2020 Presidential Race

Nikki Haley

Biden opposed the raid that killed Bin Laden. He opposed the attack that killed Iranian general Soleimani, the terrorist mastermind who was responsible for the death of American troops. Biden continues to be on the wrong side of America’s biggest foreign policy questions.
And he didn't speak out against the rioting and looting until Don Lemon pointed out it was costing him in the polls.
The division is a orchestrated mindset. I’m a registered Democrat but their message of lawlessness and division is too much for me. I’ll be voting for Trump in November.

I have said as much on here. This lawlessness has cost them the election and they do not even know it.
Trump will dominate on Election Day

I'm enjoying the confidence in Trump's chances you guys have today. He does have the advantage of incumbency, so maybe it is not misplaced.

Allow me to help.

Biden's lead dropped 0.9% since yesterday alone. At this rate he loses on election day by 53.7% by my calculation. That's going to be huge.


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Just as pointing fingers at "limp wristed leftist politicians" is an easy solution for trump lovers. As you know, there's a long history in this country of law enforcement practicing systemic racism. Having a man in charge (or who's supposed to be in charge) of the country who ignores such a thing does nothing to help.
Maybe we should elect a minority. Surely it would be a priority for them to fix this racist system that held them and theirs down. I am sure it would be their only goal and we would hear daily about all that gets done about.

If only we would do that.
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Maybe we should elect a minority. Surely it would be a priority for them to fix this racist system that held them and theirs down. I am sure it would be their only goal and we would hear daily about all that gets done about.

If only we would do that.

8 years ...
Maybe we should elect a minority. Surely it would be a priority for them to fix this racist system that held them and theirs down. I am sure it would be their only goal and we would hear daily about all that gets done about.

If only we would do that.
And give him or her unassailable majorities in both houses of Congress for at least two years. That’s a recipe to fix anything.

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