2020 Presidential Race

Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg are co-hosting the former vice president's first "grassroots" fundraiser during the coronavirus pandemic — bringing in $1 million for a campaign that initially struggled to attract small-dollar donations.

More than 35,000 people signed up for the Friday afternoon event, after Biden and Buttigieg sent the fundraising request to their respective email lists. The average donation was $26, according to a source close to the organizers.

Buttigieg helps Biden raise $1M at 'grassroots' fundraiser

So Pete supports a racist?
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Joe Biden expresses regret over 'you ain't black' comments: ‘I shouldn't have been so cavalier'

He probably didn't mean for it to come out that way ..... but the damage of condescending has been done.
They need to keep Pervert Joe giving those hard-hitting interviews to show how stupid he looks.
The people who don't like Biden, will still not like him. The people who do like Biden won't care about this. The people who are undecided about Biden, won't like this incident and it may be cause for concern, but will it be enough to make them vote for Trump? I highly doubt it. Trump is still Trump.
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You know a racist would love to be under the auspices of a black Muslim from Kenya. As we get closer to full election season, these takes are getting even more absurd.
... and didn't Donald Trump's own White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, call Donald Trump a "racist" back in 2016? Yes, she absolutely did. Kayleigh McEnany called Donald Trump a "racist" while she was on a CNN panel. There is a video of that available on YouTube. I've watched it several times now. She clearly said it. There is no way to confuse what she said or to spin it into something different.
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Might I remind everyone, that Joe is an old-guard Democrat who voted with segregationists.

Joe Biden embraced segregation in 1975, claiming it was a matter of 'black pride'
So, we are going all the way back to the 1970's now, huh?

Well, if that is fair game, then shouldn't we also remind everyone that Donald Trump and his father, Fred, and the Trump Organization were sued by The Justice Department in a 1973 federal lawsuit which alleged racial discrimination at Trump housing developments in New York? The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units. The Trumps took essentially the first settlement they were offered by the federal government.
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... and didn't Donald Trump's own White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, call Donald Trump a "racist" back in 2016? Yes, she absolutely did. Kayleigh McEnany called Donald Trump a "racist" while she was on a CNN panel. There is a video of that available on YouTube. I've watched it several times now. She clearly said it. There is no way to confuse what she said or to spin it into something different.
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So, we are going all the way back to the 1970's now, huh?

Well, if that is fair game, then shouldn't we also remind everyone that Donald Trump and his father, Fred, and the Trump Organization were sued by The Justice Department in a 1973 federal lawsuit which alleged racial discrimination at Trump housing developments in New York? The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units. The Trumps took essentially the first settlement they were offered by the federal government.
One doesn't have to go back that far to find racist crap from Biden (per latest exchange and many, many others), but just wanted to point out that he did vote with segregationists.

Your whataboutism is duly noted.
One doesn't have to go back that far to find racist crap from Biden (per latest exchange and many, many others), but just wanted to point out that he did vote with segregationists.

Your whataboutism is duly noted.
Guilty as charged. I'm playing "what-about-ism" here. I will play it a little more with this :

One doesn't have to go back that far to find video of Donald Trump saying that there were "good people on both sides" while defending a white supremacist protest march in Charlottesville, Virginia from August of 2017.
Guilty as charged. I'm playing "what-about-ism" here. I will play it a little more with this :

One doesn't have to go back that far to find video of Donald Trump saying that there were "good people on both sides" while defending a white supremacist protest march in Charlottesville, Virginia from August of 2017.
Oh, that's different. For reasons. Muh orange man bad, and such.
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Guilty as charged. I'm playing "what-about-ism" here. I will play it a little more with this :

One doesn't have to go back that far to find video of Donald Trump saying that there were "good people on both sides" while defending a white supremacist protest march in Charlottesville, Virginia from August of 2017.
I've repeatedly condemned Trump's comments on that day. Interesting you won't do the same for Biden's comments.
The "I have a black friend" defense. A classic.
In Biden's case, it's more of the "I have a lot of black friends" defense. See also : Rep. Jim Clyburn, Rep. John Lewis, Susan Rice, Eric Holder, Stacey Abrams, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Corey Booker, Valerie Jared.

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Biden during the primaries. They completely carried him to victory in South Carolina and Michigan, which helped to resuscitate his campaign (following Clyburn's endorsement).
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I've repeatedly condemned Trump's comments on that day. Interesting you won't do the same for Biden's comments.
No, I am not defending what Biden said to "Charlamagne God"... or that he even thought it was wise to grant him an interview. That guy clearly doesn't like white people very much, especially white authority figures. Biden did several dumb things, he shouldn't have been talking to that guy in the first place and it was a bizarre and stupid thing to say. Biden trips over himself quite a bit. I understand why that is encouraging to Trump supporters. It is times like this, where Biden can be very frustrating for those of us who want to support him, even though he doesn't inspire us on ideology.
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In Biden's case, it's more of the "I have a lot of black friends" defense. See also : Rep. Jim Clyburn, Rep. John Lewis, Susan Rice, Eric Holder, Stacey Abrams, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Corey Booker, Valerie Jared.

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Biden during the primaries. They completely carried him to victory in South Carolina and Michigan, which helped to resuscitate his campaign (following Clyburn's endorsement).
The same Kamala Harris that said he was racist, or a different one?

What he said, and what he meant, are both completely racist. Good to see everyone trotting out the tired "He knows a bunch of black people" excuse we were told was invalid whenever the racism political weapon was used against conservatives.
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