mean I think they are right.

Point something out? All you did was keep saying how Bloomberg being more wealthy will “eat his ass up”, “shove his net worth up trumps ass”, “make him explode”, “trumps tiny penis”.. those aren’t making a point, just came across more butthurtish.
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Point something out? All you did was keep saying how Bloomberg being more wealthy will “eat his ass up”, “shove his net worth up trumps ass”, “make him explode”, “trumps tiny penis”.. those aren’t making a point, just came across more butthurtish.
You don’t think trump is sensitive to his net worth? Please elaborate.
Point something out? All you did was keep saying how Bloomberg being more wealthy will “eat his ass up”, “shove his net worth up trumps ass”, “make him explode”, “trumps tiny penis”.. those aren’t making a point, just came across more butthurtish.
You don’t think Bloomberg pointing that out will bother Trump? Come on.
You don’t think Bloomberg pointing that out will bother Trump? Come on.

I would say he could probably could. My point is that you could have just simply said that, instead you used multiple posts talking about shoving it up trumps ass and trumps tiny penis, which make your butthurt over trump super clear. That’s all I was saying.
No she doesn’t. And you are a clown if you think so. If you actually believe that you should be embarrassed.
I agree the ridicule of Michelle is ridiculous, but is it worse than ridiculing any political figure? I mean, you keep talking about Trump having a tiny penis. Maybe you think you're making a point by doing so, but I think maybe you're just feeding the monster you detest. Michelle doesn't have a penis. I don't know, nor do I care to know, the size of Trump's penis. But this is modern politics. Mudslinging 101. It's ridiculous, but it comes from all sides. Both Republicans and Dems engage in this behavior.
I don't know a lot about Bloomberg but I know progressives didn't like him all that much a few years ago. He has the luxury right now and the campaign smarts to define himself to the larger audience before someone else beats him to the punch. He's not a choir boy but for a party bent on anybody but Trump he may not have to be. I think he is for open borders and amnesty. He sees immigration as essential to economic growth and I think that covers both legal and illegal. He is the grandson of immigrants himself.

I just started looking into his "positions" but my first impression is that it's unlikely a lot of people on the left will fall in love with him. If they choose, many won't be voting for Bloomberg so much as they will be voting against Trump. I don't know if that will be enough but it could be. Obviously he's for gun control, abortion, and many of the left's positions. I don't know if the socialist label will stick to him as easily as some others.


There has been talk in the past about Bloomberg running and the left usually mocked that idea. My argument to some of my friends on the left at the time was I thought he was a more sane option compared to what they were pushing. At the time it was thought he'd run as an independent.

At the moment I'm not sure Bloomberg will be able to generate any significant enthusiasm, at least not for himself. He's no Trump and he's no Bernie. He's no Obama nor is he a Reagan or Clinton. His main issue and strongest asset is probably his claim to having the best shot at beating Trump. That's it. I don't know if he can or not, not yet. To me he is the proverbial backup quarterback that comes into the game late with his team trailing and with the outlook bleak. He's a low 3-star at best but he has a lot of money and can hire a lot of smart people. He also, in the minds of some, may do far less down ballot damage than Bernie or others now contending for the nomination.

I think Trump probably described him accurately in a sense when he compared Bloomberg's persona to Jeb. His campaign is going to have to change that, I think, and the only way to do that may be to take a page or two out of Trump's playbook. Bloomberg needs to generate enthusiasm so he could start throwing out slogans like "Tear down the wall", or "Lock him up", things like that, and have his crowds, if he can muster any, enthusiastically chanting those refrains. He's probably a smart guy but I think he probably needs to dumb it down to take on Trump. jmo.

If Bloomberg runs a "Jeb styled" campaign against Trump, I suspect he'll come up "short". jmo.

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