2020 Presidential Race

Shut it back down!

The Republican governors are going to tell the President and VP to suk it and laugh at them , that will be their first priority . How to make governors do what they say . They will get the same treatment the Dem governors are giving Trump and there’s not but one thing they can do about it .. Martial law and guarantee losing both houses and the oval . . That will be fun .
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Yea. But it's not as big of a lie.
There is a 93% chance that Trump loses a fair and legitimate election.
His lie is much bigger.

You continually surpass your own unbelievable level of stupidity with each post you make. It's astonishing to believe, but damn if you aren't up to the task.
Dr. Gardner, the author, is an accomplished man.

Here is some background of his most recent activities:

In the first months of 2017 Gartner collected the signatures of more than 25,000 mental health professionals and laypersons. The petition, "Mental Health Professionals Declare Trump is Mentally Ill And Must Be Removed", was sent to the Minority leader, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York.[5] At the end of April 2017, Gartner sent the petition to Washington D.C. with more than 41,000 signatures, although he failed to disclose that it was not only of mental health professionals.[3]

The petition's declaration stated that: We, the undersigned mental health professionals (please state your degree), believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office".[6]

According to Gartner, President Trump's mental handicaps are a mixture of narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy and a measure of sadism.[7] -wikipedia

I wonder if he has an agenda?
Dr. Gardner, the author, is an accomplished man.

Here is some background of his most recent activities:

In the first months of 2017 Gartner collected the signatures of more than 25,000 mental health professionals and laypersons. The petition, "Mental Health Professionals Declare Trump is Mentally Ill And Must Be Removed", was sent to the Minority leader, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York.[5] At the end of April 2017, Gartner sent the petition to Washington D.C. with more than 41,000 signatures, although he failed to disclose that it was not only of mental health professionals.[3]

The petition's declaration stated that: We, the undersigned mental health professionals (please state your degree), believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office".[6]

According to Gartner, President Trump's mental handicaps are a mixture of narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy and a measure of sadism.[7] -wikipedia

I wonder if he has an agenda?
Maybe but he dam4sure has TDS.
How much you wanna bet he's got his fingers in some scam selling his autographs?
I'm pretty sure he is violating some law basically paying First Responders with his autograph. He even said he won't put his name on it so it's worth more to sale. He can't even imagine some people want it for themselves and it's not always about making a dollar.
If Trump wins again maybe we can at least switch over to his version of History.

I want to know more about how George Washington liberated the airports, about how the 1917 pandemic ended WWII, about how Andrew Jackson should have stopped the Civil War he was so angry about, about how Canada burned down the White House, about how he used to party with Frederick Douglass, and of course about the bloodiest battle of the Civil War called "The River of Blood" which occurred at Trump National Golf Course.

Maybe Kelly Anne Conway can do a chapter on the Bowling Green Massacre. Sean Spicer could explain again how the Nazis didn't even have chemical weapons.

Very few school children learn any of this in school. Sad!
Or that Juneteenth massacre? Wait, that was Biden. Carry on.
We know what this is really about and it ain't COVID-19. Otherwise those people that don't won't to stand in line could get an absentee ballot. They think and could be right that the majority of the country is liberal. They want to almost "force" them to vote.

If they got a bad as$ kid, like the ones that go out at night to riot, then they may steal the ballot and turn it in for them. Maybe they'll get a bunch that aren't eligible to vote too for good measure.
I heard the very people that used to do it talking about how they used to go to senior centers in the Chicago area and collect votes from the staff who coerced seniors to vote a certain way. There’s nothing wrong with using the absentee system if need be and having voting in person. If you want to make it so you don’t have to have a reason other than COVID to request the ballot then fine but you should still have to request the ballot and prove your identity.
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I'm pretty sure he is violating some law basically paying First Responders with his autograph. He even said he won't put his name on it so it's worth more to sale. He can't even imagine some people want it for themselves and it's not always about making a dollar.

You seem to have a hard time realizing this man is an entrepreneur and not a politician and therefore he always see an angle to make a profit.

It's just how true entrepreneurs are wired.
I heard the very people that used to do it talking about how they used to go to senior centers in the Chicago area and collect votes from the staff who coerced seniors to vote a certain way. There’s nothing wrong with using the absentee system if need be and having voting in person. If you want to make it so you don’t have to have a reason other than COVID to request the ballot then fine but you should still have to request the ballot and prove your identity.

Oh yeah rampant cheating is in play. They will do anything they can to break the rules. That is a given. People can be out of their minds and the dem's will collect their vote. That is what this is about.
I think pushing to bring in more Hispanic illegals will ultimately not play into this version of the democratic Party's hands because Hispanics are have a more firmly knit connection with family and conservative social issues.
Dems think they can just promise POC free stuff and it’ll buy their vote. The elitist, condescending attitude by a lot of Dems comes through loud and clear as they don’t think POC will think beyond their desire for a handout. Some won’t and some will but the Dems expect the vote from all POC, just ask Joe.

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