2020 Presidential Race

What the hell was that all about?? :) Stacey Abrams will do a good & capable job at delivering the mail??
Joe asked for Abrams to be w/him on MSNBC and he says stupid incoherent English jibber jabber as that??
Yeah, I can't wait for Joe O'Biden to be our next president. Good times will follow for sure.
Or perhaps she was having second thoughts e.g. Do I really want to hitch my star to, or carry water for, this lamebrain has-been?

Her brain says absolutely. She needs to further her already little political do-nothing slim career so she can collect a paycheck. She's probably still maxing out those credit cards the banks send her.
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So your sacred cow happens to be where most of our spending goes. Sounds about right

Defense is the largest item by budget function (18.2%), but far from most of our spending. Medicare (17.4%) and SS (16.9%) are the next largest.
By agency, HHS is by far the largest expense, coming in first (27.9%), DoD 2nd (18.5%), then SS (17.9%) and Treasury (17.!%). USAspending.gov

Donald J. Trump



The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation. Stay tuned, and send names & events. Thank you Michelle! https://twitter.com/af_clips/status/1261331113102004226 …


7:56 AM - May 16, 2020


Biting the hand that feeds him. If I'm Jack Dorsey, I'd simply eliminate his Twitter account. But, that's not going to happen.

Thank god that during a pandemic and associated economic catastrophe, our stable genius is vowing to attack the pillars of our leading American social IT companies.

Simply genius.

Lap it up Donald drones.

Donald J. Trump

The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation. Stay tuned, and send names & events. Thank you Michelle! https://twitter.com/af_clips/status/1261331113102004226 …
7:56 AM - May 16, 2020


Biting the hand that feeds him. If I'm Jack Dorsey, I'd simply eliminate his Twitter account. But, that's not going to happen.

Thank god that during a pandemic and associated economic catastrophe, our stable genius is vowing to attack the pillars of our leading American social IT companies.

Simply genius.

Lap it up Donald drones.

Good. These "pillars" can decide whether to be platform or publisher, conveyor or censor.
Washington Post Roundly Mocked For ‘Bizarre’ Stacey Abrams Profile Comparing Her To ‘A Runway Supermodel’


The Washington Post was mocked after publishing a dramatic profile of former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams on May 14.

WaPo’s profile includes a long description comparing Abrams, who has been pitching herself as Joe Biden’s running mate pick, to “a runway supermodel.” It is titled “The Power of Stacey Abrams” and claims Abrams “has moved quickly to political prominence.”

The article also says that “whether or not she’s chosen as Biden’s running mate,” Abrams “has moved into a unique space in American politics.”

“Pandemonium ensues as she [Abrams] walks to the far left of the stage, like a runway supermodel, stops on a dime, poses, tilts her head slightly and smiles,” WaPo’s profile on Abrams reads. “Camera flashes explode. She next pivots and walks slowly to the center of the stage, freezes there and repeats the pose. Again, the flashes explode. Abrams is summoning her inner actress, and she is both enjoying the moment and getting through it to get to the conversation.”

“She then pivots and walks to the far right of the stage, same. You wonder whether she has done this before, because it is not necessarily what one would expect from a 46-year-old politician who was nearly elected the first black female governor in U.S. history.”

Washington Post Roundly Mocked For ‘Bizarre’ Stacey Abrams Profile Comparing Her To ‘A Runway Supermodel’
Washington Post Roundly Mocked For ‘Bizarre’ Stacey Abrams Profile Comparing Her To ‘A Runway Supermodel’


The Washington Post was mocked after publishing a dramatic profile of former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams on May 14.

WaPo’s profile includes a long description comparing Abrams, who has been pitching herself as Joe Biden’s running mate pick, to “a runway supermodel.” It is titled “The Power of Stacey Abrams” and claims Abrams “has moved quickly to political prominence.”

The article also says that “whether or not she’s chosen as Biden’s running mate,” Abrams “has moved into a unique space in American politics.”

“Pandemonium ensues as she [Abrams] walks to the far left of the stage, like a runway supermodel, stops on a dime, poses, tilts her head slightly and smiles,” WaPo’s profile on Abrams reads. “Camera flashes explode. She next pivots and walks slowly to the center of the stage, freezes there and repeats the pose. Again, the flashes explode. Abrams is summoning her inner actress, and she is both enjoying the moment and getting through it to get to the conversation.”

“She then pivots and walks to the far right of the stage, same. You wonder whether she has done this before, because it is not necessarily what one would expect from a 46-year-old politician who was nearly elected the first black female governor in U.S. history.”

Washington Post Roundly Mocked For ‘Bizarre’ Stacey Abrams Profile Comparing Her To ‘A Runway Supermodel’

Yeah god forbid a woman take pride in the way she looks. Better to just call her a heifer and demean her. Kind of odd that it seems to be black women in positions of power that really bring out the deplorable comments.
Yeah god forbid a woman take pride in the way she looks. Better to just call her a heifer and demean her. Kind of odd that it seems to be black women in positions of power that really bring out the deplorable comments.

That's rich with the comments some of which have been just plain sick & disgusting from our resident libs directed at every woman connected to the Trump administration or Conservative women in general.

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