2020 Presidential Race

Blue or Red
They are both in bed
With the rich
And we're their bitch
So if you vote
Please take note
Two faces on the same head
I’m speaking for me not Trumpers . I think there’s way to much money involved in the business of polling for them to be honest . Like anything it’s all about the types of questions asked and how they are asked . The devil is always in the details .
Polling is about a scientific as voodoo. I always think back to when I was in high school and every year we had to take surveys about how much we drank, smoked, did drugs, boned, got chicks pregnant, etc. I thought it was hilarious and my survey looked like the offspring of Tony Montana and John Holmes. It was all horsesh!t, but the surveys were collected and the results were always "startling"...
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I don’t and have never given credit to polls . Simply for one reason . I’ve never been apart of one and neither has anyone that I’ve known . Have you ? Who are these people they keep saying they polled ? Why have I never met one ? There is a whole entire industry based off polling but for some odd reason they’ve missed me my whole life . That being said , NGV and I can go to the store and buy something without it showing up as an ad in our feeds .
Ive taken one polling phone call in my life and I was young, and I lied through my teeth on every question. I would love to know who actually answers these things nowadays.
There is no way Trump wins Wisconsin.
No way? I see we are having the polling discussion again. Trump is polling over 3 points higher than he ever did in 2016 in Wisconsin. People like to point to 2016 polling being done on the national level, but there were plenty of state polls too. Biden may win, I don’t know , but there is certainly a way Trump wins. I’ve said this before in here, but I think it comes down to Florida, as it often does.

You made up your mind long before you came at me about Pete. So no, it isn't going to matter what I say. You aren't going to change your mind, so no point in hashing it out.

Sometimes it hurts when the truth slaps you in the face. I get it.
... and didn't Donald Trump's own White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, call Donald Trump a "racist" back in 2016? Yes, she absolutely did. Kayleigh McEnany called Donald Trump a "racist" while she was on a CNN panel. There is a video of that available on YouTube. I've watched it several times now. She clearly said it. There is no way to confuse what she said or to spin it into something different.

She did not.
BowlBrother85 is going to look as stupid on November 3rd as all of the posters “guaranteeing” that no college football season will take place are going to look on September 4th.
Vandy is already ahead of the curve. They could play right now and have no issues with distancing in the stands.
... and didn't Donald Trump's own White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, call Donald Trump a "racist" back in 2016? Yes, she absolutely did. Kayleigh McEnany called Donald Trump a "racist" while she was on a CNN panel. There is a video of that available on YouTube. I've watched it several times now. She clearly said it. There is no way to confuse what she said or to spin it into something different.

You like to use "whataboutism" only when it suits your needs & agenda. Otherwise, you'll get on here & tell all of us how that term is a stupid way to have a debate & it's useless to bring that up in the conversation. But it's fine & dandy when it suits hypocrites like you....to push your left-wing loony agenda...it only benefits your wacky party.
You only like to use "whataboutism" when it suits your needs. Otherwise, you'll get on here & tell all of us how that term is not a good way to have a debate & it's useless to bring up in the conversation. But it's fine & dandy when it suits hypocrites like you....to push your left-wing loony agenda.

LOL it makes me laugh every time I see him do it because BB spent an entire summer barking about whataboutism. But when he wants to use it it’s somehow different.
LOL it makes me laugh every time I see him do it because BB spent an entire summer barking about whataboutism. But when he wants to use it it’s somehow different.
Sure, it's "what-about-ism"... but I do think that much of this is fake outrage from the right. Yes, Biden said something weird and dumb, but the right is only worked up over it because they sense an opportunity to exploit it for political gain. I don't necessarily blame you, but it is transparent. I don't believe that most of the people on the right truly care about this.

... and for what it's worth, Biden has admitted he said something wrong and apologized for it. That's more than what Trump has ever done after one of his dumb comments.
Sure, it's "what-about-ism"... but I do think that much of this is fake outrage from the right. Yes, Biden said something weird and dumb, but the right is only worked up over it because they sense an opportunity to exploit it for political gain. I don't necessarily blame you, but it is transparent. I don't believe that most of the people on the right truly care about this.

... and for what it's worth, Biden has admitted he said something wrong and apologized for it. That's more than what Trump has ever done after one of his dumb comments.

I’m not worked up about it. I don’t think it’s going to have any drastic impact on political advantages.

I think it serves as a concrete example of how shallow the left’s typical rave baiting is. If they weee sincere, they would be disgusted by Biden’s comments (including those dating back to the early 80’s) they would run him out of Washington.

Very similar to the #metoo people. It was quickly discarded once a Democrat was involved and it could hurt the Democrat machine.

RE: whataboutism
Just renounce you’re whataboutism platform. Because whataboutism matters and is a perfectly valid argument. Standards matter.

People who complained about whataboutism for the entire summer of 18 just demonstrated they got their talking points from select media outlets who pushed the concept...in an attempt to shut down debate. Think for yourself.
I’m not worked up about it. I don’t think it’s going to have any drastic impact on political advantages.

I think it serves as a concrete example of how shallow the left’s typical rave baiting is. If they weee sincere, they would be disgusted by Biden’s comments (including those dating back to the early 80’s) they would run him out of Washington.

Very similar to the #metoo people. It was quickly discarded once a Democrat was involved and it could hurt the Democrat machine.

RE: whataboutism
Just renounce you’re whataboutism platform. Because whataboutism matters and is a perfectly valid argument. Standards matter.

People who complained about whataboutism for the entire summer of 18 just demonstrated they got their talking points from select media outlets who pushed the concept...in an attempt to shut down debate. Think for yourself.
"What-about-ism" can be an effective point to argue from, if your point is to show the hypocrisy of a critic, but "what-about-ism" is not a defense or an excuse of misconduct. It does not excuse Biden's statement, that Trump has said similar things. And he has... Trump once argued that Jewish-Americans who voted for Democrats were being disloyal to Israel. That was a dumb thing to say and offensive to Jews, because they do not owe any loyalty to Israel if they are American. But once again, that does not serve as a defense of Biden.

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