2020 Presidential Race

Trump's own approval numbers have never been high enough for him to have had anything in the bag. Even while the economy was booming, his Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating never climbed above 48%. He won the 2016 election by virtue of winning 3 states (Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) by a combined total of just 105,000 votes.

True, but Trump has a highly motivated base. This looks like the 2004 election in a lot of ways. W increased his vote total by 11 million by turning out base voters who weren't motivated in 2000.

The last two incumbents to lose also suffered from low approval/high disapproval like Trump, but those elections had significant 3rd party candidates. Perot got 19% in '92 and Anderson got 7% in '80 (and Reagan was a generational candidate for the GOP).

This is all why I think the job disapproval is the key metric to watch.

Trump is at 53.4% job disapproval right now, and W was at 47.5% on election day. Trump literally needs to stop the troll tweets, which is the thing that rubs most people the wrong way, if he wants to get under 50%.

If he is over 53% on election day and wins, which is possible but highly unlikely, it would be a very bad omen for another divisive, unproductive, and miserable four years.
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Guilty as charged. I'm playing "what-about-ism" here. I will play it a little more with this :

One doesn't have to go back that far to find video of Donald Trump saying that there were "good people on both sides" while defending a white supremacist protest march in Charlottesville, Virginia from August of 2017.
This is a hoax. He never called White supremacists “good people”. You’d think if the orange man were so bad libs wouldn’t have to try and convince people by making up lies
You are calling Barack Obama's Vice President for 8 years a "racist"? Makes perfect sense.

People clutching their pearls at what Biden said are hilarious given that wasn't even as bad as what Trump said THAT day, much less what he's said the past 5 years. The bar is so low for Trump it's underground now because we've normalized having an idiot jackass who says whatever pops in his pea brain as President.

Hell maybe Biden should just embrace it, because he's got a lot of ground to make up with Trump. Dementia? Yes because we don't have 3 years worth of Trump sounding like he just had a stroke and mispronouncing words. Nepotism? Please, Biden is about 4 kids behind Trump. Sexual assault? Biden is about 25 women behind Trump in that dept. Racism/Sexism....Biden can't even make that up in 5 months if he went double time. Age? Looks like a wash to me.
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Lol staged rallies aren’t organic people choice parades. That’s not even a quality effort.
Oh boy. This may be the most intellectually dishonest argument I’ve ever had, and I argued with a guy this morning about whether or not Nazi war criminals were actually war criminals
Oh boy. This may be the most intellectually dishonest argument I’ve ever had, and I argued with a guy this morning about whether or not Nazi war criminals were actually war criminals

Who’s arguing? We’re just watching you fail so far.
Post up some regular folks out in public parading for Biden. Stump speeches don’t cut it.
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The Democrats will get more and more delusional and moronic the closer we get to the November Elections.
Compared to the completely in-touch Trump crowd? Most Trump supporters consider him to be strong, even though he is constantly whining and playing the victim card to death. Here is a list of Trump's current Twitter grievances:

1) Fox News isn't biased enough in his favor and doing enough to help him.

2) Trump is still bitter at Jeff Sessions for recusing after 3 flipping years.

3) Trump wants to establish a panel to stop anti-conservative bias on social media. He is talking about a federal regulatory agency such as the Federal Communications Commission, but dedicated exclusively to bias against conservatives on social media.

4) Trump falsely accused the Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, of sending mail ballots to residents. As his aides later acknowledged, Benson had sent ballot applications - not the ballots themselves - to registered voters, which is a growing practice among state governments including states led by Republicans. Trump even threatened to cut federal funding to Michigan over this false claim.

Trump is always whining about something... and he is always somebody's victim. That isn't strength. It's annoying and pathetic.
Compared to the completely in-touch Trump crowd? Most Trump supporters consider him to be strong, even though he is constantly whining and playing the victim card to death. Here is a list of Trump's current Twitter grievances:

1) Fox News isn't biased enough in his favor and doing enough to help him.

2) Trump is still bitter at Jeff Sessions for recusing after 3 flipping years.

3) Trump wants to establish a panel to stop anti-conservative bias on social media. He is talking about a federal regulatory agency such as the Federal Communications Commission, but dedicated exclusively to bias against conservatives on social media.

4) Trump falsely accused the Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, of sending mail ballots to residents. As his aides later acknowledged, Benson had sent ballot applications - not the ballots themselves - to registered voters, which is a growing practice among state governments including states led by Republicans. Trump even threatened to cut federal funding to Michigan over this false claim.

Trump is always whining about something... and he is always somebody's victim. That isn't strength. It's annoying and pathetic.

Sorry any liberal throwing shade on being a victim, annoying, and pathetic is actually pretty hilarious.
Sorry any liberal throwing shade on being a victim, annoying, and pathetic is actually pretty hilarious.
Maybe it's residual fallout from having been a democrat in the past? Trump definitely feels comfortable playing the victim. He is always complaining about unfair treatment of some kind. Someone out there is doing him wrong. Every day... day after day. Poor Ol' Donald is always being mistreated.

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