2020 Presidential Race

I agree that she isn’t the best choice but to hold her to a different standard than the guy we have in office now comes off as partisan crap.
She hasn't done a single thing politically beside playing the race card. I hope Biden picks her or Kamala. Between those three you need a walk in closet to hold the skeletons.
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Twitter’s Jack Dorsey Is Giving Andrew Yang $5 Million to Build the Case for a Universal Basic Income

Figured he was running so drop it here.

Save you $5 million, it won't work, and more importantly, it will not last.

Man, the human, the beast, the animal, needs struggle to achieve and sustain and advance. Work or starve. This plan will only reaffirm that "give man, watch man go away". We will become incapable of creating, as necessity is the mother of all invention.

Give me my $5 million Jack, answer is no.....no case needs to be made, this should be understood.
So we can keep score here:

Trump has been accused:

1.) Of having an extramarital affair with Stormy Daniels and supposedly paid her to not say anything.

2.) Colluding with Russia. It is coming out that this was all possibly a fabricated hoax by the previous administration.

3.) Withholding aid from Ukraine unless they investigate a political opponent. This launched an impeachment investigation which led to him being impeached in the house and acquitted in the Senate with both votes basically being 100% split down party lines.

Biden has been accused:

1.) Of sexually assaulting a female staffer. This has not been proven but there is information/evidence that still needs to be vetted.

2.) Of being a part of the crew that potentially started/fabricated the Russian information on Trump. This has still yet to be proven but declassified information is not helping his or his crews case.

3.) Withholding aid from Ukraine unless their top prosecutor was fired. Said prosecutor was investigating a specific company that Biden’s son was on the board of. Information has been out on this for a while but there is starting to be smoke even on the Ukrainian side.

Take their names away and look at the three cases and make a determination of which one could be worse.

Also if you are on the democratic side and have dug your feet into the sand on how terrible it is that Trump is a sexist and is highly corrupt yet are supporting Biden you have proven your morals are only based on your political bias. You have proven you have no morals at all except that you have hatred for the current guy in the Oval Office and will side with whatever you fell will damage him the most. The American political climate right now is very poor and it is sad that it still is influencing vast swaths of our population to show that they may have no morals themselves.
Across Biden Charitable Organizations, A Refusal to Disclose Funding

Government watchdog raises questions about Chinese influence at University of Pe
nnsylvania's Biden Center

When Joe Biden announced he was opening a foreign policy center at the University of Pennsylvania, the goals for the project were ambitious.

At its founding in 2018, Biden described the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement as "a place where policymakers here and abroad will know they can be in touch with some of the best minds."

The center is one of several organizations Biden founded since leaving the White House in 2017, including the domestic policy-focused Biden Institute at the University of Delaware and the Biden Cancer Initiative, all launched in 2017. All three entities have refused to reveal the sources of their funding, a potential landmine for the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee that raises questions about the influence of individual, corporate, and foreign donations on the presidential candidate.

The lack of transparency has drawn the attention of a watchdog group that is now demanding that the federal government investigate whether foreign money has flowed to the Biden Center in Philadelphia.

Many of Biden's nonprofit entities have served as landing spots for his former—and potentially future—White House aides. The Penn Biden Center, which had a "soft opening" in March 2017 and officially opened its doors in February 2018, has served as a national security council-in-waiting for Biden, employing his top White House foreign policy advisers Colin Kahl, Michael Carpenter, and Jeffrey Prescott.

Watchdog Raises Questions About China Influence at Penn Biden Center
Across Biden Charitable Organizations, A Refusal to Disclose Funding

Government watchdog raises questions about Chinese influence at University of Pe
nnsylvania's Biden Center

When Joe Biden announced he was opening a foreign policy center at the University of Pennsylvania, the goals for the project were ambitious.

At its founding in 2018, Biden described the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement as "a place where policymakers here and abroad will know they can be in touch with some of the best minds."

The center is one of several organizations Biden founded since leaving the White House in 2017, including the domestic policy-focused Biden Institute at the University of Delaware and the Biden Cancer Initiative, all launched in 2017. All three entities have refused to reveal the sources of their funding, a potential landmine for the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee that raises questions about the influence of individual, corporate, and foreign donations on the presidential candidate.

