2020 Presidential Race

How epic would it be if Trump is the Reagan to Bidenā€™s Mondale? When this happened, the Dems shifted into the New Democrats that brought us Bill Clinton.
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To be fair that is a 3 sec clip. We can't make heads or tails out of that. He might have prefaced it with "Trumps says..."
He did. Not a Joe supporter... and would have liked him to field questions but it was an effective speech to stem the bleeding. Now Trump needs to address the discrepancies of his previous stances and not just call him names.
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Lots of Dems on Twitter begging Joe to come out and do rallys... problem is he has no supporters his only support comes from anti Trump...he didn't have any crowds on the campaign trail and was basically given the nomination when the DNC told the other moderates to drop out

He's got bigger problems than that you dog faced pony solider.
I just want him to mention beating corn pops ass.
I think it says alot that Biden had to tell a lie that was pretty easily debunked about his fracking stance...think his internals were looking bad for PA
This weird thing Biden does... he says something, Trump criticizes him for it, then turns around and says the opposite and calls Trump a liar, but never has to answer for it because he never takes any questions.

That is exactly what Beijing Biden does. All of his statements are made with no followup questions, no challenges and he avoids having to show he generates no excitement on the campaign trail with all of these 3rd grad gimmicks.

As I mentioned earlier the guy is clearly on defense and right where you want him. Trump has pulled him out the basement and is dictating this election. Biden is Dukakis 2020.
That is exactly what Beijing Biden does. All of his statements are made with no followup questions, no challenges and he avoids having to show he generates no excitement on the campaign trail with all of these 3rd grad gimmicks.

As I mentioned earlier the guy is clearly on defense and right where you want him. Trump has pulled him out the basement and is dictating this election. Biden is Dukakis 2020.
Alls we need is a photoshop of Beijing Biden wearing an oversized ChiComm helmet sitting in a Chinese tank.
There in Pittsburgh saying he wonā€™t ban fracking and calls Trump a liar. Wtf. The dude has called for fracking bans his entire campaign

I hope people aren't dumb enough to fall for it. The right behind guy mentions is clean energy plan, code for Green New Deal. He is never questioned. He intentionally avoids these settings. He is going to lobby for any moderators for the debate be friendly.

He knows he can't generate a crowd either so this Chinese virus was a very convenient excuse.

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