2020 Presidential Race

Yes the f*** he can. Lol. Look at where this is happening. I agree a carpet bomb would be great though.
He's the president, genius. He's been in charge for 3 1/2 years and this is the mood he has set in this country. When are you guys going to start thinking for yourselves and quit supping up their propaganda? Geeze.
He's the president, genius. He's been in charge for 3 1/2 years and this is the mood he has set in this country. When are you guys going to start thinking for yourselves and quit supping up their propaganda? Geeze.

Lol. He set the mood. Lol ok. I hate good people have lost their lives but I’m glad the radical left has been exposed for what they are. Just keep doing what you’re doing.

Get ready for the shifts in every swing state. If these riots keep up and Dems continue to let it happen/support the protesters you are going to see a Trump landslide.

The largest contrast in this election for Trump will be the suburban women and black votes as they will have drastic swings to his side.

The bad thing is Dems are so high on themselves (ala 2016) that they won't see it happening.
Lol. He set the mood. Lol ok. I hate good people have lost their lives but I’m glad the radical left has been exposed for what they are. Just keep doing what you’re doing.
At least I can think for myself, man.

Keep doing what you're doing and accepting what the con man is selling. If he's reelected, sit back and watch the country further disintegrate. Of course by then he'll be blaming the dem that happens to be running in '24.
At least I can think for myself, man.

Keep doing what you're doing and accepting what the con man is selling. If he's reelected, sit back and watch the country further disintegrate. Of course by then he'll be blaming the dem that happens to be running in '24.

You sound concerned if he’s re-elected. I’m not.
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He's the president, genius. He's been in charge for 3 1/2 years and this is the mood he has set in this country. When are you guys going to start thinking for yourselves and quit supping up their propaganda? Geeze.

Every single thing you say come directly from a left wing propaganda media outlet .
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Orange man deepens the divide by stoking racism, pandering to uneducated white folks and the 1%'s, and by villainizing anyone that doesn't agree with him.
This all happens under his watch, then he turns the White House and Rose Garden into nothing more than backdrops for his bs infomercial.
During his infomercial, he attempts to spread fear about the protests and riots that are occurring under his watch, and to some degree are stoked by the undercurrent of anger related to the very racial strife he promotes.
Basically, he has created a sh!t show for the last 3 1/2 years, and then turns around and says, "if you want this violence to continue, then vote for Sleepy Joe."
Makes perfect sense to me!

Dude you are definitely a lost sheep
I keep hearing that Trump wants these riots. This is "his" America they (Dems/CNN) keep saying.

The dummies at CNN intentionally have the memory of a goldfish. In reality, Trump has offered federal police and national guard troops to help out at these places, yet Democrats have either called him a fascist, or completely rejected Trump's offers.

It's such BS dishonesty..
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Orange man deepens the divide by stoking racism, pandering to uneducated white folks and the 1%'s, and by villainizing anyone that doesn't agree with him.
This all happens under his watch, then he turns the White House and Rose Garden into nothing more than backdrops for his bs infomercial.
During his infomercial, he attempts to spread fear about the protests and riots that are occurring under his watch, and to some degree are stoked by the undercurrent of anger related to the very racial strife he promotes.
Basically, he has created a sh!t show for the last 3 1/2 years, and then turns around and says, "if you want this violence to continue, then vote for Sleepy Joe."
Makes perfect sense to me!

Under Trump's watch? When Trump did a minimal amount to stop the violence we were gifted this thread.

Trump Secret police

And if he were to try again, I'm sure you would be right there calling him a fascist again.

You are partially right. For this madness to stop, Trump has to be reelected AND all of these Democrat cities need full political turnover. Not enough to just reelect.
I keep hearing that Trump wants these riots. This is "his" America they (Dems/CNN) keep saying.

The dummies at CNN intentionally have the memory of a goldfish. Trump has offered federal police and national guard troops to help out at these places, yet Democrats have either called him a fascist, or completely rejected Trump's offers.

It's such BS dishonesty on a level I've never seen before.

Just watch because this is the new talking point , watch how many from the left start pushing it now . The water is getting hot and they need to take the heat off the riots that people are getting sick of .
He's the president, genius. He's been in charge for 3 1/2 years and this is the mood he has set in this country. When are you guys going to start thinking for yourselves and quit supping up their propaganda? Geeze.

You guys really need to get our of your feelz. I mean the mood he set? Give me a break.
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He's the president, genius. He's been in charge for 3 1/2 years and this is the mood he has set in this country. When are you guys going to start thinking for yourselves and quit supping up their propaganda? Geeze.
You can't discount it, but In some part, this "mood" is a strategy. There's a reason that people keep talking about rioters showing up from out of town.

This is a partisan poll that had Trump up 2.7 before the conventions.

If you look into the breakouts it has him up 1.6 now, or -1.1 from two weeks ago.

So Trump's big momentum poll you guys are rallying around is one that shows him trending in the wrong direction?

Actually, that sounds about right for Cult 45. LOL.
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