2020 Presidential Race

Orange man deepens the divide by stoking racism, pandering to uneducated white folks and the 1%'s, and by villainizing anyone that doesn't agree with him.
This all happens under his watch, then he turns the White House and Rose Garden into nothing more than backdrops for his bs infomercial.
During his infomercial, he attempts to spread fear about the protests and riots that are occurring under his watch, and to some degree are stoked by the undercurrent of anger related to the very racial strife he promotes.
Basically, he has created a sh!t show for the last 3 1/2 years, and then turns around and says, "if you want this violence to continue, then vote for Sleepy Joe."
Makes perfect sense to me!
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Orange man deepens the divide by stoking racism, pandering to uneducated white folks and the 1%'s, and by villainizing anyone that doesn't agree with him.
This all happens under his watch, then he turns the White House and Rose Garden into nothing more than backdrops for his bs infomercial.
During his infomercial, he attempts to spread fear about the protests and riots that are occurring under his watch, and to some degree are stoked by the undercurrent of anger related to the very racial strife he promotes.
Basically, he has created a sh!t show for the last 3 1/2 years, and then turns around and says, "if you want this violence to continue, then vote for Sleepy Joe."
Makes perfect sense to me!

It is always someone else's fault. You can't blame Trump for people acting the fool in the streets the individual is the only person to blame.
DEM Meltdown
Nancy Pelosi Encourages Biden to Cower and Refuse to Debate Trump

The Dims just keep folding. How will Joe handle the pressure talking to other world leaders if he can’t stand on the same stage with Trump? He can, his followers know he can but he will stutter something stupid about Trumps small hands remind him of Corn Pop with hair legs that kids loved to rub the hair on his legs or some other stupid sh!t that Joe mutters.

Kinda feel sorry for the dementia ridden Bidden.

Pure insanity. These people are crazy.

The Democrats let them all out of the jails and the prisons......what did you expect was going to happen?
It's the Democrats that want lawlessness in the streets and for the mobs to rule & to be in total control.
If you want more of this from your country's Dem rulers ...... then by all means vote for facists Joe & Harris.
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