2020 Presidential Race

Fox News is a rag too, right? They must be biased against Donald Trump, to have released polls with data such as this:

Fox News poll
(conducted among 1,207 registered voters between May 17th and May 20th)

Joe Biden (D) : 48%
Donald Trump (R) : 40%

Also per Fox News: Joe Biden leads by 17 points among voters aged 65 and older and by 13 points among independents. Exit polls found older voters going for Trump by 7 points in 2016, and by 4 points among independents. Fox News also shows Biden with an 8 point lead in Pennsylvania.
O’Biden has it wrapped up he doesn’t need to leave his basement bunker until Inauguration Day
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LW you aren't looking at this deep enough. ABC, NBC, PBS, CBS and CNN are all media leaning rags. All main television channels historically or now.

I was responding to the article posted regarding cable news specifically. I don’t care enough to look into it any deeper than that.
Fox News is a rag too, right? They must be biased against Donald Trump, to have released polls with data such as this:

Fox News poll
(conducted among 1,207 registered voters between May 17th and May 20th)

Joe Biden (D) : 48%
Donald Trump (R) : 40%

Also per Fox News: Joe Biden leads by 17 points among voters aged 65 and older and by 13 points among independents. Exit polls found older voters going for Trump by 7 points in 2016, and by 4 points among independents. Fox News also shows Biden with an 8 point lead in Pennsylvania.
Foxnews had Clinton +10 in July of 2016
Foxnews had Clinton +10 in July of 2016
Yeah, it's early. A lot can change in 5 months. Michael Dukakis had a double digit lead over George Bush in July of 1988... and then came the Willie Horton ad. Dukakis also took an ill-fated joy ride in a tank that was campaign fodder.
Yep. That is the President of the United States promoting a debunked conspiracy theory on social media.
But that's who he has always been. His supporters will just tell you that's what they like and if he's promoting it then there has to be some truth to it.

It's OK when it's kooky, reality TV Trump but the potus should really be better
Yep. That is the President of the United States promoting a debunked conspiracy theory on social media.
Yup. My post copied from another thread:

I’m not sure there’s anything more damning of the president than the fact he’s been promoting a conspiracy theory about Joe Scarborough killing someone and we all just ignore it because we know his word is essentially meaningless.
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But that's who he has always been. His supporters will just tell you that's what they like and if he's promoting it then there has to be some truth to it.

It's OK when it's kooky, reality TV Trump but the potus should really be better

I truly think it’s a phenomenal strategy on Trump’s part, though recognize that he could just be doing this to be a prick without any 4D chess at hand.

The media will, by and large, spend their time criticizing Trump no matter what. Would he rather they solely focus on “legitimate” grievances such as COVID-19/Russia/overstep of powers or, conversely, complain about Trump’s remarks regarding a relatively unknown death from 20 years ago? Conspiracy theories tend to be pretty dumb, but also serve as a nice little time waster and I’d much rather have people talking about/researching Joe Scarborough than something harmful towards Trump.

He needs to jump the shark and start dropping Chappaquiddick references to really drum up that media ire.
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