2020 Presidential Race


That's rich with the comments some of which have been just plain sick & disgusting from our resident libs directed at every woman connected to the Trump administration or Conservative women in general.
Care to find at least one that pertained to that persons physical appearance?
Yeah god forbid a woman take pride in the way she looks. Better to just call her a heifer and demean her. Kind of odd that it seems to be black women in positions of power that really bring out the deplorable comments.
What position of power is she in? She lost her election, and hasn’t ran anything of note outside of her credit card debt
Yeah god forbid a woman take pride in the way she looks. Better to just call her a heifer and demean her. Kind of odd that it seems to be black women in positions of power that really bring out the deplorable comments.

We can look at it that way or look at it like maybe Abrams is full of herself.
So your sacred cow happens to be where most of our spending goes. Sounds about right
Not even close.

The DOD budget, including VA, the FBI, CIA, and every other "protection" agency is second by about 300billion. Social Security is first. If you pare down the DoD to just the military, still including research, its third, behind Medicare or Medicaid. It's too early to remember which.

In my life time its projected to be fifth. The other medicare/Medicaid will pass it, as will our debt payments. The debt payments will probably pass it in about a decade.
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Yeah god forbid a woman take pride in the way she looks. Better to just call her a heifer and demean her. Kind of odd that it seems to be black women in positions of power that really bring out the deplorable comments.
Kind of odd that it seems to be when people with the correct skin color and genitals run for office people come out of the woodwork to defend them without knowing the first thing about them.
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A life time do nothing, accomplish nothing, butt in the seat politician who appears to be losing it, and this lady, who isn't qualified to do much of anything......her looks are the least of the issues with this woman. Interesting.
And that’s the best the socialist party can do lol
Yeah god forbid a woman take pride in the way she looks. Better to just call her a heifer and demean her. Kind of odd that it seems to be black women in positions of power that really bring out the deplorable comments.

I saw some really good ones for Hillary, but it could be people had it out for her because she married the first black president.

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