2020 Presidential Race

He won’t in my opinion. Trump had the advantage in 2016 of being a political outsider which appealed to a lot of people. He won’t have the same support this go round. Whether it’s enough to have an effect remains to be seen. Biden won’t ignite the black vote the way Obama did, but he should still win that demographic handily.
Trump will have the incumbent vote. And with how shaky Biden is a lot of people are going to want to stick with the crazy they know instead of the one they dont.

And this is coming from a guy who wants Trump out.

And based on purely anecdotal evidence from down here in Atlanta dont be shocked if Trump picks up a decent number of AA votes. Still will be a landslide in the percentages.
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Better to at least attempt to think than be told what to think. I realize it’s hard to formulate an opinion on something that hasn’t been beaten to death by Fox News.

CNN and MSNBC have lied their asses off to you for 3 years. and you took it hook line and sinker.
Better to at least attempt to think than be told what to think. I realize it’s hard to formulate an opinion on something that hasn’t been beaten to death by Fox News.

You are parroting what you have been told to think. Your posts are nothing more than a regurgitation of themes our regular liberal posters have posted a 100x over.

You are an ignorant sheep just doing what you are told. Hell Luther is more original than you.
CNN and MSNBC have lied their asses off to you for 3 years. and you took it hook line and sinker.


Also, CNN and MSNBC are far from perfect, but they also didn’t tote Hydroxycloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19 and then immediately back away silently when they realized it killed people.
You are parroting what you have been told to think. Your posts are nothing more than a regurgitation of themes our regular liberal posters have posted a 100x over.

You are an ignorant sheep just doing what you are told. Hell Luther is more original than you.

And the resident conservatives are better? I haven’t posted in the poli forum in years, yet I come back and the same people are still talking about the same **** they did then. Obama hasn’t been President in 3 years yet he lives rent free in this forums head.

Also, CNN and MSNBC are far from perfect, but they also didn’t tote Hydroxycloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19 and then immediately back away silently when they realized it killed people.

I see in your profile you are 32 years old. So worldly about politics. Let me guess, you voted 3 times in a Presidential election and two of those times it was for Obama.
And the resident conservatives are better? I haven’t posted in the poli forum in years, yet I come back and the same people are still talking about the same **** they did then. Obama hasn’t been President in 3 years yet he lives rent free in this forums head.

Yep I was right, well maybe not I might have insulted Luther. You’re more on Micks level.
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He won’t in my opinion. Trump had the advantage in 2016 of being a political outsider which appealed to a lot of people. He won’t have the same support this go round. Whether it’s enough to have an effect remains to be seen. Biden won’t ignite the black vote the way Obama did, but he should still win that demographic handily.

No he won't. He can't put more than a couple hundred people together for a rally and then attacks the ones who show up and ask him tough questions. I'll disagree on your point of Trump won't have the same support. There are tons of people who didn't vote for him, me included, because we didn't really trust him or the system. However, since watching the administration who wouldn't transition, the media 24/7 attacks over lies and BS for 3 years, watching DNC leadership in Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Feinstein, the Green New Deal Party emerging, the Kavanaugh attack, the complete and utter disaster that was the Mueller investigation, the impeachment fiasco, record unemployment along all walks of life, the greatest economy boom in history, and the current unmasking of the Obama administration's treachery, that like me, there's many, many, many people who didn't vote in 2016 that will be out in force for him after what we've witnessed.

What I do predict will happen is Joe is pulled a couple months before the election and someone will be inserted with no expectation of having campaigned, rallied, or engaged ideas on a better way other than hate Trump, will run, and try to win on a mail-in vote scam. Sadly, there will be people who actually are able to overlook it all and let their TDS win out in the end.
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And the resident conservatives are better? I haven’t posted in the poli forum in years, yet I come back and the same people are still talking about the same **** they did then. Obama hasn’t been President in 3 years yet he lives rent free in this forums head.
Is this an alter name of a previous poster on here?
While Biden is far from the perfect candidate, I do believe people will show up to vote just because he’s not Trump. I think (and admittedly hope) that people have seen the utter failure Trump has been and we as a country do something about it.

Did you just wake up Rip Van Winkle? This country under Trump has been cruising along the best it's been in decades!!

Only a global pandemic could stop our record high numbers in employment, record breaking economy and record high stock market!
Is this an alter name of a previous poster on here?


Also, CNN and MSNBC are far from perfect, but they also didn’t tote Hydroxycloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19 and then immediately back away silently when they realized it killed people.
Other than a few Darwin Award nominees who shouldn’t have been trusted to use a toothbrush on their own who was killed by hydroxycloroquine?

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