2020 Presidential Race

What a time to be alive when you have to put titles like “potentially misleading” and put fact checks on tweets made by the President of the United States.

People were calling Trump a loon back in 2017 and 2018 over some of his tweets about the Russian investigation and the Muells dirty tactics, some are turning out to be pretty much correct. SO who knows?
It's been pointed out many times that Robert Mueller is a Republican. That never makes a dent with the right, though.
That just causes them to lash out about their other boogeyman: the deep state (or in other words, the vague entity you can blame when your guys are in charge and you still aren’t happy with the way things are going).
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People were calling Trump a loon back in 2017 and 2018 over some of his tweets about the Russian investigation and the Muells dirty tactics, some are turning out to be pretty much correct. SO who knows?
Also called him one when he spent many years pushing the birther junk
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One tried to be and one wants to be. Or are you saying that their tweets only matter when they are President? So if Biden is elected you will say the same thing about his tweets?
No I'm saying that's what the post you quoted for your whataboutism was discussing
I truly think it’s a phenomenal strategy on Trump’s part, though recognize that he could just be doing this to be a prick without any 4D chess at hand.

The media will, by and large, spend their time criticizing Trump no matter what. Would he rather they solely focus on “legitimate” grievances such as COVID-19/Russia/overstep of powers or, conversely, complain about Trump’s remarks regarding a relatively unknown death from 20 years ago? Conspiracy theories tend to be pretty dumb, but also serve as a nice little time waster and I’d much rather have people talking about/researching Joe Scarborough than something harmful towards Trump.

He needs to jump the shark and start dropping Chappaquiddick references to really drum up that media ire.
The left would have to google to set what he would be referring to
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