The lack of transparency has drawn the attention of a watchdog group that is now demanding that the federal government investigate whether foreign money has flowed to the Biden Center in Philadelphia.

Many of Biden's nonprofit entities have served as landing spots for his former—and potentially future—White House aides. The Penn Biden Center, which had a "soft opening" in March 2017 and officially opened its doors in February 2018, has served as a national security council-in-waiting for Biden, employing his top White House foreign policy advisers Colin Kahl, Michael Carpenter, and Jeffrey Prescott.

Watchdog Raises Questions About China Influence at Penn Biden Center
Must be setup similar to the Clinton Foundation.
Biden could be drinking blood from an infant while cooking up coronavirus before going outside to murder minorities en masse with an AR15 and these fools would still vote for him.

Cause orange man bad.
There could be a video of Trump doing all these things, but he would say fake news, and you would believe him.
Ukraine judge orders Joe Biden be listed as alleged perpetrator of crime in prosecutor’s firing

So Biden is not only demented and a rapist, but he is also under investigation for corruption after a Ukrainian judge specifically orders him to be named in the investigation?

So if Biden is undoubtedly
(A) demented
(B) guilty of rape
(C) specifically named in corruption case

Guilty of A, B, and C

Would you still vote for Biden over Trump?
Again, this proves the hypocrisy. Between the two candidates, who has told more likes, who has more sexual misconduct allegations against them, who has been named in more lawsuits, who covers up his taxes, and who had to shut a charity down for basically being a slush fund?
Again, this proves the hypocrisy. Between the two candidates, who has told more likes, who has more sexual misconduct allegations against them, who has been named in more lawsuits, who covers up his taxes, and who had to shut a charity down for basically being a slush fund?
giphy (4).gif
of course it would be fake, per several here Trump is too stupid to "cook up coronavirus".
I asked if they'd still vote for Biden if everything on my partial list of accusations was proven true. All I got was no answer other than but orange man bad. They have no real responses, just preprogrammed soulless autoreplies.
Again, this proves the hypocrisy. Between the two candidates, who has told more likes, who has more sexual misconduct allegations against them, who has been named in more lawsuits, who covers up his taxes, and who had to shut a charity down for basically being a slush fund?
Private individual doing pretty much any of the things Trump and Bide. Have been accused of=*shrug* who cares.
Person holding political office doing those things =pretty much everyone should care. Or at least his supporters should care.
Will the Cheat'n DIMs try this again? Sure they will.
DOJ: Democrats Paid Pennsylvania Election Officials to Stuff Ballot Box
A former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been charged and pleaded guilty to illegally adding votes for Democrat candidates in judicial races in 2014, 2015, and 2016.
On Thursday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced charges against former Judge of Elections Domenick DeMuro, 73, for stuffing the ballot box for Democrats in exchange for payment by a paid political consultant.
The charges, and guilty plea, include conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democrat candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections and a violation of the Travel Act.
The Trump administration’s prosecution of election fraud stands in stark contrast to the total failure of the Obama Justice Department to enforce these laws,” Public Interest Legal Foundation President Christian Adams said in a statement. “Right now, other federal prosecutors are aware of cases of double voting in federal elections as well as noncitizen voting. Attorney General William Barr should prompt those other offices to do their duty and prosecute known election crimes.”
I asked if they'd still vote for Biden if everything on my partial list of accusations was proven true. All I got was no answer other than but orange man bad. They have no real responses, just preprogrammed soulless autoreplies.
I will unquestionably vote for Biden in that situation. The options are Trump or Biden, and for just about every criticism leveled at Biden, Trump is demonstrably worse. That, combined with Trump's undemocratic tendencies, his lack of emotional and mental stability, his dishonesty, his toddler-like demeanor, and the sheer embarrassment of having him as president make this the easiest decision I'll ever have in a presidential election.

Hope that clears it up.
I will unquestionably vote for Biden in that situation. The options are Trump or Biden, and for just about every criticism leveled at Biden, Trump is demonstrably worse. That, combined with Trump's undemocratic tendencies, his lack of emotional and mental stability, his dishonesty, his toddler-like demeanor, and the sheer embarrassment of having him as president make this the easiest decision I'll ever have in a presidential election.

Hope that clears it up.

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