2020 Presidential Race

They can spin all they want. It was a trial balloon to see if the public will allow Biden to stay in his basement.
I wonder if they are just trying to lower the bar and if he makes it through without losing his teeth or wetting himself he succeeded...seems strange for a man of his means would have false teeth instead if inplants
A dichotomy of hiding Joe or having it seem as Harris is leading the ticket
Keeping Biden out of circulation is job one. Harris was hand-picked by the power behind the curtain and will succeed Biden (assuming they win) before his 4 years is up, and they don’t seem worried about that fact being in your face.
I love how the audience doesn't know if to clap or not when Invanka pauses, it's like they don't know the difference between right and wrong.
Wow, looks like Baltimore needs a lot of work. I assume Republicans are chomping at the bit to provide all that funding needed to make it better. You know, things like building quality affordable housing, greater funds for education and drug addiction treatment, childcare support so single mothers can join the workforce, money for better parks. Right? That sounds like stuff Republicans are 100% in support of.
apparently the Democratic’s aren’t either. They’ve had 53 years of control of that city and it looks like sh##. All those years and they’ve yet to do anything positive to help the people of Baltimore. And what about Chicago, Philadelphia, LA, Dallas, San Francisco, Detroit, Memphis, Atlanta, and New Orleans? All controlled by Democrats and I’m betting they all look the same as Baltimore at least in parts.
apparently the Democratic’s aren’t either. They’ve had 53 years of control of that city and it looks like sh##. All those years and they’ve yet to do anything positive to help the people of Baltimore. And what about Chicago, Philadelphia, LA, Dallas, San Francisco, Detroit, Memphis, Atlanta, and New Orleans? All controlled by Democrats and I’m betting they all look the same as Baltimore at least in parts.


How about more so, underage girls stop making babies, all kids go to school and graduate so they understand basic arithmetic and reading and writing, so maybe, they could find employment, and why is the education so bad, yep, decades of nothing by Democrats to make schools better.

Drug addiction, that is a you problem, don't do it, don't have to worry, and if you do, not my problem you idiot.

The post responded to makes the point, stop being nothing by wanting something.

And, to EL, as someone who has put my money where my mouth is, and my time, I challenge you to answer this, how many thousands of hours have you put your sweat equity in.......time......money....not talking about your" profession", talking about you, and your spare time.....because I can assume from the time you spend on here, it is absolutely zilch. So, get off here and twitter, and go do something in these area's I know you would never step foot in.
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