2020 Presidential Race

I don't think he has dementia. In fact, in terms of speed of thought process I'd say he's pretty impressive given his age. He is certainly oddly energetic.

Trump's problem is not the speed with which he thinks. Its the lack of knowledge, the desire to affirmatively avoid knowledge, and the willingness to deny objective fact because his ego cannot take it and he has no perspective other than selfish that is alarming. Its not the speed -- its the content.

That’s oddly honest and precise coming from you . Now do Biden and let’s see if your follow through .
Funny how name calling is a trigger event for the Right now. They've been doing it for over a decade; someone calls their sacred cow a fat ass more or less, and now they are triggered about fat shaming and racism against poor white billionaires. They were cool with trashing folks until it hit too close to boot-licking home. Now they are just as triggered and not different at all than Bernie Bros.

Name calling public figures is free game IMO. It's just funny to point out all the hypocrisies involving the left. Believe all women, don't body shame, my choice, etc, etc. Hypocrisies on the right as well, but the left's are just so blatant and change on a daily basis it has become comical.
Senate Republicans issue first Subpoena in Obama-era probes

Senate Republicans issued their first subpoena on Wednesday as part of wide-ranging investigations tied to the Obama administration.

The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee voted along party lines to issue a subpoena for Blue Star Strategies, a firm with ties to Ukraine gas company Burisma Holdings.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the chairman of the panel, has homed in the U.S firm as he probes Hunter Biden's work for Burisma Holdings, where Biden—the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee—was a member of the board until he stepped down in 2019.

The subpoena asks for records from Jan. 1, 2013, to the present of Blue Star strategies "related to work for or on behalf of Burisma Holdings or individuals associated with Burisma." Johnson is also requesting an interview with top Blue Star officials to discuss the subpoena.

Senate Republicans issue first subpoena in Biden-Burisma probe
You don’t need a meme to realize that Biden clearly has issues forming complete thoughts.
But, because he’s not Trump, and with few exceptions, the democrats are falling in line behind him just like the republicans did with Trump.
If Biden wins, it’ll be interesting to see if the DNC can control it's own “anybody but Biden” faction better than the RNC has controlled the never Trumpers.
If Biden wins he'll just be a face and a yes man. Other people will be picking his advisors. Other people will make his cabinet picks. Other people will be setting his agenda. He'll be the president but act with as much or less influence than when he was VP. His diminished mental capability will be used for someone else's gain. That's why I don't think there will be much of a "anybody but Biden" faction.

It'll be like when people suggested Dick Cheney was the real authority/policy maker in the George W Bush administration, but to a much greater level than Cheney.
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That’s oddly honest and precise coming from you . Now do Biden and let’s see if your follow through .

I do think that Biden's age has caught up to him significantly and causes him to make more gaffes than usual, when speaking. He was already prone to that.

I am hopeful that there can be live debates, with audiences and live questioners. Biden's inaccuracy and fumbling due to age will be apparent, as will Trump's inaccuracy and fumbling due to arrogance and not really knowing the subject matter.

Pick your poison.
I do think that Biden's age has caught up to him significantly and causes him to make more gaffes than usual, when speaking. He was already prone to that.

I am hopeful that there can be live debates, with audiences and live questioners. Biden's inaccuracy and fumbling due to age will be apparent, as will Trump's inaccuracy and fumbling due to arrogance and not really knowing the subject matter.

Pick your poison.

That’s a very fair assessment. The debates should tell us what we need to know .
I do think that Biden's age has caught up to him significantly and causes him to make more gaffes than usual, when speaking. He was already prone to that.

I am hopeful that there can be live debates, with audiences and live questioners. Biden's inaccuracy and fumbling due to age will be apparent, as will Trump's inaccuracy and fumbling due to arrogance and not really knowing the subject matter.

Pick your poison.
And age.
"The coronavirus recession will cause Trump to suffer a "historic defeat" in November, a national election model released Wednesday by Oxford Economics predicted.
The model, which uses unemployment, disposable income and inflation to forecast election results, predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide, capturing just 35% of the popular vote. That's a sharp reversal from the model's pre-crisis prediction that Trump would win about 55% of the vote. And it would be the worst performance for an incumbent in a century."

Great news. Trump has already lost.

Off with ye, mangy Trump varmints! Back into yer holes!
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"The coronavirus recession will cause Trump to suffer a "historic defeat" in November, a national election model released Wednesday by Oxford Economics predicted.
The model, which uses unemployment, disposable income and inflation to forecast election results, predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide, capturing just 35% of the popular vote. That's a sharp reversal from the model's pre-crisis prediction that Trump would win about 55% of the vote. And it would be the worst performance for an incumbent in a century."

Great news. Trump has already lost.

Off with ye, mangy Trump varmints! Back into yer holes!
My confidence in this would be higher than any of the other polls out there.

But right now I wouldnt put faith in those votes going to Biden. They are either staying home, or going third party imo.

No one wants Biden walking into a crisis. He cant make it out of a rally without calling one of his supporters fat. Cant imagine he handles a crisis with any more aplomb.
"The coronavirus recession will cause Trump to suffer a "historic defeat" in November, a national election model released Wednesday by Oxford Economics predicted.
The model, which uses unemployment, disposable income and inflation to forecast election results, predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide, capturing just 35% of the popular vote. That's a sharp reversal from the model's pre-crisis prediction that Trump would win about 55% of the vote. And it would be the worst performance for an incumbent in a century."

Great news. Trump has already lost.

Off with ye, mangy Trump varmints! Back into yer holes!
It’s all going to depend on what those numbers look like in November. Not today.
The model, which uses unemployment, disposable income and inflation to forecast election results, predicts that Trump will lose in a landslide, capturing just 35% of the popular vote.

I'm not sure which number is more idiotic, the first one or the second one. There's no way to take that model seriously.
I'm not sure which number is more idiotic, the first one or the second one. There's no way to take that model seriously.

Maybe. But Hoover only won 39% of the vote with a similar unemployment number. Right or wrong people will blame Trump for this.

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