2020 Presidential Race

Question: If someone drives a truck through your living room, who should pay for it?

Hint: There is a correct answer, and liberals and conservatives both can agree on it.

After the government throws the E-brake on the economy and causes a 72 car pile up, it's just a straw man to act like the conservative ideology is to walk away and ignore it. That's not the case.
The solution should not do more damage than the crash. Helping should not include repaying supporters using a half trillion dollar slush fund with zero accountability. But it did
They don’t biatch about gov spending if supports their sacred cows. Hence why they continue to support candidates who do nothing about it. Trump wasn’t doing crap about it before this pandemic. And before a mouth breather wants to say “who controls the purse strings” they should remember the POTUS doesn’t have to sign it.
He had to sign the first bill for people unemployed. He doesn't have to sign another one. There's to mu pork being shoved in it.
Of course not. The problem is “party” loyalty. I laugh at all the people who bash McCain and Romney in here. 90% of them voted for both them to be president. Have some gonads and vote who you think is best. Otherwise you are just a party stooge.
Amash checks more (claimed) boxes of the gop voters than trump but this is all about party politics. Pencil whip the red/blue ballot and continue to wonder why nothing changes
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Of course not. The problem is “party” loyalty. I laugh at all the people who bash McCain and Romney in here. 90% of them voted for both them to be president. Have some gonads and vote who you think is best. Otherwise you are just a party stooge.
I'm a registered Democrat who has only voted for one Democrat. That was Bredesen for governor.

Oh and Bill Lee but I want make that mistake again.

I've voted Bush, Romney, McCain and now Trump. I'll be voting Trump again!
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He had to sign the first bill for people unemployed. He doesn't have to sign another one. There's to mu pork being shoved in it.
The first one was at least 25% gop pork and the next is almost guaranteed to have more. He will sign it

Neither party will ever give in when there's this much free money to play with
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Question: If someone drives a truck through your living room, who should pay for it?

Hint: There is a correct answer, and liberals and conservatives both can agree on it.

After the government throws the E-brake on the economy and causes a 72 car pile up, it's just a straw man to act like the conservative ideology is to walk away and ignore it. That's not the case.

Where do you think the .gov gets it’s money?

Printing new money in an attempt to fix the biggest ****up in history only puts an even bigger burden on future generations. The lesson .gov and everybody should take from this is to let people live their lives and make their own decisions.
Well trump had sure executived the **** out of the place

I didn‘t vote for Trump.

But i suspect you’re the type of person that thinks being ion a committee or holding a “managers” position qualifies someone to be the chief executive.
Have you seen who people in Michigan choose for gov?

So? If he can’t sell himself in his home state he has no chance at being POTUS.

He could move to another state and run there. He could start a company or get hired as CEO, but whatever he needs some executive experience.
So? If he can’t sell himself in his home state he has no chance at being POTUS.

He could move to another state and run there. He could start a company or get hired as CEO, but whatever he needs some executive experience.
Trump got trounced in NY and still won. He would never win the gov race there
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Trump got trounced in NY and still won. He would never win the gov race there

OK so? Trump does have executive experience but I didn’t vote for him.

Amash has never held a position where he is responsible, what’s so wrong for wanting a guy that has been the guy?
It’s easy to be principled on a committee and you have no responsibility in what the body does. It’s much more telling when your decisions actually mean something.
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They don’t biatch about gov spending if supports their sacred cows. Hence why they continue to support candidates who do nothing about it. Trump wasn’t doing crap about it before this pandemic. And before a mouth breather wants to say “who controls the purse strings” they should remember the POTUS doesn’t have to sign it.

My only sacred cow that I can readily think of is the military, national defense and security.

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