2020 Presidential Race

Biden VP wildcard

damnit. I just chortled.
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Former CBS News President Confirms Most Cable News Hates You, Trump Supporters

In an op-ed at the Wall Street Journal Monday, a former head of CBS News confirms what the nation has known for some time, whether parts of it wanted to admit it or not: the mainstream media has become “unrelentingly liberal.”


Van Gordon Sauter, who served as president of CBS News from 1982-83 and then again in 1986, says that two out of the three leading cable news networks, claiming neutrality to the last but spurred by their “fear and loathing of President Trump,” have accelerated what was a creeping tilt toward leftism to become the mouthpiece of “the resistance.”

The news media is catching up with the liberalism of the professoriate, the entertainment industry, upscale magazines and the literary world. Recent arrivals are the late-night TV hosts who have broken the boundaries of what was considered acceptable political humor for networks.

To many journalists, objectivity, balance and fairness—once the gold standard of reporting—are not mandatory in a divided political era and in a country they believe to be severely flawed. That assumption folds neatly into their assessment of the president. To the journalists, including more than a few Republicans, he is a blatant vulgarian, an incessant prevaricator, and a dangerous leader who should be ousted next January, if not sooner. Much of journalism has become the clarion voice of the “resistance,” dedicated to ousting the president, even though he was legally elected and, according to the polls, enjoys the support of about 44% of likely 2020 voters.​
Interestingly, Sauter lays out the reasons that the situation has devolved to the extent that there is no going back. “The media likes what it is doing. Admires it. Celebrates it. There is no personal, professional or financial reason to change. If anything, the gap will expand,” he writes.

But he does believe, as Mediaite’s Dan Abram’s has suggested, candor could help the profession survive, even if it’s not likely to win viewers from the Trump-faithful.
Of the three major cable news networks, two are liberal and one is conservative, and OANN is quickly becoming the equalizer.

This is not news.
These are the results from the most recent RASMUSSEN REPORTS Poll (as of today, May 26th, for polling which was conducted between May 21st and May 25th, with 1,500 "Likely Voters" having been polled) that is currently showing on RealClearPolitics.com.

Donald Trump's Job Approval Ratings:

Approve: 44%
Disapprove: 55%

These are not good numbers from a poll that has been very fair to Donald Trump in the 40 months since his inauguration. Trump frequently tweets the data from Rasmussen Reports polls, and he has even referred to Rasmussen Reports as having the most reliable poll (while citing Rasmussen Reports polls from the 2016 Presidential General Election as the primary example), and Trump has also referred to them as being his personal favorite poll. Rasmussen Reports does NOT have an anti-Trump agenda.
LW you aren't looking at this deep enough. ABC, NBC, PBS, CBS and CNN are all media leaning rags. All main television channels historically or now.
It’s not rocket science. Trump is the definition of the guy who kills himself. He is weak minded. What other leader would attack someone like Scarborough? What other leader would be the victim every day? Not one. He’s a pansy.
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It’s not rocket science. Trump is the definition of the guy who kills himself. He is weak minded. What other leader would attack someone like Scarborough? What other leader would be the victim every day? Not one. He’s a pansy.

I don't know. I quit watching MSNBC on a regular basis years ago. It was like picking up the Enquirer at news stands. A hair worse than CNN.
I don't know. I quit watching MSNBC on a regular basis years ago. It was like picking up the Enquirer at news stands. A hair worse than CNN.
Ok. Let me ask you this. Why did all of Trumps “Best Generals” get the hell out of the admin? The answer is easy. It’s because he has no business doing this job.
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LW you aren't looking at this deep enough. ABC, NBC, PBS, CBS and CNN are all media leaning rags. All main television channels historically or now.
Fox News is a rag too, right? They must be biased against Donald Trump, to have released polls with data such as this:

Fox News poll
(conducted among 1,207 registered voters between May 17th and May 20th)

Joe Biden (D) : 48%
Donald Trump (R) : 40%

Also per Fox News: Joe Biden leads by 17 points among voters aged 65 and older and by 13 points among independents. Exit polls found older voters going for Trump by 7 points in 2016, and by 4 points among independents. Fox News also shows Biden with an 8 point lead in Pennsylvania.
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The link you have provided is quite a bit different than what Donald Trump has been doing with Joe Scarborough, isn't it? The Biden camp's attack on Catherine Herridge was related to her reporting. Trump's attack on Scarborough is not only a very personal one, but it is also a debunked conspiracy theory. Trump basically accused Scarborough of murdering a staff member of his, named Lori Klausutis, back in 2001, even though Scarborough was in Washington D.C. at the time of her death, while Klausutis died in Fort Walton Beach, Florida - 965 miles away. A coroner concluded that the death of Lori Klausutis was the result of an undiagnosed heart condition which caused her to fall and hit her head on a desk. The conspiracy theory that Trump has been trying to advance suggests that Scarborough and Klausutis were having an affair, and that he murdered her. There is no evidence in support of this, however. That hasn't stopped Trump from reaching down into the lowest depths of human behavior and treating this conspiracy theory as if it is an established fact. Lori Klausutis's husband, Timothy, has denounced Trump's smear against Scarborough and called on Twitter to take down the tweets about his wife's death.

You are trying to play "what-about-ism" with an example which is not similar at all to Donald Trump spreading a debunked conspiracy theory.
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