2020 Presidential Race

And they’ll just ignore the 25 claims against Trump?

For a guy that alleges to be well-read and insightful, you have a lot of trouble understanding the larger picture.

Trump doesn’t need to pull voters from Biden, and the allegations against Trump clearly didn’t stop him from beating the pantsuit off of Hillary in 2016. Running ads like this will absolutely depress enthusiasm for Creepy Joe and cause a number of potential independent and registered Democrats to stay home which, of course, is undoubtedly good news for Trump’s second term.
For a guy that alleges to be well-read and insightful, you have a lot of trouble understanding the larger picture.

Trump doesn’t need to pull voters from Biden, and the allegations against Trump clearly didn’t stop him from beating the pantsuit off of Hillary in 2016. Running ads like this will absolutely depress enthusiasm for Creepy Joe and cause a number of potential independent and registered Democrats to stay home which, of course, is undoubtedly good news for Trump’s second term.

Ah so the answer I was looking for. You’re actually okay with the sexual assault clearly because your guy won! Congrats on being a terrible person.
Your party claims to be conservative and the leader just signed $2T in handouts. He will likely sign a bill with at least that much before the next election. Guess the jokes on you

This could have been a great legislation but alas the politicians had to screw it up.

1. A refund up to $1200 for everyone who actually paid an income tax. If you wrote a check for $800 to the government then you would receive an $800 stimulus payment.

2. Unemployment should only match lost income. If you made $400 then your unemployment check would be $400.

3. Business loans - a written business plan should have needed to be submitted with a plan on how the money would be used and how it would be paid back.
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Ah so the answer I was looking for. You’re actually okay with the sexual assault clearly because your guy won! Congrats on being a terrible person.

I didn't say that I believe Reade, just as I certainly don't believe Carroll or Ford. By no means am I of the opinion that these allegations should preclude Biden from being the DNC nominee either, for what it's worth. I do, however, recognize that this is a golden opportunity to step on Biden's throat that shouldn't be wasted.

The only person being hypocritical here is you, my pink hat-wearing friend.
Your party claims to be conservative and the leader just signed $2T in handouts. He will likely sign a bill with at least that much before the next election. Guess the jokes on you
Question: If someone drives a truck through your living room, who should pay for it?

Hint: There is a correct answer, and liberals and conservatives both can agree on it.

After the government throws the E-brake on the economy and causes a 72 car pile up, it's just a straw man to act like the conservative ideology is to walk away and ignore it. That's not the case.
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Ah Tara Reade. The woman who can’t even get her own story straight. The woman who, along with Amber Heard have set back the MeToo movement years.

The Me Too movement was a liberal farce. This whole thing just outed it. There is no Me Too movement or will it come back strong when its convenient?
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The Me Too movement was a liberal farce. This whole thing just outed it. There is no Me Too movement or will it come back strong when its convenient.
Have you ever been lied to, and when you call them out on it, they say something like "Oh wow you actually believed that? You're such an idiot."

That's basically the MeToo movement.
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Seriously did anyone think he had a snowball's chance?

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Of course not. The problem is “party” loyalty. I laugh at all the people who bash McCain and Romney in here. 90% of them voted for both them to be president. Have some gonads and vote who you think is best. Otherwise you are just a party stooge.
Of course not. The problem is “party” loyalty. I laugh at all the people who bash McCain and Romney in here. 90% of them voted for both them to be president. Have some gonads and vote who you think is best. Otherwise you are just a party stooge.
Truth. The problem with playing the "lesser of two evils" game is that eventually you end up with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
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Your party claims to be conservative and the leader just signed $2T in handouts. He will likely sign a bill with at least that much before the next election. Guess the jokes on you

They don’t biatch about gov spending if supports their sacred cows. Hence why they continue to support candidates who do nothing about it. Trump wasn’t doing crap about it before this pandemic. And before a mouth breather wants to say “who controls the purse strings” they should remember the POTUS doesn’t have to sign it.
And they’ll just ignore the 25 claims against Trump?
Do you believe women? Or do you only believe women who accuse Trump and other Republicans? That seems to be the message Democrats are sending. They were all about believing women until Biden was accused. Personally, I think sexual assault should be proven and not taken at face value. For a party that argues false convictions as a reason to oppose the death penalty, the Dems seem to have zero problem with a possible false accusation ruining a man's life. Unless it's one of their own. I honestly don't care who wins anymore, but you're fooling yourself if you don't see how that presents to people. I don't think either Trump or Biden deserve to be POTUS.

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