2020 Presidential Race

When an inmate admits to the crime and DNA evidence proves they didn’t commit the crime they are innocent.

“As the DNA evidence from semen found at the scene didn't match any of the five boys, prosecutors relied solely on the initial interrogations.

“An analysis of the DNA evidence confirmed that he was the rapist, and the convictions of the Central Park Five were vacated.
The Central Park jogger case involves clearly coerced-compliant false confessions. That was a case in which five kids, 14, 15, and 16 years old, each of them [was] lead to believe that he would get to go home if he confessed. Each one calculated–given that they had been there from 14-30 hours of interrogation under tremendous pressure–that it was in his own best interest to cooperate.

Interestingly none of them actually confessed to raping the jogger. Each one implicated the four others and each one stated that he himself played a minimal role. So collectively there were five confessions, but in fact each defendant pointed a finger at the others.”
They were innocent of the rape. They were involved in at least two other robberies in the park that day
Biden should be advised to keep his mouth shut. When he’s silent and locked in his basement, his campaign goes better.
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A bit slapdash (obviously made in a few hours since the golfing footage is from today), but decent enough for the point it's trying to make. Would have been good to splice in some of the tweets criticizing Obama for golfing during Ebola and the speech where Trump said he'd be working so hard he'd never have time for golf.

Oh, that's different. For reasons. Muh orange man bad, and such.
Zep, you’re usually more fair than a lot of the lefties on here even though you do hate Trump. BB doesn’t care about context but you usually do. You know that Trump wasn’t saying that the extreme groups of white supremacists were good people.
That is a misrepresentation of what Sen. Kamala Harris actually said to Joe Biden. For the sake of clarity, Sen. Harris not only didn't call Joe Biden a "racist", but she even specifically said that she did not believe that he was a racist.

Here is her exact quote:

"I do not believe you are a racist and I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground, but it's personal and it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country. There was a little girl in California who was a part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. That little girl was me. So, I will tell you that on this subject, it cannot be an intellectual debate among Democrats."

- Senator Kamala Harris, speaking directly to Joe Biden during the first Democratic Party debate on July 5, 2019.
Yet again you are worried about context for your party but not the other. Shocking.
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That won't work honestly, especially with GOP states that did the same thing. The Corona stuff will factor very little in the election imo.
I completely disagree with CV19 not being a factor. Trump had this in the bag with a good economy and Biden as the candidate. The virus has killed the economy and the media has been able to play on people’s fears with the virus, which could swing a small percentage of the voters to switch. This virus has taken what was a slam dunk and turned it into an unknown. I still find it hard to believe this country is going to be handed to Biden but I also thought all along he wouldn’t be the candidate and it’s looking like I’m going to be wrong on that one. When people’s safety is perceived to be at risk you just never know what they’ll do. People, in general, tend to be pretty irrational and certainly unpredictable.
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I’m well aware of the both sides argument. I’m just pointing it out since her husband was considered the father of the modern conservative.
Isn’t that kind of human nature unfortunately? We never fully understand the other side of an issue until we are forced to deal with it ourselves. People that have never lost a child have no idea what that’s like (I haven’t to be clear). Now I’m not saying that people are unable to sympathize and be caring but they can’t empathize and that’s something totally different.

I completely disagree with CV19 not being a factor. Trump had this in the bag with a good economy and Biden as the candidate. The virus has killed the economy and the media has been able to play on people’s fears with the virus, which could swing a small percentage of the voters to switch. This virus has taken what was a slam dunk and turned it into an unknown. I still find it hard to believe this country is going to be handed to Biden but I also thought all along he wouldn’t be the candidate and it’s looking like I’m going to be wrong on that one. When people’s safety is perceived to be at risk you just never know what they’ll do. People, in general, tend to be pretty irrational and certainly unpredictable.
Trump's own approval numbers have never been high enough for him to have had anything in the bag. Even while the economy was booming, his Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating never climbed above 48%. He won the 2016 election by virtue of winning 3 states (Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) by a combined total of just 105,000 votes.
Isn’t that kind of human nature unfortunately? We never fully understand the other side of an issue until we are forced to deal with it ourselves. People that have never lost a child have no idea what that’s like (I haven’t to be clear). Now I’m not saying that people are unable to sympathize and be caring but they can’t empathize and that’s something totally different.

So why not just support to begin with? If it’s good enough at any point in time it should be good enough at all times.
Trump's own approval numbers have never been high enough for him to have had anything in the bag. Even while the economy was booming, his Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating never climbed above 48%. He won the 2016 election by virtue of winning 3 states (Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) by a combined total of just 105,000 votes.
And that means jack squat to me as a poll of 1,000 or so people being asked who knows what in what way means nothing.
So why not just support to begin with? If it’s good enough at any point in time it should be good enough at all times.
That’s a narrow view though and I don’t mean that as a slight to you. We all have a narrow view based on our own experiences. Have you ever changed your mind on something after you had more input on the subject through experience? Plus, you can’t say the same would apply to all Republicans. It probably would for some other but not all. It depends on how deeply entrenched people are in the issues. There are Democrats that have denounced the party after all the craziness going on the last couple of years. I’m sure some Republicans have denounced the party because they don’t like Trump. Experience helps shape us.
A bit slapdash (obviously made in a few hours since the golfing footage is from today), but decent enough for the point it's trying to make. Would have been good to splice in some of the tweets criticizing Obama for golfing during Ebola and the speech where Trump said he'd be working so hard he'd never have time for golf.


"The president is golfing" is a stupid talking point whether it comes from the right or the left.

If you can golf like a mad man and defeat the Nazis, then it wasn't the golf that made you a bad at your job.

This just ensures the next golfing POTUS will get this lazy talking point every time they hold a putter.

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