2020 Presidential Race

Oh lord, 8 boatloads of MAGAnistas. How shall we ever prevail.

Now if flags could vote, we'd have a problem.
Keep laughing just like in 2016 every poll & the media kept saying Trump didn't stand a chance yet they they just overlooked that he was packing thousands into arena's at his rallies while dims were literally paying people to show up to support Hillary.

Your delusional if you don't think Trump will beat Biden or who ever the dims choose! Bigley!!!
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Elizabeth Warren Bashed High-Dollar Fundraisers. Now She’s Reportedly Hosting One For Joe Biden


Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren made opposition to high-dollar campaign fundraisers a staple of her 2020 presidential campaign, swearing off such events for her campaign and criticizing opponents who didn’t, but now she’s reportedly hosting one for former Vice President Joe Biden.

“I don’t do big-dollar fundraisers at all,” Warren told “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon in December 2019. She reiterated that sentiment repeatedly on the campaign trail and attacked former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg for courting wealthy donors.

But now she is slated to hold a virtual fundraiser for high-dollar Biden donors on June 15, The New York Times reported Saturday, citing three people with knowledge of the plans. (RELATED: Elizabeth Warren Denied Sending Her Kids To Private School, Despite Sending Son To Elite Private School)

Elizabeth Warren Bashed High-Dollar Fundraisers. Now She’s Reportedly Hosting One For Joe Biden
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Keep laughing just like in 2016 every poll & the media kept saying Trump didn't stand a chance yet they they just overlooked that he was packing thousands into arena's at his rallies while dims were literally paying people to show up to support Hillary.

Your delusional if you don't think Trump will beat Biden or who ever the dims choose! Bigley!!!
I certainly hope you’re right but I’m worried the media and Dems have convinced some voters that Trump is somehow to blame for the impact of this virus, which is ludicrous of course. Honestly, Biden doesn’t worry me too much. He’s been around long enough, isn’t as far left as some other candidates were, and he’s played the game long enough that he will somewhat work with Reps on some things. He’s a career politician so he won’t sh1t where he eats. Trump doesn’t care about playing nice with others as he’s out of there after being Prez. What worries me is, when the Dems move Biden out of the way, what’s left? Who’s taking over then? Make no mistake, Biden is just a figurehead. He’s a puppet. Who’s pulling the strings worries me, not Biden.
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I certainly hope you’re right but I’m worried the media and Dems have convinced some voters that Trump is somehow to blame for the impact of this virus, which is ludicrous of course. Honestly, Biden doesn’t worry me too much. He’s been around long enough, isn’t as far left as some other candidates were, and he’s played the game long enough that he will somewhat work with Reps on some things. He’s a career politician so he won’t sh1t where he eats. Trump doesn’t care about playing nice with others as he’s out of there after being Prez. What worries me is, when the Dems move Biden out of the way, what’s left? Who’s taking over then? Make no mistake, Biden is just a figurehead. He’s a puppet. Who’s pulling the strings worries me, not Biden.
The media is so deluded with their lies and their fake polls that they will act shocked when President Trump is reelected:rolleyes: I have no doubt in my mind that President Trump will be reelected!:cool:
I certainly hope you’re right but I’m worried the media and Dems have convinced some voters that Trump is somehow to blame for the impact of this virus, which is ludicrous of course. Honestly, Biden doesn’t worry me too much. He’s been around long enough, isn’t as far left as some other candidates were, and he’s played the game long enough that he will somewhat work with Reps on some things. He’s a career politician so he won’t sh1t where he eats. Trump doesn’t care about playing nice with others as he’s out of there after being Prez. What worries me is, when the Dems move Biden out of the way, what’s left? Who’s taking over then? Make no mistake, Biden is just a figurehead. He’s a puppet. Who’s pulling the strings worries me, not Biden.
Having a ventriloquist dummy as a president should be worrisome in itself. Especially when the agenda is to turn America into a green new deal police state.
If you ain't willing to die, you shouldn't be able to vote! 'Murica!

RNC Sues Gavin Newsom Over 'Brazen Election Power Grab'

It's simply called voter fraud. Dems know the game of deceit and play it very well. Democrats want to steal elections by hook or by crook. Dems can't win elections by playing by the rules. Dems have to cheat to win. Democratic governors are nothing but dictators. That's what they accuse President Trump of. Imagine what America will be if Biden is the winner and only becomes worse of the puppet that he already is.
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RNC Sues Gavin Newsom Over 'Brazen Election Power Grab'

It's simply called voter fraud. Dems know the game of deceit and play it very well. Democrats want to steal elections by hook or by crook. Dems can't win elections by playing by the rules. Dems have to cheat to win. Democratic governors are nothing but dictators. That's what they accuse President Trump of. Imagine what America will be if Biden is the winner and only becomes worse of the puppet that he already is.
Pretty sure the GOP is guilty of gerrymandering more often then the DNC. So you might want to look in the mirror some.
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If you ain't willing to die, you shouldn't be able to vote! 'Murica!

You have a greater chance of dying in a car wreck going to the polling place than dying of Covid . Crawl out from under your table and stop shaking . Soon or later you are going to have to face your fear .
I certainly hope you’re right but I’m worried the media and Dems have convinced some voters that Trump is somehow to blame for the impact of this virus, which is ludicrous of course. Honestly, Biden doesn’t worry me too much. He’s been around long enough, isn’t as far left as some other candidates were, and he’s played the game long enough that he will somewhat work with Reps on some things. He’s a career politician so he won’t sh1t where he eats. Trump doesn’t care about playing nice with others as he’s out of there after being Prez. What worries me is, when the Dems move Biden out of the way, what’s left? Who’s taking over then? Make no mistake, Biden is just a figurehead. He’s a puppet. Who’s pulling the strings worries me, not Biden.
IMO, That's why the dims/media are trying their best to keep the country shutdown. If things look like they are getting back to some semblance of normal with business & industry opening back up they will start rehiring the people they layed off and the dimocrats can't have visual of the economy & stock market starting to tick back up.
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You want to debate the facts on gerrymandering?

No. I don't want to waste my time today with such ticky tack crybaby subjects. It won't make any difference about what's said here debating this or that. Maybe another poster will do that w/you.
I have points to make but I have other things going on today. Not wasting time on gerrymandering.
Have a good Memorial Day....
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So they do gerrymander more, but it’s only because they were in control? That doesn’t really help the case.
It just speaks to the fact that it didn't matter who was in charge, it was gonna happen anyway. Pretending one side is better than the other is pointless and untrue. They both suck, and they both use the same tactics to garner power. It's only "unfair" when it's the other side doing it.
So they do gerrymander more, but it’s only because they were in control? That doesn’t really help the case.
I’d say the clear takeaway is since the Repubs maintain control they’re clearly better at it than the Dems. So add gerrymandering to the long list of failures on the Democratic Party I guess 🤷‍♂️
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